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Shops and markets in London

London is still one of the most lively shopping cit­ies in the world. Within just a few minutes' walk you can find both vast department stores, with glittering window displays, and tiny, cluttered rooms where one customer almost fills the entire shop. Many of the most famous London shops are in Knightsbridge or Regent Street, where prices can be steep, but Oxford Street, which is packed with a huge number of shops offering quality goods at a range of prices, is also worth a visit.

The king of London's department stores, by tradition, is Harrod's, with its 300 departments and staff of about 4,000. The elaborately decorated, spectacular foodhall has splendid displays of fish, cheese, fruit and vegetables; other specialities include fashion for all ages, china and glass, electronics and kitchenware.

Though Harrod's is still just as popular, Londoners often head instead for nearby Harvey Nichols, which aims to stock the best of everything with the price tags to match. Clothes are particularly strong, with the emphasis firmly on very high fashion, with many talented British, European and American names repre­sented. There is also an impressive menswear section. The food hall, opened in 1992, is one of the most stylish in London.

Selfridge's vast building on Oxford Street houses everything from Gucci bags and Hermes scarves to household gadgets and bed-linen.

Marks and Spencer has come a long way since 1882 when Russian émigré Michael Marks had a stall in Leeds's Kirkgate market under the sign, "Don't ask the price — it's a penny!" It now has over 680 stores worldwide. It stocks reliable versions of more expen­sive clothes — Marks and Spencer's underwear in particular is a staple of the British wardrobe.

Meccas for those who enjoy searching for a bargain, London's colourful markets such as Brick Lane, Petticoat Lane and Portobello Road reflect also the vibrant street life with its enterprising multiracial community. Specialist shoppers will easily find streets crammed with antique shops, antiquarian booksellers and art galleries, the designer clothes and accessories shops. British designers excel in the opposite extremes of the market — traditional tailoring and street fashions.

Give English equivalents to the following word combinations:

блестеть; витрина; крошечный; загроможденный; очень высокий (о цене); кухонная утварь; ценник; стильный, модный; хозяйственно-бытовое оборудование; постельное бельё; лавка; главный предмет; удачная покупка; одежда, пошив одежды.


Shopping in the USA

Most US cities have many shopping areas. Usually there is a «downtown» where business is centered, but often there are large «shopping malls» in outlying districts. In these shopping centers, you can find most of the goods and services you normally need.


The supermarket is a large store which sells all kinds of food and also small selections of other things, like drugstore items, hard­ware, kitchen utensils, houseplants, food for pets and sometimes even clothing. A supermarket usually is part of a chain, one outlet of a large retailing business with great warehouses and many retail stores. Prices in supermarkets are usually lower than in small inde­pendent stores. There is a great deal of competition among super­market chains, with many "specials" and sales which are often advertised in local newspapers. Some supermarkets carry foreign foods, especially if they are located in the area with a large immi­grant population. Walk through a supermarket to become familiar with the wide variety of food and merchandise offered. If you have any questions, ask the clerk at the check-out counter.

Department stores

Department stores have many different "departments", where you can buy clothing, shoes, appliances, kitchen items, china, gifts, jewelry, etc. Department stores differ in price and quality. They often have sales, during which selected items are sold at reduced prices. Most sales are advertised in local newspapers.

Discount stores

Discount stores are similar to department stores but generally offer lower prices, because they buy in tremendous quantity (some­times older or discontinued models) and because the stores are large, economically built and plain. You can find "bargain" (good buys) at discount stores, if you shop with care.

Shopping Centers

Most people in the US shop in "shopping centers" – large clus­ters of business catering to most normal shopping needs. Usually, there is a supermarket and a drugstore, plus a wide variety of shops and services. Shopping centers usually stay open in the evenings and are often open at least part of the day on Sunday. Visit one or more local shopping centers and make note of business hours and the variety of merchandise and services available.

Give English equivalents to the following word combinations:

торговый район; бизнес-центр; торговый пассаж; торговый центр; металлические изделия, скобяные товары; кухонная посуда; торговая точка, магазин; товарный склад; магазин, торгующий в розницу; конкуренция; товары; контрольно-кассовый пункт; устраивать распродажу; сниженные цены.


Fairs and exhibitions

In the commercial world today fairs and exhibitions play an important role in the development of good friendly relations between all the countries. Every year a lot of international, national and specialized exhibitions and fairs are held in different countries of the world. The number of countries and companies who take part in them is growing from year to year and the scope of fairs and exhibitions is becoming larger.

International trade fairs and exhibitions today fall mainly into two groups: specialized, concentrating on products of a particular industry or group of industries, and general, covering many different fields. Lately business information exhibitions have gained recognition too.

The display during these exhibitions includes a wide range of exhibits which shows the latest achievements in different fields of industry, science and agriculture of many countries. They offer exporters an excellent opportunity to show what they have for sale, to make contacts and to learn about a market quickly and easily. They are also an ideal way of advertising and sales promotion.

At international and national exhibitions commercial centers are established where participants can negotiate the sale and the purchase of different goods. At many exhibitions there are stands and stalls selling all kinds of goods and exhibits to numerous visitors.

A fair or an exhibition is always an event which attracts serious businessmen, the general public alike and many potential buyers among them. So foreign trade associations of our country never lose a chance to exhibit their products at international fairs and exhibitions. Our country which stands for peace and friendly relations with all countries always takes part in fairs and exhibitions arranged both abroad and here in Russia.

They help to promote goods to new market and launch new products in the markets already developed. Every day halls are crowed with visitors, business talks are held, a great deal of profitable business is done, a lot of transactions are negotiated and concluded, contracts are signed, new orders are placed and new markets are established. This work goes on after the exhibitions as well: enquiries are sent out for the goods our national economy requires and offers are made for the products our new contacts are interested in.

Also, there are fairs and exhibitions organized on and off and devoted to scientific achievements in this or that field of national economy. Fairs and exhibitions are usually held under various mottoes: “People and Progress”, “Peace and Progress through Economic Cooperation” and so on.

International fairs and exhibitions pave the way for the consolidation of friendship among countries and nations. Indeed all participants along with showing the best they can offer, try to give visitors a good idea of the country's way of life and tourist attractions.

Our country is a regular participant of almost all international fairs and exhibitions and has been host to a growing number of them.


fair – ярмарка

exhibition – выставка

to take part in smth. – участвовать в чем-либо

scope – масштаб, размах

to gain recognition – получить известность, признание

display – выставка, показ

exhibit – экспонат

achievement in smth. – достижение, успех в чем-либо

to offer an opportunity – предоставить возможность

to make contacts – устанавливать связи

advertising – реклама

sales promotion – стимулирование сбыта, содействие торговли, сбыту

participant – участвующий, участник

to negotiate – вести переговоры; обсуждать условия

stand – стенд

stall – киоск

event – событие

general public alike – обычные люди

to promote goods to new markets – внедрять товары на новые рынки

to launch new products – знакомить с новыми товарами

to hold business talks – вести переговоры

profitable business – выгодное капиталовложение, дело, торговля

to conclude a transaction – заключать сделку, соглашение

to sign a contract – подписать, заключить договор

to place an order – размещать заказ

to establish a new market – устанавливать новый рынок

to send out an enquiry for the goods – направить запрос на товары

to make an offer – сделать предложение

on and off – время от времени

to devote – посвящать

motto – девиз, лозунг, призыв

to pave the way – прокладывать путь, подготавливать почву

along with – вместе, наряду с

way of life – стиль жизни

attraction – аттракцион

to host – принимать гостей, выступать в роли хозяина, принимающей стороны

I. Give Russian equivalents to the following word combinations:

to hold an exhibition (a fair); to take part in smth.; to grow from year to year; scope; to fall into two groups; to concentrate on products; business information exhibitions; to gain recognition; display; to include a wide range of exhibits; to show the latest achievements in different fields; to offer an excellent opportunity; to have for sale; to make contacts; to learn about the market; ideal way of advertising; sales promotion; to negotiate the sale and the purchase of the goods; to attract the general public alike; to hold business talks; to negotiate a lot of transactions; to hold under various mottos; to pave the way; along with; to give a good idea of the country's way of life; tourist attractions; to be a regular participant; to host.

II. Give English equivalents to the following word combinations:

привлекать бизнесменов; потенциальные покупатели; не упустить случая демонстрировать свои изделия; стенд; киоск; событие; внедрять новые изделия на новые рынки; знакомить с новыми товарами; выгодное дело; заключать сделки; подписать договор; размещать заказы; установить новый рынок; посылать запросы на товары; делать предложения на изделия; время от времени; посвящать научным достижениям в той или иной области национальной экономики.


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