stages vibratory illness. at action general vibration. Degrees vibratory illness. at action local vibration. Electric-Magnetic fields (EMF).
STAGES VIBRATORY ILLNESS at action general vibration 1. Small pains and parestesia of extremities 2. Expressed parastesia, drop sensitivity of a skin 3. Vascular and trophic infringements of dactyls, changes of CNS 4. Generalized sharp vascular infringements, vasospasms of heart and CNS DEGREES VIBRATORY ILLNESS at action local vibration 1. Peripheric angiodystonic syndrome, sensory polyneuropathia dactyls of hand 2. Expressed angiospastic syndrome dactyls of hand 3. Expressed generalized angiospastic syndrome, dystrophic changes of bones, muscles of arms, deformation joints of dactyls of hand Electric-Magnetic Fields (EMF). EMF - the special form of a matter, created by moving or motionless electric charges. Key parameters: length of a wave, frequency of fluctuations. EMF consists from electric (EF) and magnetic fields (MF). NATURAL EMF: 1) MF of the Earth - 400 А/m - depends on geographical position, season and day, solar activity (" magnetic storms" ) 2) EF of the Earth - 130 V/m at surface of the Earth, is reduced with height ANTHROPOGENIC (TECHNOGENIC) EMF: 1) Electric static fields (ESF) - it is created by motionless electric charges - in the industry, near energy lines of ultrahigh voltage. Operates on CNS and causes functional shifts of vegetative nervous system. 2) Stationary magnetic field (SMF) 3) EMF of industrial frequency - 50 Hz 4) Infrared, visual, UV, laser radiation 5) EMF radio frequencies.
CLASSIFICATION EMF _____________________________________________________ Kind lengh of wave sources, application Low-frequency 1-10 kms broadcasting, radio communication Middle 100м - 1 km - " - High 1 - 100 m - " - Ultra-High 10 cms - 1 m radio, TV, medicine Above high frequencies (AHF – MICROWAVE) 1 - 10 cm radiolocation, television MICROWAVE OVEN for preparation of food Hyper-high frequencies (HHF) 1 mm - 1 cm industry
Action EMF. DEGREE of biological effect EMP depends from: Frequency (than above, the more strongly effect), Intensity, Exposure time, Character of irradiating (continuous, modulated), Regimen of irradiating (constant, intermittent, periodic)
1. HEATING EFFECT (at very high radiation intensity) - destruction bodies and fabrics - at the big intensity – microvawe oven. 2. NOT THERMAL EFFECT (at small levels of action) - influence on substrata of organism with formation bioactive substances. At chronic action the cumulative effect is marked; CLINICAL SYMPTOMS PATHOLOGICAL ACTION EMF: - Asthenic syndrome - Asthenic-vegetative syndrome - Diencephalic syndrome - Damage systems: cardiac, hemopoiesis, immune, endocrine etc. THE FORMS PATHOLOGICAL ACTION EMF: 1) Acute and chronic form 2) Mild, medium and serious degree MICROWAVE - SYNDROME (professional disease): 1) violations of CNS (astenic and vegetative syndrome) 2) turbidy of crystalline lens (cataract) 3) damage hair follicules (baldness) Besides: changes cardiac system, infringement of hemopoiesis, dysfunctions of immune, endocrine systems, remote effects. PROPHYLAXIS HARMFUL ACTION EMF for working: 4 PRINCIPLES PROTECTION from electromagnetic radiation (including ionizing): 1) Protection by dose or amount (MPD) 2) Protection by distance 3) Protection by time 4) Protection by screening BASE DIRECTIONS PROPHYLAXIS HARMFUL ACTION EMF: 1) Administrative - statutiry measures on guarding work - cutting operating time (protection by time) 2) Architectural – planning measures - sanitary - protective zones from sources EMF, correct placement sources EMF from other objects (protection by distance) 3) Hygienic measures: а) Preventive sanitary control - substantiation MPL EMF (protection by dose): - In industry - MPL for a working day - 2 Watt in hour / m2 - For the population - MPL inside inhabited buildings - 0, 5 kiloWatt / m, - In territory of inhabited building - 1 kw / m, - Outside of inhabited building - 5 kw / m, - Near lines of electricity - 10 kw / m b) current sanitary control - check keeping MPL, hygienic prescriptions etc. 4) Medical-preventive measures - physical examinations working and population, treatment-improving measures 5) Technological measures - change technology for drop level EMF, protection by screens.
HYGIENIC CHARACTERISTIC LASER IRRADIATION Lasers - optical quantum generators excreting focalized fascicle of electromagnetic radiation in wawelengh from IR up to UV. Laser irradiation on time is divided on: Continuous, Impulsive On direction: Direct, Reflecting, Diffusely reflex, Dissipated ACTION LASER IRRADIATION ON MEDICAL STAFF At the reflex radiation it may be organic changes of tissues in a place of irradiating and nonspecific reflectory changes bodies and systems. Thermal specific activity - prompt heating tissues and combustions. Common nonspecific action - changes CNS, cardiac, endocrine system, oppression chromogenesis. Local action - On organs of sight - time loss of sight, On a skin - hyperemia, combustions, necrosises.
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