3. Deduction Analysis – The Church
3. Deduction Analysis – The Church Back with Kreacher, nothing lasts forever. The church eventually take notice of Kreacher’s orphanage. And Kreacher’s knows they’re bad news. 7. Dark Under Light See the light, shun the shadow. People often fail to see what’s rotting beneath the shiny surface. A photo: In the orphanage, Kreacher Pierson and a priest in uniform are conducting a band of disabled children. The “light” here is the church. At this time, the church isn’t as good as its appearance makes it seem. “People often fail to see what’s rotting beneath the shiny surface” is hinting at the church’s true nature (that they’re corrupt). To put it simply, the church in this story is actually the “bad guy”, while Kreacher is the “good guy”. For more evidence, take a look at Kreacher’s tool: a flashlight. This symbolizes how he is the light in the darkness. He wants to protect the kids and keep (lead) them away from the church. “Shun the shadow” is another hint towards why Kreacher became a philanthropist. As a thief, he is normally the person to get shunned. To look like the bad guy. That’s why he wanted/needed people’s trust. But this also hints towards the church’s intentions towards Kreacher and what they eventually do to him later. 8. Cover Their Eyes Not everything can be made public. Letter to Kreacher Pierson 1: Orphans in the orphanage that are diagnosed with mental illnesses should be sent to the mental institution run by the Catholic Church for comprehensive treatment. The church starts showing their true colors soon. “Cover Their Eyes” and “Not everything can be made public” refer to how the church is fooling the kids and the public, how they are lying about the real reasons they (the church) want the kids and what their real purpose is with the orphans.
2. 5 Speculation/Theory Zone (Continued) (Going back to my earlier speculation, the fact this (deduction 8) is sent as a “letter” and written as an order could go back to Kreacher being forced to work with the church. He may not be in full control of the orphanage, especially if he needed their help to build and pay for the orphanage, as well as for the land the orphanage is located on. As land, even if it’s cheap, it can still be quite expensive. The “real” person in charge may not be Father Duke, but the point is that Kreacher may be more of a “manager” for the orphanage than the real “owner”, and thus possibly subject to someone else’s authority. )
3. Deduction Analysis (Continued) Due to the fact Kreacher is arrested later in the deductions, it is likely he didn’t go along with their goals quietly. It’s possible he resisted and refused to send the kids over. Thus, that was the reason why the church needed him out of the picture. Before we get to Kreacher getting arrested, we need to switch over to Robbie (and a little of Emma) to learn about the church and what they’re doing.
Robbie and his sister Dolores are 2 of the kids at Kreacher’s orphanage (if you read the speculation section, I already included his background and talked about him some). We know Robbie was one of Kreacher’s orphans due to Robbie’s deduction 2. (Robbie) 2. Photo: a girl who lost a hand stands in the crowd. A banner on the wall reads, “Home, sweet home” First, the banner. We’ve already seen that Kreacher had this same banner at his orphanage. Second, the girl with a missing hand (the picture of Kreacher with the orphans does include a girl missing her right arm), since we know most if not all of Kreacher’s orphans were disabled. So, at this time, some of Kreacher’s orphans have already been sent to the church’s “mental institution”. (Robbie) 3. Dawn Hope gives people strength. Despite this, hope will always remain just that – hope. Diary 2: Mr. Macallan took over this orphanage. Doctors and nurses were always hurrying along the corridors, and the nuns and priests looked kind. We prayed every day and helped Mr. Macallan to clean the place. Perhaps our days will get better. Also, Robbie looked so cute lugging the axe around. “Dawn” is a reference to the “light” mentioned in Kreacher’s deductions (aka, the church). The church, for most people including these kids, are seen as good people. They also tell the kids that things will get better. “Perhaps our days will get better” is written in a way like they were told this by someone else first, someone who was trying to convince them that this was true. The kids start to believe this. (Emma) 5. Saint A real angel may not be an angel. Diary 3: The doctors were always discussing about typhoid fever, arguing what the best cure was and how to prevent it. We now have plenty of bread and milk, brand new books and clean clothes. the nun Lorraine said these are what patients should have. Things have been so good that I'm anxious. From here, we see again the same sort of language used with the title being “Saint”. In the text, we see that the kids are given more than they ever had with Kreacher, including food, books, and clothing. But, as hinted by Kreacher’s deduction where he says “People often fail to see what’s rotting beneath the shiny surface”, this is all just a show (just like Kreacher’s act of being a “philanthropist” to the “upper class”). The words “A real angel may not be an angel” parallels Kreacher’s words. Both hint that the church isn’t as good as try to appear to be. And from the last line, “things have been so good that I’m anxious”, it’s possible at least some of the kids may be getting suspicious. The church is getting the kids to lower their guard and get them to not care as much about Kreacher and his orphanage. This is because they are using the kids for experiments, and orphaned children are the best guinea pigs, since they have no parents, are ignorant (compared to adults), and have less/no choice with anything. The doctor’s interest in curing and preventing “typhoid feature” is another hint towards their goal of using the kids for experiments. One example of the church’s malpractice can be seen with Emma. (Emma) 10. Photo: A fourteen-year-old girl is bound to a chair receiving electroshock therapy. A female doctor is operating the device.
As a result, it’s around now the kids might begin learning the truth and possibly start resisting (and maybe wish they could go back to Kreacher and his orphanage). And the church doesn’t take it too well. (Robbie) 7. Curfew Good children adhere to bed time. Diary 4: Once again, Robbie climbed in through the window after curfew. The screws of that window were loose and his fingers nearly got chopped off by the fallen window frame. I've told him the story of the juniper tree numerous times, yet he still seemed to like it. The nun Lorraine said perhaps he just wanted my company. I asked her why we had to be separated. She sighed but didn't answer. The church begins punishing the kids and restricting their freedom. They initiate a curfew and start separating the children from each other. That’s why Robbie was climbing through a window after hours. He wanted to see his sister, but she had been split up from him. The kids aren’t as happy now, and maybe resist in some fashion, which displeases the church. They don’t want to lose their guinea pigs. They want to continue their experiments, but they need the kids to stop resisting and being difficult. I believe it’s around now that the church decides to get rid of Kreacher. If they get rid of Kreacher and take over the orphanage, then the kids will have nothing to go back to and they (the church) will have all the authority to do whatever they want. But to get rid of Kreacher, they need something against him. They need someone to say something bad about him to have an excuse to get him arrested and thus get him out of the way. Maybe the church already knew what sort of person Kreacher was and just needed someone to testify against him. Maybe they didn't and just wanted anything against him they could use to get him out of the way so they could take over the orphanage. Either way, as a result of this (in my opinion), they decide to torture the kids until one of them says something against Kreacher. (Robbie) 4. Prescription Shock and fear are part of the treatment. " Water Healing": Water can wash away the violent and extreme parts of life. Rinsing a patient's head continuously with cold water can calm their crazed mind. Note that 1 or more medical personnel should be present. Suggest to prescribe cold dispelling decoction after treatment. To do this, children that act out are labeled as “crazed” and “violent” by the church staff. These kids are then taken to be subject to water torture. To set up this scene, I need to go back to Kreacher and mention one of his deductions. Specifically, his deduction 3. 3. The Secret In time, all secrets come out. Orphan diary 1: the kind lady gave me a piece of white bread, so hot and soft. But I watched as Kreacher snatched her purse and I said nothing. I’m horrible. The reason I bring this up is to compare against one of Robbie’s deductions, specifically his deduction 6. (Robbie) 6. The Secret Everyone has a conscience. But what if everyone’s conscience is different? Both Kreacher and Robbie have deductions titled “Secret”. Kreacher’s is about how he steals. Robbie’s talks about how “Everyone has a conscience. But what if everyone's conscience is different? ”. This could be referencing how the church isn’t as good as it appears (as they are willing to torture and experiment on children). On the other hand, and this is more what I believe, is that this is referring to Kreacher (a guy that thinks stealing is ok). If the latter is true, this implies the “Secret” belongs to Kreacher. This is also implied by how Kreacher’s deduction says “all secrets come out”, which refers to his secret about the fact that he steals. Now remember that purse I mentioned earlier? I believe that purse belongs to the lady we see in Kreacher’s deduction 3. According to the accessory, the purse looks and is described as being “extravagant”. This likely means the lady Kreacher stole from was someone who was quite rich. So it’s no wonder Kreacher would’ve taken her purse given the chance. Again, he doesn’t like the upper class, and he is in need of funding for the orphanage. Plus, it’s not every day Kreacher has a chance to profit that much off of what he manages to steal (not everyone he encounters is going to be wealthy).
Why I think this scene is important, rather than just another instance or just 1 example of Kreacher’s thefts, is because I theorize that Kreacher doesn’t normally let the kids see him in the act of stealing, or know that he does it. From the phrasing in Kreacher’s deduction, it doesn’t sound like something the kid talking in the deduction is used to seeing. That the kid could almost be taken as being surprised from what he sees as well as the fact the kid feels “horrible” to me means this isn’t a normal occurrence. If it were normal, there would at least be less guilt on the kid’s part (that’s why Kreacher doesn’t feel guilty. He’s done this so often. He’s likely numb and doesn’t feel anything when he does it, unlike someone who’s never been involved in or not used to such acts before). Also, from Kreacher’s deduction 1, we know Kreacher is trying to gain people’s trust. Stealing in front of a child, especially if they didn’t know he steals before, could count as losing someone’s trust. Thus, if you take this all to be true, the fact Kreacher purposefully avoids letting the kids see him steal normally implies he cares about the kids (otherwise, if he didn’t care, he’d be doing it more often. And from Robbie, he only mentions working and begging. If Kreacher were stealing, you’d think Robbie would’ve said more than just that he was “emotionless”). The reason Kreacher broke this habit of not letting the kids see him steal was due to how rich the lady was. Money and funding the orphanage are his number 1 priority, and this wasn’t an opportunity he wanted to miss. Either way, I’m proposing this is the moment the orphans learned about Kreacher’s “crime”, which I’m also proposing is the moment they eventually admit to the church when the kids are subjected to water torture. Their “guilt” (they did call themselves “horrible”) may also have been another reason that made it easier for them to spill the beans. This next bit is less important and more speculation, but the lady Kreacher stole from may also be involved in getting Kreacher arrested. Even though we don’t know her name, it’s possible the children did. And, for all we know, this lady was someone (important most likely from the amount she had) working for the church, since the church back then were corrupt and quite interested in acquiring wealth. In either case, the church could find this person and use this lady (and the children) to testify against Kreacher and finally get him thrown into jail by officials. 9. Death Struggle The hunter getting closer, but I’ll never give up. I will not be caught again. File: a mugshot of Kreacher Pierson. The lower left corner reads “theft” I also believe they needed someone to say something against Kreacher because Kreacher is likely fairly quick when he steals, and skilled enough to make it hard to notice if, when, or how he does it (like a magician when they hide whatever slight of hand or trick they perform to create their “magic). My point is that it is probably hard for them to literally catch him in the act (other than just to spot something missing afterwards, but they still wouldn’t have direct proof he stole the thing without searching his person). It is more feasible and easier for them to get someone else to testify against him than they themselves catch him in the act.
Other than just because they wanted Kreacher out of the way, this could also be his punishment for resisting as well as a way to “intimidate” him if you will. At the same time, this could be a way for them to make a statement to Kreacher, by “showing” him how much he’s worth: nothing. He’s just a small, pathetic, non-important thief and that’s all he’ll ever be. 10. Start Over Even when things are getting worse, you will need to find a way to cheer up. An article: According to the church clinic last week, at least 12 children in the White Sand Street Orphanage were found to have varying degrees of mental illness. The White Sand Street Orphanage will be transformed by the church into a children's mental institution. With Kreacher gone and unable to stop them, the church is now able to transform Kreacher’s orphanage into the White Sands Street Asylum. It may be around/after this time that the incident with Robbie occurs (since it’s mentioned by Kreacher in his character day letter, which only happens after Kreacher gets released from jail), where Robbie ends up losing his head and dying due to the faulty window Dolores never fixed. This as a result leads to the mass murder (most likely caused by Dolores due to Robbie, her brother, dying making her go crazy) mentioned in Robbie’s last deduction. 9. Conscience The nun Lorraine said there’s nothing she could do, and that she’s sorry. Clipping: A patient lost control and led to numerous casualties in White Sand Street Asylum. Fortunately, such a patient didn’t try to escape. This made the locals reflect on whether they should allow such an organization in the city. There may have been damage to the church’s building after the incident. Maybe the “locals” forced the church to close down, move out, and/or change (Emily and Kurt’s letters do mention reforming). Either way, as a result of the incident, the church needed a new orphanage, as we can see from Kreacher’s background and his last deduction. (Kreacher’s background) When the church wanted to open an orphanage on White Sand Street, Mr. Pierson generously handed over his business and land to the church. The compensation was significant, but for Mr. Pierson, not enough to build a new orphanage. Looks like he needs to make up the difference somehow... But perhaps he should find himself a nice partner first? 11. Escape A successful escape may be ascribed to luck, but I’m not relying on that. Letter to Kreacher Pierson 2: A wise choice. God will appreciate your generosity. Of course, the government will compensate you for all of your financial losses. White Sand Street needs a new orphanage, and I think that you are the most suitable person to handle it. Kreacher, sensing an opportunity, makes a deal with the church. He “generously” hands over his orphanage and the land in exchange for release from jail. But it’s not because Kreacher feels betrayed by the kids or because he no longer cares about the kids. We know he still cares due to Kreacher’s character day letter, which we’ll get to in a moment. From his background and deduction, we know that he’s going to be getting a new orphanage, and from the letter, we see that he plans to have the kids transferred to this new place. This is likely why Kreacher doesn’t just “escape” from jail. If he wants to be able to run the new orphanage and help the kids, he needs to get out of jail legally somehow. If he didn’t, there’s no way he’d be given either the orphanage or the kids if he were being pursued by the authorities. The reason why his deduction describes Kreacher as having been “generous” goes back to the fact that Kreacher is a liar. Kreacher admits this himself in both his deduction and in his diary when talking about Freddy. 5. Truth Denier Lies and deceit comfort me; it makes me feel safe. Once again, just like his title of “philanthropist”, Kreacher is putting on a faç ade for the church, something we see continued in his letter.
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