7. Theory: Kreacher Can Cook?. 8. Theory: Emma Wasn’t at Kreacher’s Orphanage
7. Theory: Kreacher Can Cook? Secondly, I’d like to get into a bit more theorizing. This may be more along the lines of a headcanon, but I do my best to support it with what evidence I do have. Regarding my 1st theory: I believe Kreacher was the one that cooked for the orphaned children. I base this mainly on the fact that Kreacher made the belladonna pie in the diary. In case you didn’t know who made it, if you play through Kreacher’s diary (rather than Freddy’s) I believe it gives us plenty of evidence that Kreacher was the one to make the pie. This comment implicates him as the culprit, as well as the reason Kreacher did it. We see him observe Freddy and Emma in the diary. Later, Kreacher goes into the garden and notices Freddy had been talking about/looking at the belladonna flowers next to where the scarecrow is.
It’s obvious that, unlike Freddy (who has to be warned by Emma), Kreacher knows to be careful about the belladonna (he did have to learn how to survive on the streets. This involves survival, so it’s not too much of a stretch he’d know if something were poisonous). We then see Kreacher collect some of the belladonna, but I don’t believe he collected a lot. Just enough for one shot. And he is successful with it too, as we see the pie comes out looking good. This means he managed to make the pie in one try. This implies this isn’t his 1st time cooking. Due to who Kreacher is and how he grew up, he never had the time to learn how to bake (or develop a love of baking we can use as an excuse). He also didn’t have the money to buy ingredients and tools, or the time to learn from someone. Along with this, it would’ve been expensive to hire a chef back then to cook multiple meals for an extended period of time for the kids at the orphanage. This means Kreacher likely took up the position himself, implying Kreacher is self-taught but became proficient over time. Also, it’s not quite obvious in the diaries, but it looks like the survivors probably had to prepare their own meals. So, who was it that made the meals? Cooking meals and household work was normally a women’s job back in that day. So that means Freddy’s out, even if not for that reason but because of how much of a snob he is as he sees himself as “upper class”. He would never stoop to the level of attempting to learn or participate in something like that. Not to mention Freddy doesn’t like to get dirty, so he’d likely think no differently of cooking. Regarding Emma, she was only 8 years old when she was sent to an orphanage. 8. Photo: An eight- or nine-year-old girl stands at the door of an orphanage. The lower right corner reads: " My beloved Lisa" It is also highly unlikely that orphanages would allow orphans to cook. So that means Emma is out too. What about Emily? She does indeed fit the description, so she likely does know how to cook. The problem is that she wasn’t at the manor at the beginning. This means the other 3 were on their own until she arrived. So what happens in the mean time? My thought is, based on the pie, that leaves Kreacher as the only one left.
It’s not an important note, just something I found funny/interesting.
8. Theory: Emma Wasn’t at Kreacher’s Orphanage My 2nd theory is less certain than the first, so it’s more something I’ve wondered than is actually true (so feel free to skip it). Anyways, the theory I have is that Emma may never have been part of Kreacher’s orphanage. She was at an “orphanage”, but I think it’s more likely she was at one of the church’s institutions instead of Kreacher’s. My main reason for thinking this: it all has to do with the fact Emma’s real name is Lisa. Let me explain why this is important. First, let’s look at Emma for a quick second. Her deductions mention a photo of her in front of the orphanage. 8. Escape He sent me away before disaster struck. And now it’s just me here. Photo: An eight- or nine-year-old girl stands at the door of an orphanage. The lower right corner reads: " My beloved Lisa" From these we see that, at this time, Emma is still going by “Lisa”. This means, while at the “orphanage”, she would’ve been known as “Lisa” (not “Emma”, which wasn’t a name that existed yet). Due to another picture relating to her deductions, we can see she was still going by “Lisa” while she was at the asylum receiving electroshock therapy. 10. Redemption I often think, if only there was someone that had lent me a hand. Then maybe now I could help others? Photo: A fourteen-year-old girl is bound to a chair receiving electroshock therapy. A female doctor is operating the device. So, if she was still going by “Lisa”, all the way through the orphanage, this means, by process of elimination, she only started going by “Emma” after escaping the asylum. Yes, I say escaping because it is the only option that makes sense. She was only sent to the orphanage after her mom left Leo for Freddy, and Leo only sent Emma to the orphanage because it was at that point he decided to burn the factory down with him inside it (suicide). This means there was no one to pick her up or take her out of the asylum. The 2nd option is that her condition improved, but due to Emily’s comments during Emily’s diary, we can see that Emma’s condition has actually deteriorated instead of improved.
This leaves escape as the only option, and since we see her at the manor, we know she was successful. To back up this idea, just take a look at Emma’s deduction 7. 7. Maintenance Seems like these cipher machines can still be used. Perhaps I should restore them I know how to open that gate. Rather than referring to the gate in the game, this is referring to the asylum door. She was at the asylum for a long time receiving electrotherapy. That means she probably knew pretty well how to open the “door” (I think in other translations, it may say “door” instead of “gate”, but correct me if I’m wrong) to the asylum. As such, she then just had to choose an appropriate time to make her escape. After which, she’d be on the run. So, to avoid being pursued and caught, this was when “Lisa” changed her name to “Emma”. Why else would someone change their name than because they were trying to hide?
But back to my original point. What does her name have to do with me thinking she wasn’t with Kreacher? Because Kreacher never calls her Lisa. We see that Kreacher seems to know everyone else. He even knows Emily’s real name is Lydia Jones. *(Side note for anyone confused about the part about a “Wanted Order”, here are my thoughts on an explanation: Regarding the " Wanted Order" bit, this could be referring to the fact that Emily is essentially a fugitive. Authorities found out about her illegal services as well as the death of Emma's mom (this comes from Emily's deduction 10 and 11). As a result, Emily is now " Wanted". It's partially because of this that Emily is at the manor right now, as she is looking for " a life of security and stability" (this is from her background) as well as to atone for her mistakes. This means Emily doesn't want to stay " on the run" and is looking for a way out of her situation. But back to Kreacher's comment, she used to only look at " rich ladies", but because of her " Wanted" status, she's been forced there, to the mansion, where she is now seeing to Kreacher's wounds, with Kreacher being someone " of the lower class". )* We know that Lydia Jones is her real name due to her deductions. (Emily) 2. Clinic Opening After obtaining my license, I rented a tiny show front with the aim of helping as many people as I could. Photo: A younger Dr. Emily is standing in front of a building called " The Lydia Jones Clinic. " (Emily) 4. Superb Skills It is cruel, but for a private clinic, even one act of negligence may lead to irreparable consequences. A business card: Lydia Jones, a reliable, trustworthy obstetrician. The fine texture of the card and print reflects the card owner's wealth. It seems that she made it. (Emily) 11. Escape The reason why I saved you was not to take you away, but was to experience that feeling of despair once again Wanted: Despite the inconsistency between age and appearance, Lydia Jones seems to in fact be Emily Dyer. The 1st picture is the same one we see Freddy finding in Emily’s diary. It’s also possible Kreacher may know that Freddy stole Leo’s wife, due to something he says in the diary. So, if Kreacher knows who Emma is, why does he use “Emma Woods” rather than Lisa? Kreacher knows the name “Emma Woods” only because the card with their room assignments had all their names on it too. But he easily calls Emily “Dr. Jones” even though the card uses the name “Emily Dyer” for her. Why doesn’t Kreacher do the same for Emma? Maybe because he doesn’t know what Emma’s real name is. If Emma did go to Kreacher’s orphanage, it doesn’t make sense that he would call her “Emma” instead of “Lisa”, since she was still going by “Lisa” back when she was at an “orphanage”. Leo includes “Lisa” on the photo in Emma’s deduction. Due to the fact Leo had to have been the one to take the picture (he’s the only who would say “My beloved Lisa”), Leo must’ve been the one to drop Lisa off at the orphanage before he burned himself up in the factory. If this were true, and if this were Kreacher’s orphanage, Leo would’ve had to have met Kreacher. And Leo didn’t ever have any fake names. So even if Kreacher doesn’t know her first name “Lisa”, he would have at least known her last name. But he doesn’t even call her that. He just says “Miss Woods”. This also brings up another point. Most of Kreacher’s kids are disabled. Emma is not. And Kreacher is always the one to bring the kids to the orphanage. Leo was the one to bring Emma to the “orphanage” she stays at. Based on these 2 facts, it makes even less sense Emma was ever at Kreacher’s orphanage.
For more proof, let’s look back at the picture of Emily giving Emma electroshock therapy. Lisa is listed as “patient 137”. And as we’ve seen from Kreacher’s deductions, as well as the few pictures with him in it, he only has around 12 (while the pictures of him with the orphans only shows us about 5), not to mention his orphanage is mentioned to be small. My point: White Sands Street Orphanage isn’t large enough for 137 kids. Kreacher just didn’t have the money for anything more than a small house/building. To back this up further, we know that there are 3 buildings of importance to us on White Sands Street: 13 White Sand Street. Kreacher’s Orphanage for disabled children. 59 White Sand Street. The mental asylum. We see Emily volunteering here (in her deductions) and this is where she gives Emma electroshock therapy. 673 White Sand Street. The church’s hospital manned by Father Duke, where the mentally ill children (diagnosed as such by the church) are transferred to. Here are several pictures I found that may help prove this (as well as my best guess at what they say based on google translate. I’m sorry).
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