Standartisation pollutants in air of a working zone.
Standartisation pollutants in air of a working zone. Air of a working zone - air of industrial and other premises, which pollution influences at workers. At normalization term of influence pays off for 40-50 years (the maximal seniority), therefore maximal permissible concentrations pollutants in air of working zone a little bit above, than maximal permissible concentration in atmospheric air. At normalization substances in air of a working zone it is studied also the opportunity of the skin action on organism in experiments on animals.
Standartisation harmful substances in water of reservoirs. Normalization in water depends on a kind of water use: Drinking, household, recreational, balneological, industrial, fishing, meliorative, transport. Depending on a kind of water use various criteria of harm are applied, therefore maximal permissible concentration for the same substance can differ on some orders. Hygienic specifications are established on first four kinds of water use. 3 main attributes (criteria) of harmful action are studied: 1) organoleptic (limit levels on change organoleptic properties of water) 2) general sanitary (limit concentration on influence on saprofyt microflora, oxygen mode of the reservoir, providing processes autopurification reservoir from pollution) 3) toxicologic (definition limit and invalid concentration of substance in experiements on animals by toxic, specific and remote effects).
Hygienic standartisation harmful substances in food stuffs. As specifications pollutants in products are used MPC and MPAL (maximal possible - allowable level - for pesticides in products). Substantiation MPC in products demand very difficult researches, therefore while are established maximal permissible concentrations in food for few substances. Feature standartisation in products - MPC are established with calculation the size of ADR (allowable daily receipt harmful substance in an organism), thus it is taken into account receipt pollutant in an organism not only with products, but also with drinking water and air. Attributes (criteria) harmful action at standartisation in products. 1) organoleptic - influence on organoleptic properties of a product 2) hygienic - preservation food value by the major nutrients – proteins, fats, vitamins etc. 3) Technologic - transformations pollutant at culinary (thermal) processing product, formation more toxic products 4) Toxicologic - studying toxic, specific and remote effects at introduction to laboratory animal.
Hygienic standartisation strange (exogenic) chemical substances (SHS) in ground. SHS - substances of anthropogenous origin, purposely (pesticides, fertilizers) or accidentally (heavy metals, mineral oil etc. ) brought by the person in ground. Ground is a burial place of waste products and it is necessary at normalization SHS to keep processes of autopurification, and also to prevent pollution of subsoil waters and atmospheric air.
Maximal permissible concentration of SHS in ground is such, which at direct contact to organism of the person (work on the ground) or at migration on ecological circuits guarantees absence negative action on health of the person, does not break processes of autopurification of ground and does not influence at sanitary conditions of life of the population.
Basic attributes of harm at standartisation SHS in ground 1. Organoleptic - on change organoleptic properties of air, subsoil waters, the vegetative products contacting to ground, containing various concentration of normalized substance. 2. General sanitary - influence on microflora of ground and processes of its autopurification. 3. Phytoaccumulative (translocation) - on accumulation normalized substance in vegetative products (is not higher than maximal permissible concentration for products) 4. Air - migratory - on evaporation substance in atmospheric air above ground (is not higher than MPC for air) 5. Water-migratory - on accumulation substance in subsoil waters (is not higher than MPC for water). 6. Toxicologic - on toxical, specific and remote effects on laboratory animals at skin or inhalation action together with a soil dust.
HYGIENIC ESTIMATION OBJECTS OF THE ENVIRONMENT AT JOINT POLLUTION In real conditions in environment we meet many pollutants, harmful factors, which give combinated effects environment pollution on the person and living organisms. Kinds of combinated action: 1. The combination effect - on the organism acts simultaneously some factors of identical nature, for example, only physical (noise and vibration) or only chemical (chemical substances). 2. Complex action - harmful factor affect the organism in different ways simultaneously (for example, with inhalated air, with nutrition, with water, goes through a skin). 3. Combined action - action on the organism some factors of different nature, for example, chemical materials and radiation affect. In real conditions the organism of the person is influenced, as a rule, not by one, and some harmful factors, thus it joint effect (Combination action) can considerably differ from separate action of one factor.
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