| Description
| Min > Max (Incr. )
| Default
| Units
| Serial Configuration for MAVLink (instance 0)
Comment: Configure on which serial port to run MAVLink.
- 0: Disabled
- 6: UART 6
- 101: TELEM 1
- 102: TELEM 2
- 103: TELEM 3
- 201: GPS 1
- 202: GPS 2
Reboot required: true
| Enable MAVLink Message forwarding for instance 0
Comment: If enabled, forward incoming MAVLink messages to other MAVLink ports if the message is either broadcast or the target is not the autopilot. This allows for example a GCS to talk to a camera that is connected to the autopilot via MAVLink (on a different link than the GCS).
Reboot required: True
| MAVLink Mode for instance 0
Comment: The MAVLink Mode defines the set of streamed messages (for example the vehicle's attitude) and their sending rates.
- 0: Normal
- 1: Custom
- 2: Onboard
- 3: OSD
- 4: Magic
- 5: Config
- 7: Minimal
Reboot required: True
| Maximum MAVLink sending rate for instance 0
Comment: Configure the maximum sending rate for the MAVLink streams in Bytes/sec. If the configured streams exceed the maximum rate, the sending rate of each stream is automatically decreased. If this is set to 0, a value of /20 is used, which corresponds to half of the theoretical maximum bandwidth.
Reboot required: True
| 0 > ?
| B/s
| Serial Configuration for MAVLink (instance 1)
Comment: Configure on which serial port to run MAVLink.
- 0: Disabled
- 6: UART 6
- 101: TELEM 1
- 102: TELEM 2
- 103: TELEM 3
- 201: GPS 1
- 202: GPS 2
Reboot required: true
| Enable MAVLink Message forwarding for instance 1
Comment: If enabled, forward incoming MAVLink messages to other MAVLink ports if the message is either broadcast or the target is not the autopilot. This allows for example a GCS to talk to a camera that is connected to the autopilot via MAVLink (on a different link than the GCS).
Reboot required: True
| MAVLink Mode for instance 1
Comment: The MAVLink Mode defines the set of streamed messages (for example the vehicle's attitude) and their sending rates.
- 0: Normal
- 1: Custom
- 2: Onboard
- 3: OSD
- 4: Magic
- 5: Config
- 7: Minimal
Reboot required: True
| Maximum MAVLink sending rate for instance 1
Comment: Configure the maximum sending rate for the MAVLink streams in Bytes/sec. If the configured streams exceed the maximum rate, the sending rate of each stream is automatically decreased. If this is set to 0, a value of /20 is used, which corresponds to half of the theoretical maximum bandwidth.
Reboot required: True
| 0 > ?
| B/s
| Serial Configuration for MAVLink (instance 2)
Comment: Configure on which serial port to run MAVLink.
- 0: Disabled
- 6: UART 6
- 101: TELEM 1
- 102: TELEM 2
- 103: TELEM 3
- 201: GPS 1
- 202: GPS 2
Reboot required: true
| Enable MAVLink Message forwarding for instance 2
Comment: If enabled, forward incoming MAVLink messages to other MAVLink ports if the message is either broadcast or the target is not the autopilot. This allows for example a GCS to talk to a camera that is connected to the autopilot via MAVLink (on a different link than the GCS).
Reboot required: True
| MAVLink Mode for instance 2
Comment: The MAVLink Mode defines the set of streamed messages (for example the vehicle's attitude) and their sending rates.
- 0: Normal
- 1: Custom
- 2: Onboard
- 3: OSD
- 4: Magic
- 5: Config
- 7: Minimal
Reboot required: True
| Maximum MAVLink sending rate for instance 2
Comment: Configure the maximum sending rate for the MAVLink streams in Bytes/sec. If the configured streams exceed the maximum rate, the sending rate of each stream is automatically decreased. If this is set to 0, a value of /20 is used, which corresponds to half of the theoretical maximum bandwidth.
Reboot required: True
| 0 > ?
| B/s
| Broadcast heartbeats on local network
Comment: This allows a ground control station to automatically find the drone on the local network.
- 0: Never broadcast
- 1: Always broadcast
- 2: Only multicast
| MAVLink component ID
Reboot required: true
| 1 > 250
| Forward external setpoint messages
Comment: If set to 1 incoming external setpoint messages will be directly forwarded to the controllers if in offboard control mode
| Parameter hash check
Comment: Disabling the parameter hash check functionality will make the mavlink instance stream parameters continuously.
| Hearbeat message forwarding
Comment: The mavlink hearbeat message will not be forwarded if this parameter is set to 'disabled'. The main reason for disabling heartbeats to be forwarded is because they confuse dronekit.
| Activate ODOMETRY loopback
Comment: If set, it gets the data from 'vehicle_visual_odometry' instead of 'vehicle_odometry' serving as a loopback of the received ODOMETRY messages on the Mavlink receiver.
| MAVLink protocol version
- 0: Default to 1, switch to 2 if GCS sends version 2
- 1: Always use version 1
- 2: Always use version 2
| MAVLink Radio ID
Comment: When non-zero the MAVLink app will attempt to configure the radio to this ID and re-set the parameter to 0. If the value is negative it will reset the complete radio config to factory defaults.
| -1 > 240
| MAVLink system ID
Reboot required: true
| 1 > 250
| MAVLink airframe type
- 0: Generic micro air vehicle
- 1: Fixed wing aircraft
- 2: Quadrotor
- 3: Coaxial helicopter
- 4: Normal helicopter with tail rotor
- 5: Ground installation
- 6: Operator control unit / ground control station
- 7: Airship, controlled
- 8: Free balloon, uncontrolled
- 9: Rocket
- 10: Ground rover
- 11: Surface vessel, boat, ship
- 12: Submarine
- 13: Hexarotor
- 14: Octorotor
- 15: Tricopter
- 16: Flapping wing
- 17: Kite
- 18: Onboard companion controller
- 19: Two-rotor VTOL using control surfaces in vertical operation in addition. Tailsitter.
- 20: Quad-rotor VTOL using a V-shaped quad config in vertical operation. Tailsitter.
- 21: Tiltrotor VTOL
- 22: VTOL reserved 2
- 23: VTOL reserved 3
- 24: VTOL reserved 4
- 25: VTOL reserved 5
- 26: Onboard gimbal
- 27: Onboard ADSB peripheral
| 1 > 27
| Use/Accept HIL GPS message even if not in HIL mode
Comment: If set to 1 incoming HIL GPS messages are parsed.