4. Food poisonings of not investigated aethyology
4. FOOD POISONINGS OF NOT INVESTIGATED AETHYOLOGY Urov illness (Kashin – Beck illness). Now it is established, that it hyperpolymicroelementosis (strontium rickets). Endemic disease - the river Urova in Eastern Siberia and some other territories on the Earth. Deformation of skeleton during growth, heavy violations of exchange. Gaffen illness. Gaffen gulf in Holland. Arise at the use of fish from some reservoirs in some periods. The reason is not established, possible - at flowering water toxic seaweed are formed, toxins collect in a fish. The official diagnosis – it is alimentary paroxysmal-toxic myoglobinuria (exit of muscular protein myoglobin in blood and in urine). Attacks of sharp muscular painsand sharp renal insufficiency in view of мyoglobinaemia. It is necessary haemodialis. Poisoning with meat of female quail. Sometimes - gasthroenteritis a different degree of weight. The reason is not established.
TACTICS OF THE DOCTOR AT SUSPICION ABOUT FOOD POISONING 1. Statement the preliminary diagnosis on the basis: а) Gathering the food anamnesis (what products eat the patient) at the patient or relatives, b) Clinic with characteristic symptoms 2. Rendering emergency medical aid under vital indications - cardiacs, respiratory analeptics, etc. 3. Confirmation the diagnosis: а) Gathering and sending in laboratory of hygiene of nutrition of SES the rests of food, washing waters of stomach, emetic weights, faecalies, blood, urine. b) Write " Accompanying direction on laboratory research" (see below) with the indication the reason of selection test products and on what method of laboratory researches products. 4. Desintoxication therapy: washing a stomach, plentiful drink, antibiotics, droppers. At a botulism - antibotulinic serum, anatoxine. 5. Prevention mass food poisoning – to write and send to SES " Emergency notice about food poisoning" and to inform in SES by the phone (it is especial if a poisoning on a public nutrition establishment). After reception of the emergency notice doctors SES within 24 hours will carry out investigation food poisoning - sanitary inspection public nutrition establishment, medical survey of it personnel, offer plan preventive measures (see below). 6. Hospitalization patientat the appropriate indications in infectious department of hospital by first aid.
Final lesson on General Hygiene and Hygiene of nutrition (Module 1 Control).
The educational questions: 1. Subject and basic sections of hygiene. A history of development of hygiene. 2. Basic laws of hygiene and it importance for preservation of health of the population and protection of an environment. 3. Basic methods of hygienic researches, examples. 4. Interrelation and difference of hygiene and ecology and other medical sciences. 5. Concept about environment and biosphere, it components.
6. Classification of the factors of environment in hygiene and ecology. 7. The basic criteria of quality (level of pollution) of environment. 8. Concept about the hygienic specifications of the harmful factors in an environment, it versions, examples. 9. Basic principles of hygienic reglamentation of the harmful factors in an environment. 10. Features hygienic reglamentation pollutants in air and water, limiting attributes of harm action. 11. Features hygienic reglamentation pollutants in food products and soil, limiting attributes of harm action. 12. Principles of hygienic reglamentation bacterial pollution in objects of an environment, exa-mples of such specifications. 13. Principles of hygienic estimation objects of an environment at joint pollution in view of a type of the combined action. 14. Structure of sanitary - epidemiologic services of Ukraine, of sanitary - epidemiologic station. Kinds of state sanitary supervision and forms of its realization. 15. Subject and tasks of ecology, interrelation and differences from hygiene. 16. Classification of the ecological factors, kinds of influence it on organisms. 17. Laws of action of the ecological factors on organism (law of ecological optimum, zones of pessimum). Concepts about ecological valency and spectrum of a kind. 18. Concept about trofic circuits in ecology, importance it investigation for hygiene. 19. Ecosystems and biocenosis, it basic characteristics and properties. 20. Concept «health of the population», major factors influencing on health of the population. Importance of hygiene in improvement of main parameters of health of the population. 21. Basic parameters of health of the population, using it for investigation influence of quality of an environment. 22. Concept about environmental diseases, it main groups. 23. Direct and indirect negative influence of pollution of an environment on health of the population and condition of its life, examples. 24. Methods of study of influence of quality of an environment on health of the population. Rules of a choice of zones of supervision. 25. Basic sources and factors of pollution of an environment, protection of biosphere from anthropogenous pollution. Hygienic measures in this area. 26. State sanitary supervision in the field of hygiene of a feed, its kinds and examples of realization. 27. Sanitary expertise food product. In what cases it is necessary. Methods of sanitary examination of food products and examples of it realization. 28. Rules of selection tests of products for laboratory research. Classification quality food products, examples. 29. Hygienic characteristic of meat, fish, eggs as food products. Methods of sanitary examination of milk: main indexes, devices and norms. 30. Basic sections of hygiene of nutrition. The purpose and tasks rational, preventive, treatment - preventive and medical nutrition 31. Norms of nutrition of the population, parameters which are taken into account at it drawing up. Modern problems of nutrition of the population in Ukraine. 32. Classification alimentary and alimentary-caused diseases, role of the doctor in it diagnostics and treatment. 33. Classification primary alimentary diseases: examples, treatment and prevention.
34. Basic principles of a rational nutrition (balanced diet) of the healthy man. 35. Methods of check observance of principles of a balanced diet at the separate person. 36. Functions of proteins in nutrition. Attributes of full value of protein and examples various on value proteins. 37. Irreplaceable amino acids for the adult and for children: daily need, importance in nutrition, products – suppliers. 38. Concept about protein norm and protein minimum, account protein minimum. Protein problem and hygienic estimation ways of its decision 39. Importance fats in nutrition. Classification and hygienic characteristic of fatty acids. 40. Poly-unsaturated fat acids of families оmega-3 and оmega-6: the representatives, products - suppliers, role in organism of the man 41. Phospholipids: the representatives, products - suppliers, role in оrganism. Cholesterol: the products - suppliers, importance in оrganism of the man. 42. Alimentary antysclerotic factors: the representatives, products - suppliers, application in a medical nutrition 43. Importance carbohydrates in nutrition. Chemical and hygienic classification of carbohydrates. Importance unprotected (rafined) carbohydrates. 44. Importance of the superprotected carbohydrates and pectin substances in nutrition. Application it in a medical nutrition. 45. Importance vitamins in nutrition. Classification vitamins. Importance vitamin C, daily need, products – suppliers. Measure on preservation vitamin C in ready food 46. Role vitamin D, way of receipt in оrganism, display avitaminosis on D its prevention. Display and reasons of hypervitaminosis on D 47. Role vitamin A, products - suppliers. Displays avitaminosis and hypervitaminosis on vitamin A. 48. Exogenic and endogenic factors raising need for vitamins of оrganism in various vitamins and the account it in a preventive nutrition of working. 49. Artificial vitaminization of ready dishes and rules of its realization. The control of vitamin value of a diet. 50. Importance mineral substances in nutrition. Classification of the basic groups of mineral substances and it importance. 51. Importance Са and P in оrganism, daily need, products - suppliers, condition of mastering 52. Importance microelements in nutrition on example Fluorine, Jodum, Iron. The reasons and displays diseases, connected to changes it contents in nutrition. 53. Microelementosis: the reasons, classification, display and prevention 54. Main principles of the preventive nutrition of working. Usage different nutrients in it. 55. Main principles of medical nutrition (dietetic therapy). Kinds of diet at different diseases. 56. Dietetic therapy at over weight and adiposity. 57. Dietetic therapy at aterosclerosis and cardiac diseases. 58. Concept about food poisonings, basic reasons of it occurrence and classification 59. Food poisonings microbe nature: versions, activators, pathogenesis, reason of occurrence and prevention 60. Toxicoinfections: activators, products - sources, conditions of occurrence, clinical forms, prevention 61. Bacterial toxicosis: versions, reason of occurrence, clinic and prevention 62. Staphylococcus toxicosis: products - sources, condition of occurrence, clinic and prevention 63. Botulism. Features of the activator, products - sources, pathogenesis, clinic, treatment and prevention. 64. Food poisonings by poisonous mushrooms: the representatives, toxins, clinic and prevention 65. Food poisonings by poisonous plants: the representatives, toxins, clinic and prevention 66. Food poisonings by products sometimes or partially poisonous: the representatives, toxins, clinic and prevention
67. Food poisonings by zinc and copper: the reasons, pathogenesis, clinic and preventi 68. Food poisonings by lead, mercury: the reasons, pathogenesis, clinic and prevention. 69. Food poisonings by pesticides: the reasons, pathogenesis, prevention 70. Food poisonings by nitrates: the reasons, pathogenesis, clinic, prevention 71. Micotoxicosis: versions, reason of occurrence, prevention. Ergotism: the reasons of occurrence, toxins, clinical forms, prevention. 72. Fusarios and alimentary-toxic aleykia: the reasons of occurrence, clinic, prevention 73. Aflotoxicosis: the reasons of occurrence, clinic, prevention. A problem aflotoxicosis in the south countries. 74. Food poisonings it is not enough investigated nature: versions, clinical displays 75. Tactics of the doctor of a medical structure at suspicion about a food poisoning 76. Rule of registration of the documentation in case of a food poisoning: the names, contents and purpose of the basic documents
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