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Return Mode. Return To Land. Runway Takeoff. SD Logging

Return Mode

Name Description Min > Max (Incr. ) Default Units
RTL_DESCEND_ALT (FLOAT) Return mode loiter altitude Comment: Stay at this altitude above home position after RTL descending. Land (i. e. slowly descend) from this altitude if autolanding allowed. 2 > 100 (0. 5) m
RTL_LAND_DELAY (FLOAT) Return mode delay Comment: Delay after descend before landing in Return mode. If set to -1 the system will not land but loiter at RTL_DESCEND_ALT. -1 > 300 (0. 5) -1. 0 s
RTL_MIN_DIST (FLOAT) Minimum distance to trigger rising to a safe altitude Comment: If the system is horizontally closer than this distance to home it will land straight on home instead of raising to the return altitude first. 0. 5 > 20 (0. 5) 5. 0 m
RTL_RETURN_ALT (FLOAT) RTL altitude Comment: Altitude to fly back in RTL in meters 0 > 150 (0. 5) m

Return To Land

Name Description Min > Max (Incr. ) Default Units
RTL_TYPE (INT32) Return type Comment: Fly straight to the home location or planned mission landing and land there or use the planned mission to get to those points. Values:
  • 0: Return home via direct path
  • 1: Return to a planned mission landing, if available, via direct path, else return to home via direct path
  • 2: Return to a planned mission landing, if available, using the mission path, else return to home via the reverse mission path

Runway Takeoff

Name Description Min > Max (Incr. ) Default Units
RWTO_AIRSPD_SCL (FLOAT) Min. airspeed scaling factor for takeoff. Pitch up will be commanded when the following airspeed is reached: FW_AIRSPD_MIN * RWTO_AIRSPD_SCL 0. 0 > 2. 0 (0. 01) 1. 3 norm
RWTO_HDG (INT32) Specifies which heading should be held during runnway takeoff Comment: 0: airframe heading, 1: heading towards takeoff waypoint Values:
  • 0: Airframe
  • 1: Waypoint
0 > 1  
RWTO_MAX_PITCH (FLOAT) Max pitch during takeoff. Fixed-wing settings are used if set to 0. Note that there is also a minimum pitch of 10 degrees during takeoff, so this must be larger if set 0. 0 > 60. 0 (0. 5) 20. 0 deg
RWTO_MAX_ROLL (FLOAT) Max roll during climbout. Roll is limited during climbout to ensure enough lift and prevents aggressive navigation before we're on a safe height 0. 0 > 60. 0 (0. 5) 25. 0 deg
RWTO_MAX_THR (FLOAT) Max throttle during runway takeoff. (Can be used to test taxi on runway) 0. 0 > 1. 0 (0. 01) 1. 0 norm
RWTO_NAV_ALT (FLOAT) Altitude AGL at which we have enough ground clearance to allow some roll. Until RWTO_NAV_ALT is reached the plane is held level and only rudder is used to keep the heading (see RWTO_HDG). This should be below FW_CLMBOUT_DIFF if FW_CLMBOUT_DIFF > 0 0. 0 > 100. 0 (1) 5. 0 m
RWTO_PSP (FLOAT) Pitch setpoint during taxi / before takeoff airspeed is reached. A taildragger with stearable wheel might need to pitch up a little to keep it's wheel on the ground before airspeed to takeoff is reached 0. 0 > 20. 0 (0. 5) 0. 0 deg
RWTO_TKOFF (INT32) Runway takeoff with landing gear    

SD Logging

Name Description Min > Max (Incr. ) Default Units
SDLOG_DIRS_MAX (INT32) Maximum number of log directories to keep Comment: If there are more log directories than this value, the system will delete the oldest directories during startup. In addition, the system will delete old logs if there is not enough free space left. The minimum amount is 300 MB. If this is set to 0, old directories will only be removed if the free space falls below the minimum. Note: this does not apply to mission log files. Reboot required: true 0 > 1000  
SDLOG_MISSION (INT32) Mission Log Comment: If enabled, a small additional " mission" log file will be written to the SD card. The log contains just those messages that are useful for tasks like generating flight statistics and geotagging. The different modes can be used to further reduce the logged data (and thus the log file size). For example, choose geotagging mode to only log data required for geotagging. Note that the normal/full log is still created, and contains all the data in the mission log (and more). Values:
  • 0: Disabled
  • 1: All mission messages
  • 2: Geotagging messages
Reboot required: true
SDLOG_MODE (INT32) Logging Mode Comment: Determines when to start and stop logging. By default, logging is started when arming the system, and stopped when disarming. Values:
  • 0: when armed until disarm (default)
  • 1: from boot until disarm
  • 2: from boot until shutdown
Reboot required: true
SDLOG_PROFILE (INT32) Logging topic profile (integer bitmask) Comment: This integer bitmask controls the set and rates of logged topics. The default allows for general log analysis and estimator replay, while keeping the log file size reasonably small. Enabling multiple sets leads to higher bandwidth requirements and larger log files. Set bits true to enable: 0: Default set (used for general log analysis) 1: Full rate estimator (EKF2) replay topics 2: Topics for thermal calibration (high rate raw IMU and Baro sensor data) 3: Topics for system identification (high rate actuator control and IMU data) 4: Full rates for analysis of fast maneuvers (RC, attitude, rates and actuators) 5: Debugging topics (debug_*. msg topics, for custom code) 6: Topics for sensor comparison (low rate raw IMU, Baro and Magnetomer data) 7: Topics for computer vision and collision avoidance Bitmask:
  • 0: Default set (general log analysis)
  • 1: Estimator replay (EKF2)
  • 2: Thermal calibration
  • 3: System identification
  • 4: High rate
  • 5: Debug
  • 6: Sensor comparison
  • 7: Computer Vision and Avoidance
Reboot required: true
0 > 255  
SDLOG_UTC_OFFSET (INT32) UTC offset (unit: min) Comment: the difference in hours and minutes from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) for a your place and date. for example, In case of South Korea(UTC+09: 00), UTC offset is 540 min (9*60) refer to https: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/List_of_UTC_time_offsets -1000 > 1000 min
SDLOG_UUID (INT32) Log UUID Comment: If set to 1, add an ID to the log, which uniquely identifies the vehicle    

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