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Philosophy is the mother of all sciences

The private sciences appeared much later than philosophy. The foundations of always being the first science, philosophy has already laid in its very subject. Philosophy is the only one of the sciences that has a complete subject area. However, it has so far made little use of this advantage. But it is precisely the completeness of the subject matter of philosophy that really opens up to it exceptional possibilities that no particular science at all possesses. And thus, philosophy really has the broadest possibilities in solving those scientific problems that are inaccessible to private science because of its limited subject matter.


Active rule problem. The psyche is an informational entity, and the active rule is its main functional element. Without it, it does not work at all. But today in psychology there is no definition of an active rule. As a consequence, there are no true definitions: no concept, no understanding, no consciousness, no mind, no subconsciousness, no sensation. Sheer confusion. True, psychology is not to blame for this. Since the psyche, as an informational entity, must be investigated on the basis of the true principles of information. But even cybernetics does not possess these principles today. Today this science is called computer science, but we had to go back to its former name, since it does not have a true information theory.  


Information problem. The materialist theory of information is closely related to the theory of truth, as well as to the theory of the psyche. Its absence today among the private sciences is their common misfortune. The point is that modern informatics uses Shannon's theory of information, completely divorced from material reality, based on statistics. This theory cannot be recognized as true, since it is completely divorced from material reality and has many purely subjective aspects. They manage to measure its quantity by the amount of information missing by the recipient. Here is a laugh. But the recipients are different!  

Information is real that exists objectively. It is information (data) in the form of stable traces of material interaction, which were " imprinted" by a material object by a source of information on another object-carrier of this information (primary data). Or it is information that has been " printed" on the carrier by a material converter of information (secondary data).   

Nothing supernatural. The beginning of the solution of this problem was laid by Aristotle himself, as the author of the idea of the " fingerprint". There was no particular problem here, and there is not. Information arises, moves, exists and is transformed only in material processes.  

Information is the basis of the psyche. She obeys her own laws. It is based on discrete immutable data and active rules for their transformation. Secondary data comes from the converter - this is already a different data, because data by its nature is discrete and unchanged.

But this still had to be discovered and proved. And our philosophy has completely solved these problems, and without much effort.


The problem of the multilevel structure of the human psyche. It is quite obvious not only its structure, but also how the artificial psyche will work. And already today it is possible and necessary to create sensing, feeling, morally stable and “enjoying life” devices. The main thing is that such a device can be repaired and can exist for millions of years.


The problem of the development of knowledge is huge in its significance, because active knowledge is a necessa ry basis of life. The genes of any living cell are carriers of knowledge of its origin and vital activity.

In general, most of these problems we have have simple and true solutions. The unlimited subject area of philosophy allows a person to clearly see each subject in its many connections with others. What is actually called the dialectical approach.


Physical field problem. At the philosophical level, it has long been correctly solved in our philosophy. The solutions to this problem were based on the nature of the physical force between two material particles interacting with their similar fields. There are only three types of fundamental physical fields: gravitational field, electrical positive and electrical negative. A magnetic field is a form of manifestation of an electric field. Everything is so simple that it can be easily explained to a fifth grade student (pioneer Nikolai). But today tell any physicist that fields do not exist in ordinary space, and that here we have only the forces of their action on our sources, he will not listen. However, this is indeed the case. And this is clearly proven in our philosophy. Moreover, physical fields spread instantly, because they do not exist in ordinary space, but in hyperspace. And these two spaces intersect at each point. This discovery of ours literally explodes many well-established physical theories.


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