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Landing target Estimator. Local Position Estimator

Landing target Estimator

Name Description Min > Max (Incr. ) Default Units
LTEST_ACC_UNC (FLOAT) Acceleration uncertainty Comment: Variance of acceleration measurement used for landing target position prediction. Higher values results in tighter following of the measurements and more lenient outlier rejection 0. 01 > ? 10. 0 (m/s^2)^2
LTEST_MEAS_UNC (FLOAT) Landing target measurement uncertainty Comment: Variance of the landing target measurement from the driver. Higher values results in less agressive following of the measurement and a smoother output as well as fewer rejected measurements.   0. 005 tan(rad)^2
LTEST_MODE (INT32) Landing target mode Comment: Configure the mode of the landing target. Depending on the mode, the landing target observations are used differently to aid position estimation. Mode Moving: The landing target may be moving around while in the field of view of the vehicle. Landing target measurements are not used to aid positioning. Mode Stationary: The landing target is stationary. Measured velocity w. r. t. the landing target is used to aid velocity estimation. Values:
  • 0: Moving
  • 1: Stationary
0 > 1  
LTEST_POS_UNC_IN (FLOAT) Initial landing target position uncertainty Comment: Initial variance of the relative landing target position in x and y direction 0. 001 > ? 0. 1 m^2
LTEST_SCALE_X (FLOAT) Scale factor for sensor measurements in sensor x axis Comment: Landing target x measurements are scaled by this factor before being used 0. 01 > ? 1. 0  
LTEST_SCALE_Y (FLOAT) Scale factor for sensor measurements in sensor y axis Comment: Landing target y measurements are scaled by this factor before being used 0. 01 > ? 1. 0  
LTEST_VEL_UNC_IN (FLOAT) Initial landing target velocity uncertainty Comment: Initial variance of the relative landing target velocity in x and y direction 0. 001 > ? 0. 1 (m/s)^2

Local Position Estimator

Name Description Min > Max (Incr. ) Default Units
LPE_ACC_XY (FLOAT) Accelerometer xy noise density Comment: Data sheet noise density = 150ug/sqrt(Hz) = 0. 0015 m/s^2/sqrt(Hz) Larger than data sheet to account for tilt error. 0. 00001 > 2 0. 012 m/s^2/sqrt(Hz)
LPE_ACC_Z (FLOAT) Accelerometer z noise density Comment: Data sheet noise density = 150ug/sqrt(Hz) = 0. 0015 m/s^2/sqrt(Hz) 0. 00001 > 2 0. 02 m/s^2/sqrt(Hz)
LPE_BAR_Z (FLOAT) Barometric presssure altitude z standard deviation 0. 01 > 100 3. 0 m
LPE_EPH_MAX (FLOAT) Max EPH allowed for GPS initialization 1. 0 > 5. 0 3. 0 m
LPE_EPV_MAX (FLOAT) Max EPV allowed for GPS initialization 1. 0 > 5. 0 5. 0 m
LPE_FAKE_ORIGIN (INT32) Enable publishing of a fake global position (e. g for AUTO missions using Optical Flow) by initializing the estimator to the LPE_LAT/LON parameters when global information is unavailable 0 > 1  
LPE_FGYRO_HP (FLOAT) Flow gyro high pass filter cut off frequency 0 > 2 0. 001 Hz
LPE_FLW_OFF_Z (FLOAT) Optical flow z offset from center -1 > 1 0. 0 m
LPE_FLW_QMIN (INT32) Optical flow minimum quality threshold 0 > 255  
LPE_FLW_R (FLOAT) Optical flow rotation (roll/pitch) noise gain 0. 1 > 10. 0 7. 0 m/s / (rad)
LPE_FLW_RR (FLOAT) Optical flow angular velocity noise gain 0. 0 > 10. 0 7. 0 m/s / (rad/s)
LPE_FLW_SCALE (FLOAT) Optical flow scale 0. 1 > 10. 0 1. 3 m
LPE_FUSION (INT32) Integer bitmask controlling data fusion Comment: Set bits in the following positions to enable: 0: Set to true to fuse GPS data if available, also requires GPS for altitude init 1: Set to true to fuse optical flow data if available 2: Set to true to fuse vision position 3: Set to true to enable landing target 4: Set to true to fuse land detector 5: Set to true to publish AGL as local position down component 6: Set to true to enable flow gyro compensation 7: Set to true to enable baro fusion default (145 - GPS, baro, land detector) Bitmask:
  • 0: fuse GPS, requires GPS for alt. init
  • 1: fuse optical flow
  • 2: fuse vision position
  • 3: fuse landing target
  • 4: fuse land detector
  • 5: pub agl as lpos down
  • 6: flow gyro compensation
  • 7: fuse baro
0 > 255  
LPE_GPS_DELAY (FLOAT) GPS delay compensaton 0 > 0. 4 0. 29 sec
LPE_GPS_VXY (FLOAT) GPS xy velocity standard deviation. EPV used if greater than this value 0. 01 > 2 0. 25 m/s
LPE_GPS_VZ (FLOAT) GPS z velocity standard deviation 0. 01 > 2 0. 25 m/s
LPE_GPS_XY (FLOAT) Minimum GPS xy standard deviation, uses reported EPH if greater 0. 01 > 5 1. 0 m
LPE_GPS_Z (FLOAT) Minimum GPS z standard deviation, uses reported EPV if greater 0. 01 > 200 3. 0 m
LPE_LAND_VXY (FLOAT) Land detector xy velocity standard deviation 0. 01 > 10. 0 0. 05 m/s
LPE_LAND_Z (FLOAT) Land detector z standard deviation 0. 001 > 10. 0 0. 03 m
LPE_LAT (FLOAT) Local origin latitude for nav w/o GPS -90 > 90 47. 397742 deg
LPE_LDR_OFF_Z (FLOAT) Lidar z offset from center of vehicle +down -1 > 1 0. 00 m
LPE_LDR_Z (FLOAT) Lidar z standard deviation 0. 01 > 1 0. 03 m
LPE_LON (FLOAT) Local origin longitude for nav w/o GPS -180 > 180 8. 545594 deg
LPE_LT_COV (FLOAT) Minimum landing target standard covariance, uses reported covariance if greater 0. 0 > 10 0. 0001 m^2
LPE_PN_B (FLOAT) Accel bias propagation noise density 0 > 1 1e-3 (m/s^2)/s/sqrt(Hz)
LPE_PN_P (FLOAT) Position propagation noise density Comment: Increase to trust measurements more. Decrease to trust model more. 0 > 1 0. 1 m/s/sqrt(Hz)
LPE_PN_T (FLOAT) Terrain random walk noise density, hilly/outdoor (0. 1), flat/Indoor (0. 001) 0 > 1 0. 001 (m/s)/(sqrt(hz))
LPE_PN_V (FLOAT) Velocity propagation noise density Comment: Increase to trust measurements more. Decrease to trust model more. 0 > 1 0. 1 (m/s)/s/sqrt(Hz)
LPE_SNR_OFF_Z (FLOAT) Sonar z offset from center of vehicle +down -1 > 1 0. 00 m
LPE_SNR_Z (FLOAT) Sonar z standard deviation 0. 01 > 1 0. 05 m
LPE_T_MAX_GRADE (FLOAT) Terrain maximum percent grade, hilly/outdoor (100 = 45 deg), flat/Indoor (0 = 0 deg) Used to calculate increased terrain random walk nosie due to movement 0 > 100 1. 0 %
LPE_VIC_P (FLOAT) Vicon position standard deviation 0. 0001 > 1 0. 001 m
LPE_VIS_DELAY (FLOAT) Vision delay compensaton Comment: Set to zero to enable automatic compensation from measurement timestamps 0 > 0. 1 0. 1 sec
LPE_VIS_XY (FLOAT) Vision xy standard deviation 0. 01 > 1 0. 1 m
LPE_VIS_Z (FLOAT) Vision z standard deviation 0. 01 > 100 0. 5 m
LPE_VXY_PUB (FLOAT) Required velocity xy standard deviation to publish position 0. 01 > 1. 0 0. 3 m/s
LPE_X_LP (FLOAT) Cut frequency for state publication 5 > 1000 5. 0 Hz
LPE_Z_PUB (FLOAT) Required z standard deviation to publish altitude/ terrain 0. 3 > 5. 0 1. 0 m

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