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Причастие. Формы причастия. ( the Participle: forms). Participle II. Simultaneousness.   priority. Participle II Perfect Participle


Причастие. Формы причастия

( The Participle: forms)








                   ACTIVE                writing



       having written
                 PASSIVE           being written



   having been written  


Как переводить разные формы причастия на русский язык:

Формы причастия


Как их переводить

причастием деепричастием
building   строящий   строя  
having built   ______   построив  
being built   строящийся (т. е. который строят)   будучи строящимся (т. е. когда его строили)
having been built   _______   будучи построенным (т. е. после того, как его построили)  
built   построенный     _______  



1. I looked at the workers building a house. – Я посмотрел на рабочих, строящих дом.

2. While being built the house attracted attention of everybody in the village. - Строящийся дом привлекал внимание всех жителей деревни.

3. Having built the house he felt happy. - Построив дом, он почувствовал себя счастливым.

4. Having been built the house was immediately moved into. - Когда дом построили, его сразу же заселили.

5. Built at the beginning of the last century the house differed from all the other buildings in the neighborhood. - Построенный в конце прошлого века, дом отличался от остальных зданий в округе.


Упражнение 1. Переведите предложения на русский язык. Определите вид и форму причастия.

1. Having translated an article, the student gave it to the teacher.

2. The translated article is about electrical furnaces.

3. The student will also use some electrical devices working in the laboratory.

4. The lightning conductor having been invented is widely used in our life.

5. An iron bar placed in the field of a magnet becomes magnetized.

6. The article being translated is about the application of electricity.

7. Speaking of the electrically operated devices, one can mention the refrigerator.

8. Being widely used in industry, electrical motors are also used in every home.

9. Having been shown the wrong direction, the travelers soon lost their way.

10. Being busy, he postponed the trip.


Упражнение 2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя требующуюся форму причастия.

1. (to run) across the garden, she fell and broke her leg.

2. (to give) dictionaries, we managed to translate the article easily.

3. (to approve) by the specialists my novel was accepted by a well-known magazine.

4. (to buy a newspaper) I began reading it.

5. The tale (to tell) by a nurse, made a great impression on a child.

6. Take care (to cross) the street.

7. (to write) in haste the letter was difficult to read.

8. A (to cry) child was hungry.


Абсолютный причастный оборот

(The Absolute Participle Construction)


  1. An object losing its potential energy, that energy is turned into kinetic energy. – Когда предмет теряет потенциальную энергию, эта энергия превращается в кинетическую. 2. There are different sources of energy, the sun being an unlimited source of all forms of energy. – Существуют различные источники энергии, причем солнце – безграничный источник всех форм энергии.  


Упражнение 1. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на независимый причастный оборот.

1. The sun having set an hour before, it was getting darker.

2. Electrons moving through a wire, electrical energy is generated.

3. The cathode heated, the electrons leave the surface and move to the anode.

4. She hurried along, her heels crunching in the packed snow.

5. He sat on the steps, with his arms crossed upon his knees.

6. Our work having been finished, we went home.

7. The underground station being not far, we walked there.

8. Our efforts to start a car (to fail), we spent a night in a nearby village.

9. Substances strongly (to resist) the flow of current, we call them insulators.


Упражнение 2. Перефразируйте следующие предложения, употребляя независимый причастный оборот.

1. As the storm was arising, the ship entered the harbor.

2. She stood silent and her lips were pressed together.

3. The electrons move with varying velocity and their velocity depends on the temperature and nature of the materials.

4. As the treaty had been signed, trade was at once resumed.

5. As the wind was stirring among the trees and bushes we could hear nothing.

6. In the case electricity passes through a tree or a house we say that they are struck by lightning.

7. When the dinner was over we all gathered in the sitting room.

8. Thoughtful, he finished his meal, his eyes were all the time fixed upon the microscope.

9. As it was very warm children were sleeping in the open air.


Упражнение 3. Переведите предложения с русского на английский, употребляя все известные вам формы причастия.

1. Так как было очень поздно, аптека была закрыта.

2. Если погода будет хорошей, спортсмены покажут хорошие результаты.

3. Приехав на станцию, мы купили билеты.

4. Прожив много лет в этих краях, он легко нашел дом, который ему был нужен.

5. Ожидая в приемной, он обдумывал все вопросы, которые он хотел обсудить с боссом.

6. Сидя в уютном кресле, я продолжал думать о своих друзьях.

7. Будучи популярным певцом, он объездил с гастролями всю страну.

8. Доктор тщательно обследовал его сломанную ногу.

9. Не так давно она, наконец, нашла хорошо-оплачиваемую работу.

10. После того как собаку накормили, она уже не выглядела такой несчастной.




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