III. Answer the following questions.
1. Do businessmen often stay at hotels? 2. Why do businessmen have to stay at hotels? 3. Is it necessary to reserve accommodation in advance (to book a room at a hotel)? Why? 4. Who makes arrangements for a businessman's stay at a hotel? 5. Are prices at hotels always reasonable? 6. Who pays hotel charges for a businessman's stay at a hotel? 7. Do hotel charges include meals and maid-service? 8. Can you afford staying at a hotel at your own expense? 9. Is it necessary to give tips to the maids (a porter, a receptionist)? 10. Why are visitors asked to fill in the form? 11. What do visitors write in the form? IV. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. Они остановились в гостинице “Волгоград”. 2. Необходимо заказать номер на г-на Смита. 3. Вчера мы не могли получить номер в этой гостинице. 4. Ваша цена за комнату слишком высока. 5. Портье внес мой чемодан. 6. Он сказал, что он останавливался в этой гостинице год тому назад. 7. Он заполнил бланк по-английски. 8. Я не могу найти ключ от своей комнаты. 9. Он дал портье чаевые. 10. Он попросил меня распаковать чемодан. 11. Интересно, в какой гостинице они остановились? – Я полагаю, что они остановились в “Гранд-Отеле”. В прошлый раз они тоже останавливались там. 12. Администратор сказал, что он может предложить мне очень хороший номер на одного человека с отдельной ванной на 5 этаже. 13. Мы спросили администратора, какова стоимость номера на одного человека в их гостинице? 14. Мой друг спросил у горничной, где он может погладить костюм. 15. Кто должен заказать номер в гостинице для г-на Грина? 16. Раньше было трудно забронировать номер в гостинице, а сейчас это не проблема. Достаточно позвонить в любую туристическую фирму, и они подыщут и гостиницу, и забронируют номер, если, конечно, это не разгар сезона. V. Read and translate the following texts with a dictionary. At an American hotel Jane Smith, the sales manager of «Brown and Co» is on a business visit in the USA. She arrives at the hotel where she has a reservation. Jane introduces herself to the receptionist and says that she has reserved a room for one night. The room is booked under the company name «Brown and Co». The price for the room is $280 including breakfast and sales tax. The hotel receptionist asks Jane to complete the form. She writes her home address, the registration number of her car and puts her signature.
The receptionist asks the porter to show Jane up to her room on the 23rd floor and to help her with her bags. The receptionist also suggests Jane to order a newspaper. Jane asks for the Herald Tribune and says that she doesn't need the bell top to see to her bags as she has only one bag. The receptionist warns her that dinner is served from seven o'clock till ten thirty. The bill for dinner at the hotel restaurant will be charged to her room. He also tells her the way to the dinner-room. It's through the door on the left. The receptionist wishes Mrs. Smith to enjoy her stay at the hotel and Jane really enjoyed it till the day she checked out. UNIT 11 Business dinner at a restaurant Usually after the talks our manager invites representatives of other companies to have dinner at some of the restaurants in our city. There are many kinds of restaurants in Volgograd. Most of them are traditional restaurants where a waiter serves customers, self-service restaurants are very rare exception. There are many small restaurants and cafes which are very popular and crowded especially during the lunch-hour, but it is getting more and more expensive to have meals there. At self-service cafeterias a customer serves himself and he can get meal more quickly and less expensive. When the manager of our company invites an English businessman to a restaurant, he chooses among different types of Volgograd restaurants a place similar to the famous English pub with its cosy and friendly atmosphere. English people go there not only for some beer or whisky, but to meet their friends and spend the whole evening there till closing time. So after the talks the two businessmen come into the restaurant, take their seats at a table near the window and order cocktails. They study the menu to see what's on it. The waiter comes to their table and asks if they are ready to order. As a rule, businessmen are rather hungry after the talks and they like a square meal. The choice of dishes on the menu is rich. They order mushroom soup for the first course and meat with vegetables for the second course. The vegetables are very good but the meat is a bit dry. The manager likes fried chicken. The chicken is delicious. The English businessman doesn't like fish and roast beef is not his idea of a good meal. His favorite dish is steak. They start with sausages with new potatoes and green salad. They ask the waiter to bring a bottle of red wine. Later they order dessert: fruit or ice-cream. They finish with black coffee and cheese. The prices on the menu are not very expensive. The manager pays the bill. During the dinner the two businessmen don't talk about their business, they prefer to have an informal chat (talk). They enjoy their dinner at the restaurant and come to better understanding, feel more confidence to each other. Vocabulary to invite smb. to have dinner at the restaurant – пригласить обедать в ресторан waiter – официант to be very rare exception – быть очень редким исключением
to be popular and crowded – быть популярным и переполненным during the lunch-hour – в обеденное время to get more expensive – становиться более дорогостоящим to choose a place with cosy and friendly atmosphere – выбрать место с уютной и дружеской атмосферой beer – пиво till closing time – до времени закрытия to order – заказывать to study the menu – изучить меню to be hungry – быть голодным to have a square meal – плотно покушать mushroom soup – грибной суп meat – мясо dry – жесткий fried chicken – жареный цыпленок delicious – очень вкусный fish – рыба favorite dish – любимое блюдо sausage – колбаса; сосиска cheese – сыр to pay the bill – заплатить по счету to come to better understanding – приходить к взаимопониманию to fell more confidence to each other – чувствовать больше доверия друг к другу I. Give Russian equivalents to the following word combinations: self-service restaurant; to be very rare exception; to get more expensive; beer; to come into the restaurant; to be ready to order; to be hungry; to have a square meal; mushroom soup for the first course; meat with vegetables for the second course; fried chicken; delicious; to start with sausages with new potatoes; to bring a bottle of red wine; fruit; ice-cream; to finish with black coffee; cheese; to come to better understanding. II. Give English equivalents to the following word combinations: пригласить кого-либо обедать в ресторан; официант обслуживает клиентов; быть популярным и переполненным; в обеденное время; выбрать место с уютной и дружеской атмосферой; до времени закрытия; сесть за стол; заказать блюда; изучить меню; богатый выбор блюд в меню; мясо немного жесткое; любимое блюдо; бифштекс; цены в меню; заплатить по счету; дружеская беседа; чувствовать больше доверия друг к другу.
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