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  Hood. V. Lukyanets. "Universe"

                                                         PHILOSOPHY  XXI          V. N. STAROVOITOV   THE  SCIENCE  PHILOSOPHY



                FULL  COURSE





Philosophy is the mother of all sciences. Our philosophy is a smart mother. She stretches out her hand to all mankind, hurries him on the path of knowledge, time does not wait, but it... does not even look in her direction


                                                                                     Hood. V. Lukyanets. " Universe"






With the emergence of a new philosophical doctrine, a breakthrough begins, a leap of scientific knowledge into their completely new quality


   I don't care where to start

for again there I will return.


   This book is made for every person.

This book is simple for everyone, regardless of their level of scientific knowledge.

                            This book of correct answers                 to many questions, since problems are not posed here, but are quickly and correctly solved.


This book does not care where to start, since its content is arranged the way the Universe is arranged and how the system of human concepts is arranged. How EVERYTHING works IMMEDIATELY. This is a new, dialectical, form of knowledge, where everything is connected into one closed system due to its truth and completeness. Only true principles are capable of such a connection due to the fact that they are fundamentally incapable of contradicting each other. Therefore, immediately look for the principle that answers your question, and he, in turn, is connected with others, others with others. Thus, the Answer Tree is formed by itself! This is how human intuition works. This is how the Universe of Dialectical Knowledge is arranged. It is this perfect system of organizing knowledge that today opens a clear path for each person to his absolute mental perfection.

         Good luck to the Universe of Knowledge!



Dear Reader!

 False concepts are like crooked mirrors. For a correct and deep independent judgment, you need your true concepts of the World in which you live. The system of true principles of this philosophy will help you in their formation. True, some patience will be required from you. Choose yourself. Either perceive everything on the basis of ready-made stereotypes (other people's opinions), but then nothing will be clear to you, or look at the World through the diamond network of your true concepts. Only then will you be the master of your opinion. The main thing is that this opinion will be dialectically deep and true. Trust the facts. They don't know how to lie. Those who give only " convenient" facts lie. And most importantly, learn correctly and with dialectical completeness, which presupposes a comprehensive study of the subject, and think for yourself.

Our philosophy opens up the freedom of true and systematic thinking. It relieves a person from the need for other people's opinions, which are often false, she teaches him to think freely and truly in any area of ​ ​ knowledge. Freedom of true thought is the greatest of freedoms, because it is freedom from delusion. If everywhere and in everything you rely on " chewed" information, then you will be like a baby that has neither its teeth nor its own mind.

Dear Scientist!

 All fundamental problems of private science are problems of the science of philosophy. But your main problems lie precisely in your choice: will you adhere to the dialectical approach of philosophy and the path of truth, or will you follow the path of blind faith in other people's opinions. Only a perfect philosophical worldview allows you to organize all the knowledge gained and life experience into a perfect system of active knowledge of the mind. This knowledge automatically excludes falsehood - truth and falsehood are incompatible.

This science opens the way to new dialectical thinking and the achievement of correct and simple answers to the most complex and intricate questions of the universe. The speech of truth is simple. The thoughts of a genius are also simple. Only fact, truth and true principle are the unshakable supports of knowledge.




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