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III. Answer the following questions.

1. Do fairs and exhibitions play an important role in the commercial world today? 2. What kinds of international fairs and exhibitions are held in different countries of the world? 3. What does the display during these exhibitions include? 4. What opportunities do international fairs and exhibitions offer exporters? 5. Why do we say that every exhibition is a good method to advertise different goods? 6. Can businessmen negotiate transactions and sign contracts during international fairs and exhibitions? 7. Can visitors buy any goods or exhibits? 8. Whom does any fair or exhibition attract? 9. Do fairs and exhibitions only help promote the products that are being already produces? 10. What is done at commercial centres at the exhibitions? 11. What work is done after the exhibitions? 12. Under what mottoes are fairs and exhibitions held? 13. Why do fairs and exhibitions pave the way for the consolidation of peace and friendship among nations? 14. What is the purpose of arranging exhibitions and fairs? 15. Does our country take part in international fairs and exhibitions?

IV. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Ежегодно проводится много международных ярмарок и выставок. 2. Какой области науки посвящена эта выставка? 3. Были ли выставлены ваши новые модели на ярмарке этой весной? Она проходила в апреле, не так ли? 4. В Лондоне сейчас проходит химическая выставка. 5. Этот новый товар появится на рынке на будущий год. 6. Мы рады установить между нами хорошие и выгодные отношения. 7. На основе этого соглашения мы можем заключить контракты с иностранными фирмами. 8. За получение нового контакта была сильная конкуренция.

V. Read and translate the following texts with a dictionary.

World exhibition

The first world industrial exhibition was held in London in 1851. It was a great success. It displayed exhibits of 40 participating nations and the number of the visitors reached over six million.

Since then world industrial exhibitions have had a colourful history. Many such events have been held, some of them on a large scale. They have changed not only in size and scale, but also in character and overall purpose. Such events provided opportunities for exchanging scientific, technological and cultural achievements of the people of Europe, America, Australia, Asia and Africa.

Beginning with the early 60s, international expositions began to take new forms, trying to emphasize not only technological progress, but also other aspects of life. They became festivals of industry and culture.

The first international exhibition in our country was held in Moscow in 1964. Since then exhibitions have been held in other cities as well and their number has increased to a great extent.

Fairs and exhibitions provide an opportunity to establish profitable contacts and promote mutual understanding among different nations.

At the international exposition

An exposition is being held in Vancouver British Colombia. Here is what Ms. Baker, a hostess of the Canadian pavilion, said about her activities.

“I am a hostess of the Canadian pavilion and basically my job is to greet presidents of the companies and important businessmen. I usually tour the pavilion, explain to them all about the displays, show movies and then make sure that they are comfortable and well-served and show them on their way. Our pavilion is very popular with the VIP’s (very important persons) and we often bring them here.

When I visited your pavilion I was really impressed. I’ve been to your country as yet. Your displays are very well done and it was the first time I met Russian people and spoken with them. Truly, meeting you and visiting your pavilion has helped to cross the barrier, that unfortunate wall, which was built up. You realize that we are all human beings, all with the same feelings and desires. It was an eye-opener for me.”

VI. Read and translate the following dialogue.

At a chemical exhibition

Mr. Menon, an Indian businessman called at the Russian pavilion. His firm was interested in radiators. After he had seen the latest models on display he met Mr. Sokolov, a Russian engineer.

Menon: Good morning.

Sokolov: Good morning. Glad to see you in Moscow again. How do you like the exhibition?

Menon: It's wonderful. It's the biggest chemical exhibition, isn't it?

Sokolov: Oh, yes, over a thousand firms are taking part in it.

Menon: I've just seen your pavilion. I must say you've made great progress, your exhibits show it.

Sokolov: Yes, we are doing good business in chemical goods now.

Menon: I saw your radiator model B-73 in operation. You've just started producing

it, haven't you?

Sokolov: Yes, six months ago.

Menon: It'll go for export, won't it?

Sokolov: Certainly. All the exhibits that are on display in our pavilion are for sale.

Menon: We'd like to place an order for model B-73. It meets our requirements.

Sokolov: I’m pleased to hear it.

Menon: When could we discuss the matter in detail?

Sokolov: What about Monday, say eleven in the morning?

Menon: That suits me all right, but I'm afraid I must be leaving now, I have an appointment at twelve. Thank you very much. Good bye.

Sokolov: Good bye. See you on Monday.


The middlemen of trade

The middlemen of trade are involved in the channels of distribution. They are called middlemen because they lie between extractive and manufacturing industry and the public. They are involved in trade because they deal in the buying and selling of goods.

Types of middlemen

Wholesalers buy from manufacturers and sell to retailers hoping to make a profit, e.g. by buying at one price and selling at a higher price. Retailers buy from manufacturers and sell to customers hoping to make a profit. Larger retailers usually buy goods in bulk straight from manufacturers. Small retailers buy in smaller quantities from wholesalers.

Brokers, unlike wholesalers and retailers, don’t buy goods for themselves. Instead they act as agents by arranging deals for others, e.g. a manufacturer of chocolate might ask a broker to buy cocoa for him on a commodity exchange. Brokers never possess the goods in which they deal. They are used because they are specialists in the goods in which they deal; brokers earn commission.

In home trade the wholesaler is an example of a merchant and is sometimes called a wholesale merchant. In foreign trade there are export and import merchants who buy and sell goods just like a wholesaler. Merchants hope to make a profit.


middleman – посредник

channels of distribution – каналы сбыта

to deal in smth. – торговать чем-либо

broker – маклер, комиссионер

to act as smb. – работать в качестве

commodity exchange – товарная биржа

merchant – купец, торговец; лицо, занимающееся оптовыми продажами


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