Hygiene of work medical personnel.
HYGIENE OF WORK MEDICAL PERSONNEL. Between other professions, sick rate of medical personnel is rather high, especially in surgeons, anesthesiologists, infectionists, phtysiatrists (doctors, treat for tuberculosis), roentgenologists, radiologists, etc. HYGIENE of WORK SURGEONS & ANESTHESIOLOGISTS. During professional work surgeons and anesthesiologists have a number of harmful factors: - Action chemical substances (means for a narcosis) – professional poisonings; - Adverse microclimate (hot temperature) - overheating; - Increase concentration СО2 and decrease contents О2 (sterile mask on the face) – hyroxia and hypercapnia; - Psycho-emotional and physical overloads with a long pressure on visual, acoustical, tactile analyzers – cardiac diseases; - Compelled position of a body (long stay in vertical position) – radiculitis, osteochondrosis; - Contact to infectious agents (includes AIDS); - Often violations of a mode of work and rest. For prevention professional pathology will carry out a number of preventive actions: - Creation good artificial microclimate (air-conditioning); - Centralized submission О2 in operational; - Forced-air and exhaust ventilation with prevalence of inflow; - Observance mode of work and rest (duration of a working day in operational day no more than 5 hours, alternation of one operational and two not operational days, after realization of operation - gymnastic exercises and reception soul); - High-grade nutrition; - After realization operation it is not recommended to carry out outpatient reception hours. - Making surgeons and anesthesiologists dressing from the materials providing good ventilation; - Change dressing after four hours, mask - in 2 hours after the beginning of operation (since through this time interval sterility is lost).
Subject and tasks hygiene of children and teenagers (HCT). HCT - the section of hygiene studying action factors of environment on a growing organism and developing preventive actions for preservation and strengthening health of children and teenagers. Primary goals HCT: studying physical development, development hygienic requirements to children's preschool and school establishments, to hardening, to physical training children, to children's toys, hygiene of work of schoolboys and teenagers, hygiene of children nutrition, realization medical - professional consultations at school.
Basic methods research in HCT. 1) Epidemiological method (studying state of health children's contingents depending on factors of environment); 2) Method of the sanitary description (sanitary inspection children's preschool establishments, schools etc. ); 3) Method of sanitary examination (examination children's toys);
4) Methods of laboratory experiments (for example, studying influence of harmful factors on a growing organism in experiments at laboratory animals).
Laws of growth and development children - Non-uniformity growth and development organism depending on age – thanmore youngly organism, that these processes go more intensively; - Non-uniformity growth and development different bodies and systems in different age; - Connection growth and development with a sex - unequal rates of growth and development at boys and girls;
- Influence on growth and development genetic factors, environmental factors and social conditions, disease; - Influence of acceleration.
Acceleration as actual problem HCT Acceleration it is acceleration physical development children and teenagers by comparison with anthopometric parameters children many years ago. Last 10-15 years rates of acceleration decreased and even there is decceleration – decreasing physical development children and teenagers by comparison with anthopometric parameter children 10-15 years ago. Theories (reasons) acceleration. Till now the universal reason of acceleration is not established in view of big amount factors influencing physical development. Basic theories: - Improvement qualitative and quantity indicators of nutirtion of the population – alimentary theory; - Decrease of disease, gynecologic pathology because development medicine – medical theory; - Geliogenic theory - influence cyclic changes solar activity and levels of UVR; - Ecological theories - growth contents СО2 in atmosphere, increase intensity of electromagnetic fields, increase level of natural radioactive level; - Theory geteresis - increases mixed marriages between different races and nationalities. Medical and social consequences of acceleration Medical adverse consequences: - juvenation many diseases (oncological, cardiovascular etc. ); - functional violations development bodies and systems; - problem of a large fruit in obstetrics due to intra-uterine acceleration; - necessity revision hygienic norms (norms of feeding, sizes of school furniture, standards of physical development); - gynecologic pathology because of early pregnancy and abortions. Social consequences, caused by backlog of mental development from physical: growth teenage criminality, growth number of divorces, many children is now without care of parents etc.
Schemes age periodization. Biological periodization accepted in HCT: Period new-born (1-10 days); Baby age - till 1 year; Earlier childhood - 1-3 years; first childhood - 4-7 years; second childhood - boys 8-12; girls - 8-11 years; Teenage age - boys 13-16; girls - 12-15 years; Youthful age - young men 17-21; girls - 16-20 years.
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