Changes in organism during work.
Changes in organism during work. Changes in CNS. The first system reacting to work - CNS - is marked stimulation. At adequate work favorable changes of nervous processes are observed, latent time of reactions is reduced, at very hard work time improvement of parameters CNS is replaced by their deterioration - easing reflexes, premature exhaustion. Changes of breath. At work breath of fabrics of organism increased. Increasing delivery of oxygen to fabrics and removal СО2 is reached by increase frequency and deepening of breath (in rest frequency of breath 7 - 22 times in minute, at work - 50 and more times, the volume lung’s ventilation raises in 5 - 10 times). Maximal receipt О 2 with breath - 3-4 l/min – it is oxygen ceiling. Receipt of oxygen in an organism increased gradually and in the beginning of work the oxygen duty (debts) is created, during which collect non- oxidazed products of exchange. At heavy inadequate work the oxygen duty very big and need some days for full oxidation metabolites formed in fabrics. Phenomenon Lingard. German physiologist Lingard has established, that at heavy static physical work after the ending of work the need for oxygen again raises due to exit non-oxidazed products of exchange from fabrics in blood that causes stimulation gas exchange. Changes of cardiovascular system. The increased metabolism in working fabrics demands strengthening blood circulation. At work increase frequency of cardiac contractions, systolic volume of heart, therefore the minute volume of blood is increased. At trained people it is increased due to increase systolic volume, at untrained - due to increase of a pulse rate. Arterial pressure, especially maximal, raises, that conducts to growth pulse pressure. After adequate work the arterial pressure through 5-10 minutes comes back to norm. PROFESSIONAL HARMFUL FACTORS AND OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES Professional harmful factors (PHF)- the factors influencing on working people and capable to cause violations of health -occupational diseases. Primary tasks of hygiene of work in the relation PHF: 1. Studying source, conditions of occurrence and parameters PHF on manufacture. 2. Studying action PHF on organism and its systems in experiment with laboratory animals. 3. Investigation cases occupational diseases on manufacture. 4. Development prevention measures occupational diseases. Classification PHF. In hygiene of work allocate the following groups PHF: 1) Connected to violations hygienic conditions on manufacture (not optimum microclimate, action harmful professional factors etc. ) 2) Connected to the wrong organization of work (excessively intensive, heavy, long work, monotony of work etc. ) 3) Connected to lacks of working conditions (the small area of the workplace, the compelled position of a body etc. ) In State Standart " Dangerous and harmful professional factors. Classification" all PHF is divided on:
Dangerous professional factor - can cause sharp violation of health or death of the person Harmful professional factor - can cause chronic violation of health - occupational disease.
Classification PHF in State Standart: 1. Psycho-physiologic and physical factors in the organization of work, the lacks of a workplace and the equipment (the psychological and physical overloads, the compelled position of body, overstrain of separate bodies and systems) 2. Physical professional factors (not optimum microclimate, illumination, increased noise level, vibrations, radiation, electromagnetic fields) 3. Chemical professional factors (industrial poisons) – chemical substances, used on manufacture. 4. Biological professional factors (microbes, substances protein nature, allergens) 5. Industrial traumatism (mechanical, thermal, electric trauma).
Diagnostics and prevention professional pathology In the basis of diagnostics and prevention professional pathology there is order of Ministry of Health of Ukraine № 45, which contain: 1) The list of manufactures and trades for which preliminary and periodic physical examinations working are obligatory. 2) The order of realization such surveys, structure medical commission for surveys. 3) The list of medical contra-indications for reception at various kinds of manufactures. 4) The list of diagnoses of occupational diseases and poisonings. Purpose, kinds and the organization physical examinations working. Preliminary physical examinations - for again acting for work with harmful and dangerous working conditions with the purpose: а) To admit to work only those which state of health completely meets the requirements of a given trade, b) To not admit to work the persons having deviations in health which can amplify under influence of working conditions, and also those who can be a source of infectious or parasitic illnesses. Periodic physical examinations – it is regular medical inspection working in harmful or dangerous conditions. Periodicity of it is determined by the order № 45. Tasks of these physical examinations: а) To reveal early attributes of occupational diseases b) To reveal the general diseases interfering the further work c) To appoint individual treatment-and-prophylactic actions.
Concept and classification occupational diseases. The occupational disease (poisoning) - disease for which it is proved connection with action professional factors. In the orderMinistry of Health of Ukraine № 45 is given: 1) Names of occupational diseases - 27 diagnosis (phnevmoconiosis, noise illness, vibrating illness etc., sharp and chronic poisonings) 2) Dangerous and harmful production factors, which action can result in occurrence of occupational diseases 3) List of works and trades at which the given occupational disease meets mainly or as exception.
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