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Basic directions of prevention occupational diseases.

Basic directions of prevention occupational diseases.

   1. Law-legislative measures. CLW (Code of laws on work), State Standarts, Sanitary rules, etc.

   2. Hygienic measures: preventive and current sanitary inspection.

   3. Medical -preventive measures: preliminary and periodic physical examinations, prophylactic nutrition.

   4. Sanitary education workers about harmful and dangerous professional factors and professional diseases.

   5. Technological measures on decrease or elimination PHF.

   6. Individual means of protection.



Dust as professional harmfull factor.

Influence of a dust is observed on working in mining and coal industry, in the building industry (cement etc. ), at metal working, in agriculture etc.


    1. By origin: inorganic (mineral, metal), organic (vegetative, animal, polymeric), mixed.

    2. By formation: aerosoles desintegration (at crushing firm bodies), aerosols condensation pairs metals.

    3. By dispersion:

- visible (the size of particles > 10 microns)

- microscopic (2, 5 - 10 microns)

- ultra microscopic (< 0, 25 microns)

The sizes of dust particles determine danger of dust and depth of their penetration in lungs and the area of defeat.

4. By action on organism: toxic (manganese, lead, arsenic etc. ), irritating (limy, alkaline etc. ), infectious (microbes, disputes etc. ), allergic (woolen, synthetic etc. ), cancerogenic (asbest etc. ), fibrinogenic (phneumoconiotic) - contain silicium.



Nontoxical dust (soil, wood) - maximal permissible concentration 10 mg/m3  

Toxic dust - silicate (contains silicon - maximal permissible concentration 1 mg/m3 ), dust of lead (MPC - 0, 01 mg/m3).

At hygienic characteristic dust it is taken into account: chemical compound, dispersiveness, solubility in blood, hardness, absorbtion properties.


Ways of receipt dust in organism: at inhalation, at swallowing with a saliva and slime, through skin.

Nonspecific action: action of the dust may give diseases bodies of breath, mucous of eyes, skin. Promotes tuberculosis, allergic diseases.

Specific action: formation phneumoconiosis, cancerogenic action.

Phneumoconiosis – most widely spread dust occupational diseases. To it concerns silicosis (action dioxide of silicon), silicatosis (dust of salts silicon acid), asbestosis, antracosis(coal dust). Can develop at action dust of metals.

Silicosis - the most often kind phneumoconiosis.

Pathogenesis: dust particles in lungs tissue are absorbed by hystiocytes - are formed fibroblastes - formation collagenic fibres (connecting tissue) - reduction lungs surfaces.

Clinic: respiratory insufficiency different degree of weight, bronchitis, pneumonia, emphysema.


1.  Phneumoconiosis at influence high and middle fibrinogen dust (the contents free dioxide of silicon SiO2 > 10 %):

silicosis,  antracosilicosis, silicosiderosis, silicosis with complication by tuberculosis - silicotuberculosis

2.  Phneumoconiosis at influence low fibrinogen dust (SiO2 < 10 %):

silicatosis (asbestosis etc. ) , carboconiosis (antracosis etc. ), bisinosis (vegetative dust).

3. Phneumoconiosis from aerosols of toxic-allergenic action:

berilliosis, aluminosis, farmer’s lungs, chronic phneumonia with allergenic component .


Morfologic forms: 1) Nodular, 2) Intersticial, 3) Mixed.

Forms on current: 1) slowly progressing, 2) quickly progressing silicosis


1 stage - intersticial fibrosis of lungs, formation small knots 1 mm in diameter along bronchial tubes, bilaterial strengthening lungs figure.

2 stage - strengthening intersticial and nodular lungs fibrosis and formation numerous knots 2 - 4 mm in diameter on background of sites аtelectasis (symptom of " snow storm" ), the deformation lungs figure.

3 stage - massive fibrosis lungs, big units of connecting tissue, expressed deformation of bronchial tree, infringement of bronchial penetration.

For мetalloconiosis - in addition – increased roentgen contrast dust of metals in lungs.


Symptoms of bronchitis, emphysema lungs, respiratory insufficiency, infringement of blood circulation in a small circle of blood circulation - a hypertrophy left cardiac ventriculus, changes on ECG - " lungs heart " .

At asbestosis - in phlegm - asbestine bodies, at antracosis - phlegm black color.

Complications phneumoconiosis: cancer of lungs, tuberculosis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, revmatoid arthritis etc.

Prevention dust diseases.

      1. The labour legislation, preliminary and current physical examinations, it is impossible to work in mines more than 20 years etc.

      2. Preventive and current sanitary control work conditions with dust.

      3. Struggle against formation and spreading dust.

      4. Biological methods - increase resistibility of organism - UVR, alkaline inhalations, respiratory gymnastics, treatment-and-prophylactic feed (proteins and vitamins).

      5. Individual means of protection.



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