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MPU9x50 Configuration. Mission

MPU9x50 Configuration

Name Description Min > Max (Incr. ) Default Units
MPU_ACC_LPF_ENM (INT32) Low pass filter frequency for Accelerometer Values:
  • 0: MPU9X50_ACC_LPF_460HZ
  • 1: MPU9X50_ACC_LPF_184HZ
  • 2: MPU9X50_ACC_LPF_92HZ
  • 3: MPU9X50_ACC_LPF_41HZ
  • 4: MPU9X50_ACC_LPF_20HZ
  • 5: MPU9X50_ACC_LPF_10HZ
  • 6: MPU9X50_ACC_LPF_5HZ
  • 7: MPU9X50_ACC_LPF_460HZ_NOLPF
MPU_GYRO_LPF_ENM (INT32) Low pass filter frequency for Gyro Values:
  • 0: MPU9X50_GYRO_LPF_250HZ
  • 1: MPU9X50_GYRO_LPF_184HZ
  • 2: MPU9X50_GYRO_LPF_92HZ
  • 3: MPU9X50_GYRO_LPF_41HZ
  • 4: MPU9X50_GYRO_LPF_20HZ
  • 5: MPU9X50_GYRO_LPF_10HZ
  • 6: MPU9X50_GYRO_LPF_5HZ
  • 7: MPU9X50_GYRO_LPF_3600HZ_NOLPF
MPU_SAMPLE_R_ENM (INT32) Sample rate in Hz Values:
  • 0: MPU9x50_SAMPLE_RATE_100HZ
  • 1: MPU9x50_SAMPLE_RATE_200HZ
  • 2: MPU9x50_SAMPLE_RATE_500HZ
  • 3: MPU9x50_SAMPLE_RATE_1000HZ


Name Description Min > Max (Incr. ) Default Units
COM_OBL_ACT (INT32) Set offboard loss failsafe mode Comment: The offboard loss failsafe will only be entered after a timeout, set by COM_OF_LOSS_T in seconds. Values:
  • 0: Land mode
  • 1: Hold mode
  • 2: Return mode
COM_OBL_RC_ACT (INT32) Set offboard loss failsafe mode when RC is available Comment: The offboard loss failsafe will only be entered after a timeout, set by COM_OF_LOSS_T in seconds. Values:
  • 0: Position mode
  • 1: Altitude mode
  • 2: Manual
  • 3: Return mode
  • 4: Land mode
  • 5: Hold mode
COM_POSCTL_NAVL (INT32) Position control navigation loss response Comment: This sets the flight mode that will be used if navigation accuracy is no longer adequate for position control. Navigation accuracy checks can be disabled using the CBRK_VELPOSERR parameter, but doing so will remove protection for all flight modes. Values:
  • 0: Assume use of remote control after fallback. Switch to Altitude mode if a height estimate is available, else switch to MANUAL.
  • 1: Assume no use of remote control after fallback. Switch to Land mode if a height estimate is available, else switch to TERMINATION.
COM_TAKEOFF_ACT (INT32) Action after TAKEOFF has been accepted Comment: The mode transition after TAKEOFF has completed successfully. Values:
  • 0: Hold
  • 1: Mission (if valid)
MIS_ALTMODE (INT32) Altitude setpoint mode Comment: 0: the system will follow a zero order hold altitude setpoint 1: the system will follow a first order hold altitude setpoint values follow the definition in enum mission_altitude_mode Values:
  • 0: Zero Order Hold
  • 1: First Order Hold
0 > 1  
MIS_DIST_1WP (FLOAT) Maximal horizontal distance from home to first waypoint Comment: Failsafe check to prevent running mission stored from previous flight at a new takeoff location. Set a value of zero or less to disable. The mission will not be started if the current waypoint is more distant than MIS_DIS_1WP from the home position. 0 > 10000 (100) m
MIS_DIST_WPS (FLOAT) Maximal horizontal distance between waypoint Comment: Failsafe check to prevent running missions which are way too big. Set a value of zero or less to disable. The mission will not be started if any distance between two subsequent waypoints is greater than MIS_DIST_WPS. 0 > 10000 (100) m
MIS_LTRMIN_ALT (FLOAT) Minimum Loiter altitude Comment: This is the minimum altitude the system will always obey. The intent is to stay out of ground effect. set to -1, if there shouldn't be a minimum loiter altitude -1 > 80 (0. 5) -1. 0 m
MIS_MNT_YAW_CTL (INT32) Enable yaw control of the mount. (Only affects multicopters and ROI mission items) Comment: If enabled, yaw commands will be sent to the mount and the vehicle will follow its heading towards the flight direction. If disabled, the vehicle will yaw towards the ROI. Values:
  • 0: Disable
  • 1: Enable
0 > 1  
MIS_TAKEOFF_ALT (FLOAT) Take-off altitude Comment: This is the minimum altitude the system will take off to. 0 > 80 (0. 5) 2. 5 m
MIS_YAW_ERR (FLOAT) Max yaw error in degrees needed for waypoint heading acceptance 0 > 90 (1) 12. 0 deg
MIS_YAW_TMT (FLOAT) Time in seconds we wait on reaching target heading at a waypoint if it is forced Comment: If set > 0 it will ignore the target heading for normal waypoint acceptance. If the waypoint forces the heading the timeout will matter. For example on VTOL forwards transition. Mainly useful for VTOLs that have less yaw authority and might not reach target yaw in wind. Disabled by default. -1 > 20 (1) -1. 0 s
MPC_YAW_MODE (INT32) Yaw mode Comment: Specifies the heading in Auto. Values:
  • 0: towards waypoint
  • 1: towards home
  • 2: away from home
  • 3: along trajectory
0 > 3  
NAV_ACC_RAD (FLOAT) Acceptance Radius Comment: Default acceptance radius, overridden by acceptance radius of waypoint if set. For fixed wing the L1 turning distance is used for horizontal acceptance. 0. 05 > 200. 0 (0. 5) 10. 0 m
NAV_DLL_ACT (INT32) Set data link loss failsafe mode Comment: The data link loss failsafe will only be entered after a timeout, set by COM_DL_LOSS_T in seconds. Once the timeout occurs the selected action will be executed. Setting this parameter to 4 will enable CASA Outback Challenge rules, which are only recommended to participants of that competition. Values:
  • 0: Disabled
  • 1: Hold mode
  • 2: Return mode
  • 3: Land mode
  • 4: Data Link Auto Recovery (CASA Outback Challenge rules)
  • 5: Terminate
  • 6: Lockdown
NAV_FORCE_VT (INT32) Force VTOL mode takeoff and land    
NAV_FW_ALTL_RAD (FLOAT) FW Altitude Acceptance Radius before a landing Comment: Altitude acceptance used for the last waypoint before a fixed-wing landing. This is usually smaller than the standard vertical acceptance because close to the ground higher accuracy is required. 0. 05 > 200. 0 5. 0 m
NAV_FW_ALT_RAD (FLOAT) FW Altitude Acceptance Radius Comment: Acceptance radius for fixedwing altitude. 0. 05 > 200. 0 (0. 5) 10. 0 m
NAV_LOITER_RAD (FLOAT) Loiter radius (FW only) Comment: Default value of loiter radius for missions, Hold mode, Return mode, etc. (fixedwing only). 25 > 1000 (0. 5) 50. 0 m
NAV_MC_ALT_RAD (FLOAT) MC Altitude Acceptance Radius Comment: Acceptance radius for multicopter altitude. 0. 05 > 200. 0 (0. 5) 0. 8 m
NAV_RCL_ACT (INT32) Set RC loss failsafe mode Comment: The RC loss failsafe will only be entered after a timeout, set by COM_RC_LOSS_T in seconds. If RC input checks have been disabled by setting the COM_RC_IN_MODE param it will not be triggered. Setting this parameter to 4 will enable CASA Outback Challenge rules, which are only recommended to participants of that competition. Values:
  • 0: Disabled
  • 1: Hold mode
  • 2: Return mode
  • 3: Land mode
  • 4: RC Auto Recovery (CASA Outback Challenge rules)
  • 5: Terminate
  • 6: Lockdown
NAV_RCL_LT (FLOAT) RC Loss Loiter Time (CASA Outback Challenge rules) Comment: The amount of time in seconds the system should loiter at current position before termination. Only applies if NAV_RCL_ACT is set to 2 (CASA Outback Challenge rules). Set to -1 to make the system skip loitering. -1. 0 > ? (0. 1) 120. 0 s
NAV_TRAFF_AVOID (INT32) Set traffic avoidance mode Comment: Enabling this will allow the system to respond to transponder data from e. g. ADSB transponders Values:
  • 0: Disabled
  • 1: Warn only
  • 2: Return mode
  • 3: Land mode

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