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3. Remote and specific effects pollution of biosphere.

3. Remote and specific effects pollution of biosphere.

Allergenic, gonadothopic, embryothropic, mutagenic, cancerogenic effects of environmental contamination which arise at the population in many years after influence pollutant or in the subsequent generations.



The indirect negative influence pollution expressing in influence on health of population or a condition of its life through ecological interrelations in a nature (for example, at pollution of an atmosphere the level of a ultra-violet irradiation is reduced - growth a rickets at children, acid rains - destruction a crop, transition pollutant from one object of environment in another etc. ).

Methodical approaches to studying influence quality of environment on Health of the population

1) Traditional methods - researches go from pollution of environment - to health of population. There allocate 2 main concepts:

- Factorial attribute - X - the factor (s) of environment which action on health is studied;

- Productive attribute Y - the parameter (s) of health of the population

     There are 4 basic мethodical schemes of researches:

1) X - > Y Studying influence one factor of environment on one parameter of health;

2) X - > Sum Y Action one factor of environment on a complex of parameters of health;

3) Sum X - > Y Action complex of factors of environment on one parameter of health;

4) Sum X - > Sum Y Action complex of factors on a complex of parameters of health.

2. Nonconventional (inversive) methods - use more often recently, especially abroad. A way of researches - from a state of health of population to revealing the most powerful factors of the environment, determining a level of health, with the purpose of it elimination or minimization.

Concept about zones of supervision (research).

Zone of supervision - the certain territory on which it is studied influence of ecological conditions on health of population.

At realization researches necessarily choose

3 zones of supervision:

      1. Skilled zone - territories on which pollution of environment under the investigated factor (complex of factors) essentially exceeds MPC

      2. Zone Control № 1 - where pollution is at level of MPC

    3. Zone Control № 2 - where pollution is much lower than MPC or is absent.

Rules of a choice zones of supervision.

The chosen zones of supervision should be identical by the following parameters: By social and economic conditions and a way of life of the population, By sex, age, professional structure of the population, By amount of the population.

Differ these zones should be only by level of environmental contamination.




Theme 4: Principles of sanitary examination food products. Sanitary examination of milk.            


        Actuality of theme.

For the doctor of any speciality it is necessary to know rules of estimation quality of food products with the purpose of strengthening and preservation of health of the man. The biological and food value of food products is kept under condition of it high quality adequate standard. During reception, storage, transportation or at processing the foodstuff can be exposed to damage, pollution by chemical substances, by microorganisms and etc. Therefore it is necessary to carry out strict sanitary supervision of food products at all stages of it manufacture and realization.

        For definition quality of foodstuff it sanitary examination will be carried out. The doctor should be able to reveal changes parameters of food quality: organoleptic properties, presence of harmful impurity and reasons damage of foodstuff, and also to establish the order of it realization.


 Kinds of State sanitary control under quality of food products

There are 2 kinds of State sanitary control under quality of food products:

- preventive – sanitary control projects of future eating establishments, hygienic reglamentation nutrients and harmful substances in food products,

- current – sanitary control working eating establisments, markets, sanitary experise quality food products

Method of sanitary expertise in hygiene.

Sanitary expertise of any object meens investigation main indexes of quality and comparison with it norms (specifications), after it is making conclusion about possibility of using this object for population.

Sanitary expertise food products is need in such cases:

1) At making current sanitary control of eating establishments, markets by sanitary service

2) At the investigation cases of food poisonings, intestinal infection diseases for confirmation diagnosis nature of disease.

Place of making Sanitary expertize food products

Sanitary expertise of food products is made in laboratory department of hygiene of nutrition of sanitary epidemiologic station


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