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Exercise 3. Point out mood auxiliaries and modal verbs. Translate into Russian.

1. If Savina were with him at this moment, his doubts and loneliness would evaporate. (Wilson) 2: She felt if she could lose herself in her mother's arms she would be able to endure the pain that was so intense. (Caldwell) 3. Herzog pictured what might have happened if instead of listening so intensely and thoughtfully he had hit Madeleine in the face. (Bellow) 4. When she's alone and humiliated and broken it would be dreadful if she had nowhere to go. (Maugham) 5. I think, if he wouldn't mind, I should rather like him to spare me five minutes. (Snow) 6. If the tradition be ever broken it will be for an abler man than Stephen. (Shaw) 7. Jeff wished to suggest that it might be best if he went back to Lord's Creek. (Caldwell) 8. It would be worse than before if I should lose you now. (Greene) 9. I left a message for him... that I should be glad to see him for a moment on a matter of impor­tance for himself, and that if he would look in here when he was passing he would be welcome. (Shaw) 10. He wondered what Bob Watson would say and do if he should happen to see one of his tenants' crops in that condition. (Caldwell) 11. My shirt and trou­sers, stained with heat, dew, grass, and the Kentish soil on which - I had slept - and torn besides — might have frightened the birds from my aunt's garden, as I stood at the gate. (Dickens) 12. She thrilled from head to toe at the question. A piece of ice dropped down her back could not have startled her more. (Dreiser) 13. I should tell your son to keep away from him if I were you. (A. Wil­son) 14. If I had gone overseas, instead of him, I might have learned something and been somebody. (Baum) 15. If she could have been compressed to about three quarters of her actual width, she would have been very attractive. (Amis)


Exercise 4. Insert the appropriate form of the Subjunctive Mood. Comment on the form and the use of the Subjunctive Mood. Translate into Russian (simple sentences, conditional sentences, adverbial clauses of purpose and con­cession).

1. She wanted him to be a member of Parliament only that he ____ a claim on the gratitude of his party. (to have) (Maugham) 2. God ____ me from such friends in future. (to save) (Lindsay) 3. Andrews turned up the collar of his coat, lest he (to recog­nize— passive) (Greene) 4. I am prepared to gratify all your whims, however unreasonable they ____ (to be) (Maugham) 5. Do you think she ____ and have lunch with me if I ____ her? (to come, to telephone) (Hansford Johnson) 6. "Oh God ____ you!- How could you strike an old woman like that?" (to forgive) (Shaw) 7. Tell them I leave my country that I ____ free, and it is the end and the beginning. (to be) (Buck) 8. "Mr. Penty," said the doctor..., "in my experience, very few people are perfectly well, although they ____ they are." (to imagine) (Priestley) 9. I keep a diary in order to enter the won­derful secrets of my life. If I ____ them down, I ____ probably ____ all about them. (to write — negative, to forget) (Wilde) 10. He seemed to be dozing when she returned, and she put the low fire-together very softly lest she ____ him. (to awake) (Dickens) 11. Whatever your father ____ once ____, to day he's decay; he's age; he's everything that's corrupt and evil. (to be) (Gow and D'Usseau) 12. God ____ for her kind heart. (to thank — passive) (Lindsay) 13. If necessary, I could cable her to tell her his address in order that she ____ Aus-tralia without seeing him. (to leave — negative) (Shute) 14. I ____ you if I ____ a way out, but there isn't one. (to press — negative, to see) (Maugham) 15. It was plain that however conscientious Cassilis ____, however desperately hard and intelligently he ____, he would never get his captaincy, (to be, to work) (Hansford Johnson) 16. And fearful lest he ____ Soames turned away and mounted slowly to his room. (to see — passive) (Galsworthy) 17. This was true, and he ____ to meditate on this sad confession if he ____ otherwise engaged.(to pause, to be — negative) (Murdoch) 18. He had to admit to himself that whatever Miss Dobb's faults ____, she was the right sort of girl to take to a restaurant. (to be) (Lessing)


Exercise5. Translate into English, using the Subjunctive Mood where re­quired.

1. В этом зале очень хорошая акустика (acoustics); где бы вы ни сидели, вы все услышите. 2. У нас были очень плохие места; если бы акустика в этом зале не была такой хорошей, мы бы ничего не услышали. 3. Как бы он ни был занят, он находил время ходить в театр. 4. Как он ни занят, он находит время ходить в театр. 5. Что бы вы ни говорили, мне эта пьеса не нра­вится. 6. Врач сказал: «Как ни слаб больной, его надо опериро­вать». 7. Если бы не операция, больной, возможно, умер бы. 8. Сестра закрыла одно, чтобы шум не разбудил больного. 9. Врач сказал: «Больной теперь вне опасности. Но если бы случилось так, что у него опять поднялась температура, позвоните мне не­медленно». 10. Когда бы вы ни пришли ко мне, я всегда буду рад вас видеть. 11. Приходите пораньше, чтобы я мог показать вам свои книги. 12. Машина остановилась, чтобы туристы посмо­трели развалины старого монастыря. 13. Как бы темна ни была ночь, нам придется продолжать путь. 14. Как ни темна была ночь, туристы решили продолжать путь. 15. Если бы не звезды, которые так ярко светили, не было бы видно ни зги (to be pitch dark). 16. Я принес вам журнал, чтобы вы прочитали эту статью. 17. По­звоните мне вечером, как бы поздно вы ни вернулись домой. 18. На­деньте пальто, чтобы не простудиться. 19. Как бы он ни был взволнован час тому назад, сейчас он кажется совершенно спокой­ным. 20. Мне пришлось взять такси, чтобы не опоздать на поезд.


Exercise 6. Insert the appropriate form of the Subjunctive Mood. Comment on the form and the use of the Subjunctive Mood. Translate into Russian (simple sentences, conditional sentences, adverbial clauses of purpose, concession and comparison, predicative clauses, and subject clauses).

1. She took up her work and began to sew, as if it ____ always ____ her custom to work in this room. (to be) (Greene) 2. It's important that he ____ what he wants. (to have) (A. Wilson) 3. Have you realized that though you ____ towns and win battles, you cannot conquer a nation. (to occupy) (Shaw) 4. It was not Sir Edgar's intention that such a remarkable performance ____ (to curtail — passive) (A. Wilson) 5. You ____ to carry so much weight if you ____ the proper exercise. (to have — negative, to take) (Caldwell) 6. Mrs. Strickland was taking her family to the coast of Norfolk, so that the children ____ the sea and her. husband golf. (to have) (Maugham) 7. You look as if you ____ toothache... (to have) (Wilde) 8. Then he looked at his hands he looked at them as if he ____ just ____ he had them and ____ yet ____ what they were for. (to discover, to puzzle out— negative) (Faulkner) 9. The poor little woman will stand up for her brother, whatever he ____. (to be) (James) 10. I thought it was necessary1 that we ____ a short conversation before I left this house. (to have) (Maugham) 11. You are as right as can be and far ____ it from me to tell you otherwise. (to be) (Dickens) 12; He sounded as though he ____, us to see, ____ himself to see, that he was happy. (to want — negative, to want —negative) (Snout) 13. I dared not express my anxiety, lest it ____ her offence. (to give) (Dickens) 14. Without his help she ____ never ____ abler to achieve an independent estab­lishment and a clientele. (to be) (Murdoch) 15. After a while she saw Tommy.She went straight towards him, as if she ____ for him all. the while. (to look) (Faulkner) 16. We mustTernernbeк that though she ____ grievously in leaving her home, she is still our sister. (to err) (Hardy) 17. If only he ____ free! (to be) (Galsworthy) 18. Letters came to her from the family worded with a sort of anxious aston-ishment that Soames ____ such a thing happen to him. (to have) (Galsworthy) 19. She had brought the nurse back to attend to Laura, so that all her time ____ for her husband and his mother. (to be) (Hansford Johnson)



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