Classification kinds of work. Classification work by a degree of gravity and intensity. Concepts "exhaustion" and "tiredness".
Classification kinds of work. Work shares on intellectual and physical, however science and technical progress erases clear borders between these kinds of work. Basic kinds of work: 1. Physical work - demands the big physical activity and energy expenses (work of the loader etc. ) 2. Mechanized work - needs significant muscular activity, but energy expenses are less, than in 1 group (work of the turner, etc. ) 3. Automated work - demands smaller energy expenses, but is characterized by monotony (the serviceman, the weaver etc. ) 4. Work on the conveyor - the monotony, the imposed rhythm of work 5. Intellectual kinds of work: а) In sphere material production - engineers, operators b) Outside material production - doctors, teachers, artists etc. By size of energy expenses work shares on the following groups: 1) Work with significant muscular activity (energy expenses 4000-6000 Kcal) 2) Work on the conveyor, mechanized work (3000-4000 Kcal) 3) The automated work, intellectual kinds of work (2000-2400 Kcal). Physical work divide on: Static – the constant strain of one group muscles and systems – quickly develops exaustion (works only one group of muscles, blood supply is worsened), Dynamic - work different muscles with it rest – it kind of work is more favorable. CLASSIFICATION WORK BY A DEGREE OF GRAVITY AND INTENSITY GRAVITY of work is connected to physical gravity of work and is characterized: - by amount of work (in kilogram-meters) - by capacity of work (amount of work for a time unit) On physical gravity work is divided on: 1. Mild 2. Medium gravity 3. Serious 4. Very serious INTENSITY of work (at mental, operator work) is characterized: - by the demands to attention - by an emotional strain - by a strain of audition and vision - by monotony On intensity work is divided on: 1. Unintensive 2. Small intensive 3. Middle intensive 4. Very much intensive
Concepts " exhaustion" and " tiredness". Tiredness is subjective feeling, as a rule, accompanying development exhaustion. Depends from psychological conditions of working, its degree of interest in work. Exhaustion – complex objective changes in an organism as a result of the work, shown in decrease of serviceability. If the exhaustion does not pass before the beginning of the following cycle of work, it gradually collects and gives overexhaustion - proof decrease of serviceability, pathology CNS, cardiac system, immunodepression, growth of a traumatism. Concept “serviceability” Serviceability – it is ability of the person to long work without decrease qualitative and quantity indicators (with high efficiency of work). Serviceability depends on such reasons: state of health, hygienic conditions of work, organization of work process, psycho-physiological factors.
Early decrease of serviceability – indicator of influence of these factors, therefore studying its dynamics is important for estimation health of working and working conditions. Dynamics of the serviceability during work process. During work allocate 4 stages of serviceability: 1) In-work period - gradual increase of serviceability 2) Working excitation - maximal level of serviceability 3) Beginning of the exhaustion - gradual decrease of serviceability 4) Increasing serviceability before end of work Dynamics serviceability after work: 1) After working excitation - after very heavy or hard work 2) After working braking - sharp decrease of serviceability 3) Restoration serviceability. At sufficient duration of this stage the level of serviceability comes back to initial and there is no over-exaustion. Methods studying serviceability. It is a lot methods of the research serviceability or exhaustion, it are psycho-physiological or only physiological tests. For brainwork (intellectual work): 1) Corrector test– crossing out concrete letters or figures in special tables during 60 seconds. Estimation results of the test fulfilled under formula Hartridg - by amount of the processed information in bits / sec. 2) Verbal - associative experiment - estimation speed and degree of association between setting words. 3) Definition stability of attention by special device (for schoolboys) 4) Definition time of hearing - motor and visual - motor reaction (latent period of reflex) with the help of chronoreflexometr (for operator work) For any work – chronometric (timing) researches: · Selective timing work elements · Fixing distraction of the attention (at school) · Phototiming For physical work: · Definition physical force with the help of a dynamometer · Studying a tremor (trembling) hands (with the help of tremometr) – for exact works EXHAUSTION, theories of it development. Among many theories (more than 20) development exhaustion during work till now is not present universal. Now is most recognized central - nervous theory by Sechenov, Uchtomski, Vvedenski. The basic role in exhaustion is played decrease serviceability cells of a brain, so balance of excitation and braking in CNS are broken. Thus in CNS formed proof centers of excitation or braking - theory of disbalance. This theory last years is added with the theory reticulary formation - frustration communications between supreme and lowest departments CNS.
Earlier were recognized humoral local theories: - Theory of exhaustion - exhaustion in muscles power stocks (ATF, glycogen) - Theory of poisoning - accumulation in muscles not-oxidazed products (milk, pyro-grape acid and even poison - " kenotoxine" – it was not founded in experiments). The inaccuracy of these theories is proved experimentally, besides it do not explain development of exhaustion at brainwork. However these processes play some role in development exhaustion.
MAIN REASONS DEVELOPMENT PREMATURE EXHAUSTION 1. ENDOGEN: - diseases and prepathological states - defects development bodies and systems
- poor or non-optimum feeding (food) - the negative attitude to work 2. EXOGEN: 1) INFRINGEMENT HYGIENIC WORKING CONDITIONS: - non-optimum microclimate - non-optimum irradiating - stimulated position of a body - overstrain bodies and systems - high level of the professional harmful factors (chemical, physical, biological) – more, than MPC, MPL 2) NON-OPTIMUM ORGANIZATION OF WORK PROCESS: - very long work - the very serious and intensive work - monotony of work - non-observance regimen of work and rest 3) NON-OPTIMUM PSYCHOLOGICAL - EMOTIONAL WORKING CONDITIONS: - a poor moral climate in collective (conflicts) - the negative attitude to work
Basic directions of prevention exhaustion: 1. SCIENTIFIC SUBSTANTIATION And KEEPING HYGIENIC DEMANDS To WORKING CONDITIONS (Demands to a microclimate, irradiating, areas of workstation, absence exceeding MPC of the harmful professional factors) 2. SCIENTIFIC (RATIONAL) ORGANIZATION OF LABOUR PROCESS (Keeping regimen of work and rest, restriction duration, gravity and intensity of work, translation static physical work in dynamic etc. ) 3. TECHNICAL MEASURES ON ENRICHING WORKING CONDITIONS ON WORKSTATION (Usage ERGONOMICS - science about relation of the man and devices, industrial art) 3. PSYCHOLOGIC MEASURES (Psychology of work - industrial psychohygiene, psychologic selection on particular occupations, optimization psychologic climate in collective)
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