9. About Deduction 4: Kreacher’s Eye and The Abuse Theory
⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 9 из 9 I want to bring up Kreacher’s eyes now Some say he lost his eye at some point, and what we see is a fake/artificial one. One theory I’ve heard more than once was that he lost it based on/during his deduction 4 due to the mention of losing “the left side”. 4. Orphan Diary 2: " Kreacher said that there was a new child who came here tonight. He's lucky, only lost the left side. Veronica said he needed some rest. I saw her holding the dirty sheets, covered in red stains. Hope he doesn't miss breakfast tomorrow. I’d like to say I’m fairly certain this isn’t true. The loss of “the left side” is more likely referring to the “new child” introduced here. We know most if not all Kreacher’s orphans were disabled. This deduction is just hinting to this fact, to how he brings these kids he finds off the street and does his best to save them (though it’s not always possible). The pictures I’ve posted earlier of Kreacher with the orphans shows us this (just look at the kids. They’re all missing a body part). Next, I’d also like to bring up the pictures with Kreacher in it, especially the photo of him in jail, which you can actually find in game (click any hunter, and go to their “Appearance Decoration” screen. The one where you can change costumes and the like. Just look on the right wall. You can see 3 of that picture of Kreacher in jail stuck to the wall). In these photos of Kreacher, Kreacher’s eyes seem normal, intact (especially the one where he’s in jail, which is the one closest to the present time). Based on this deduction, people say that the blood mentioned on the sheets is from Kreacher and his eye. I think if he really had damaged/lost an eye, there’d likely be a lot more blood mentioned. We’d also likely see some sign of disfigurement, such as a scar or the eye socket/eyeball itself becoming deformed. Also, if he had been stabbed in the eye or something, he probably would’ve been lying in the street for a while, in some serious pain. And since he’s just some thief, who’s to say he’d be able to find someone to patch him up and keep him from bleeding out, not to mention if whether or not he would have the money to pay off whatever that would cost. Also, it’s never been said by officials that Kreacher is blind in his left eye. As another note, the technology and technique behind artificial eyes were still in its early phases back then. Glass eyes were only a recent thing in the late 19th century, not to mention the operation to get them fitted, as well as the cost of the artificial eye itself, was expensive. It would likely have been too much for Kreacher, who was likely just barely managing to keep the orphanage running as well as managing to raise the kids off what funds he could acquire via theft, since he himself had no money otherwise. And from how immature this technology was at the time, I think it would’ve been obvious from the way it acted that the eye was fake, and I don’t notice anything off from what we see in the diary.
From all this, I don’t believe Kreacher has a fake eye or whatever. And since we have no hints from officials about him being blind, I tend to rather believe that’s not the case either, but that’s just me. So, from the process of elimination, that just leaves heterochromia. And we don’t have enough information to really say much more on that subject (if he was born with it or developed afterwards due to another condition). Again, I’m just going to assume for myself that he was born with it and leave it at that. While I’m at it, I’ll address another theory I’ve come across about this same deduction. Some say this deduction is evidence that Kreacher abuses the children. I’ve already shown you at the very beginning of my analysis that Kreacher wasn’t violent to them. He cares about the kids. But to address this theory more deeply than that, let’s look at the text we see. To say “he’s lucky, only lost the left side”, if Kreacher were abusing the children, “only the left side” would mean other kids have lost “more” than just “the left side”. Why else would the kid say this new child is “lucky”? Lucky would mean it’s common for kids to lose more than that. And from the pictures we see, no kid is missing “more” than 1 part of their body. Also, since to be able to say lucky means it had to have happened more than once, that also helps prove this deduction isn’t talking about Kreacher losing his left eye. He can’t frequently be losing eyeballs, and we know he’s not totally blind. If it just means lucky in different ways other than just losing eyes, to say losing an eye versus some other possible damage doesn’t make sense. There isn’t anything else wrong with Kreacher, he isn’t missing any limbs, and doesn’t have any giant scars. Point being: nothing “worse” has happened to Kreacher. Also, if he were an abuser and thus only cares about money, why decide on an orphanage of all things? There are probably easier and better ways to profit without having to care for so many children if that were his only interest. And later on, after he went to jail, why use the money to build a new orphanage? I’m just trying to say it doesn’t quite make sense if he really didn’t care about the kids (and just abused them). (And to repeat, if he were an abuser, he wouldn’t have done things like give a rainbow orb/prom ball to the kids. That wouldn’t make any sense. )
The last topic I want to bring up is Kreacher’s Bluebeard skin, which is another way people try to prove Kreacher is an abuser. To summarize the story: Bluebeard is a wealthy man with a “blue beard” that made him extremely ugly, so much so that it caused women to run away from him. It was known that he had married several times before, but no one knew what happened to them. He eventually marries again, but one day he has to leave. He gives his wife all the keys to most of the rooms, which contain all of his treasures and possessions. There was only one door she wasn’t allowed to enter. Of course, it isn’t long before she gets curious and decides to look. That’s when she discovers the room is full of blood and the dead bodies of his previous wives. Out of shock and fear, she drops the key, which becomes stained with blood that she is unable to wash off. She tells her sister what she discovered, and they devise a plan to escape. Bluebeard, when he finds the bloody key, threatens to kill her, but she buys enough time for her brothers to arrive and rescue them by killing Bluebeard. She then buries the dead wives, inherits Bluebeard’s castle, remarries, and lives happily ever after.
There are slightly different versions, but this is the reason why most assume that this skin implies Kreacher either abuses children or abuses (or even kills) women like Emma. I don’t believe this is the correct message. In the Bluebeard story, if you think about it a little differently, Bluebeard is looking for a wife that trusts him. Someone that won't betray him. That's why he gives the keys to every room with his treasure except the one. It’s a test. He's looking for someone who will pass this test. He is also looking for someone that will love him despite his " blue beard". This was the reason that made everyone think Bluebeard was ugly. He wants someone who will love him despite his outward appearance. He also wants this person to not simply marry him for his wealth and all his possessions. But all of his past wives have either been vain, greedy, or fail his test. Kreacher is similar to Bluebeard in a way. His " blue beard" could refer to Kreacher’s status (as “lower class”), his poor appearance, and/or his being a thief. These are things that drive off most people from him. He isn't wealthy. He's just a no-name, dirty street-dweller. At the same time, his " blue beard" could refer to his orphanage and the orphans. The children themselves are all disabled, and like Bluebeard's " blue beard", these disabilities are abnormal, strange, and to some could be seen as disgusting (at least to those of the " upper class". That's likely why none of them ever help these sort of kids). Unlike Bluebeard, Kreacher is not wealthy. He isn't a real " philanthropist", but to the upper class, he makes it seem like he is. This could mean the point of view in the Bluebeard story, if we think about it in terms of Kreacher and his environment, could be from someone of the " upper class". They would be the people in the story that normally hate Bluebeard for his. They are the ones that avoid Kreacher and his orphanage due to their " ugly appearance” and are the people that hate Kreacher for who he is (orphan, lived on the street, lower class, dirty, poor, thief). They are the same people who are only interested in Kreacher for his " treasure". In this case, this could either refer to him being a (fake) " philanthropist" (an image he keeps up for the " upper class) or to the orphans and his orphanage (aka, Kreacher's real " treasure", which I discussed already with his deduction 4), which may be the main reason he had any pictures taken of him and the orphans at all (because it was newsworthy likely). They are also all the wives Bluebeard has had in the past. Rather than literal wives, this may more refer to people that come to the orphanage. This could include people like the lady who Kreacher stole a purse from in his deduction 3, or to the church people themselves. To incorporate the door test from the story, maybe Kreacher does something similar for all these people who come to the orphanage. Maybe his test has to do with him seeing whether or not these people will donate to the orphanage, and if not that's when he steals from them?
Or if we're talking about the church, like with the story, he lets them go wherever they want. He " gives them the keys" (which may also refer to my earlier theory when I talked about cooperation and how he's had to work with them to get his orphanage up and running at all, or how they may be the ones really in charge of the orphanage) to his orphanage. They have access to all of his " treasure" (aka the orphans). The only rule here, the one room they aren't allowed to access, may refer to Kreacher's " secret" (aka his stealing, and how he funds the orphanage). And again, like in the story, the wife (aka possibly the church here) does discover Bluebeard's secret (which in this case is the church finding out about Kreacher's acts of thefts). Bluebeard meets his end (after the wife tells about the secret and hatches a plan) when the wife's brother (after she buys enough time for them to come) arrives and kills him. The person the wife tells in this case would be officials that can have Kreacher arrested. Instead of dying, this would be when Kreacher is sent to jail by the church. At this point in the story, Bluebeard's wife inherits Bluebeard's castle and all of his treasure. This would be when the church takes over Kreacher's orphanage and takes all of the kids and send them to their asylum for their experiments. In the story, the bloody key the wife fails to clean that lets Bluebeard know the wife failed, is like how Kreacher knows and will never forget the church's betrayal.
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