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The atlants give the sky. On stone hands. Fales from Miletus (about 625 - 547). Pifagor (about 570 - 497).   parmenid from Elea



625    600  575   550 525    500  475   450  425    400 375    350    325  300

FALES from Miletus (about 625 - 547)

               ANAXIMANDER from Miletus (610 - 540)




                    PIFAGOR (about 570 - 497)



                                  PARMENID from Elea

                                               (about 540 - 470)



                                    HERCLITUS of Ephesus

                                                   (about 540 - 460)





    EMPCDOCL from Agrigent

               (about 480 - 430)


625 600 575 550 525 500 475 450 425 400 375 350 325 300



               SOCRATES (469 -399)



                DEMOCRITE of Abder

                        (about 460 - 370)



                                         PLATO (427 - 347)


                                                ARISTOTEL (384 - 322)

And even 1000 years after Aristotle, Athens had the status of a center of philosophical thought, but without such Atlanteans as Anaximander and Heraclitus, Parmenides and Democritus, Plato and Aristotle and many of the former, everything gradually fell into desolation.


    Philosophy is a sky that only Atlanteans can hold

Introductory lecture

Philosophy is the mother of all sciences. Today she is a leader in scientific knowledge and a wise mentor for every person.


The reasons for the emergence of a new version of philosophy, its goals, strategies and the results achieved

· Why another version of the science of philosophy?

· The main problem of the development of philosophical knowledge

· Philosophy is the mother of all sciences

· Dialectics                                                                                                    

· Philosophy is a world outlook science

· The philosopher is always the first in his house                                                    

· New philosophical doctrine

· Discoveries of a new doctrine - the main discoveries of the XXI century


Science, philosophy (philosophy) develops, becomes more and more perfect. Knowledge of private sciences is developing, society is developing. Therefore, today the knowledge of the science of philosophy must satisfy both the requirements of Science and the requirements of the human worldview. In this philosophy, the term " Science" denotes the system of all special sciences and sciences of philosophy, therefore it is written with a capital letter. Philosophy is not a private, but a central science. The fact is that in philosophy, the subject sphere is everything that exists. Everything that exists: all things, all information, space, human consciousness, all this is the subject of philosophy. All private sciences are included in the subject area of ​ ​ the science of philosophy. Philosophy is at the center of everything, including the center of all private sciences . It, like the core of the Earth, is located in the very center of the planet, and everything else on earth rests on it, as on a foundation. According to its " fundamental" status, the tasks of philosophy are at the forefront of scientific knowledge. There are such questions that, due to the peculiarities of their subject, today only the science of philosophy can correctly solve.


The boundaries of the subject area of private science are also the boundaries of its competence. Philosophy does not suffer from limited competence, and this is its significant advantage over any of the special sciences. However, today philosophy, like many special sciences, what is there to hide, contains a lot of falsehood, so our version of philosophy is intended to correct the existing situation. Truth is the main and necessary quality of scientific knowledge. And the correct theory of truth today turned out to be possible only thanks to the philosophical dialectical method of cognition. So philosophy is the science of special possibilities.


Our philosophy is a philosophy of truths. It arose only thanks to its own theory of truth. This is a simple theory that could have arisen a hundred years earlier. But, despite its simplicity, it is a very effective theory that makes it easy and simple to distinguish between truth and falsehood.

Truths in principle do not contradict each other and their facts. Otherwise they are not truths. So, firmly adhering to the laws of truth, a simple and understandable path to true knowledge of reality was opened for us. And these are not empty words. Today, this philosophy contains hundreds of true principles, which is a kind of creative record. But this is not an aggregate, but a single and fairly complete system of principles. False principles do not form such a unified system due to contradictions. In general, this philosophy is a true, fairly complete and systemic science. This is its significant advantage over all existing philosophies. Truth and falsity are irreconcilable contradictions. This is the law. Therefore, here it is no longer the author who declares war on falsehood, but the truths themselves.


  There are many versions of the science of philosophy today. Plato, Aristotle, Kant, Hegel and many other eminent philosophers have created their very different versions of the science of philosophy. But the science of philosophy is one and it requires an unambiguous understanding of the truths of the surrounding world. This is where the tangle of problems lies. Hegel was the first to try to untie this tangle: “The history of philosophy shows, first, that seemingly different philosophical doctrines represent only one philosophy at different stages of its development; secondly, that the special principles, each of which lies at the basis of one any system, are only offshoots of one and the same whole. The latest philosophical doctrine is the result of all previous philosophical doctrines and must therefore contain the principles of all of them; therefore, if only it is a philosophical doctrine, it is the most developed, richest and most concrete ". (Hegel. Encyclopedia of Philosophical Sciences. T. 1. Science of Logic. M., " Thought", 1974. S. 99)

Of course, our philosophy is a continuation of all previous philosophical teachings, however, it includes only true ideas and principles from all previous ones. And even then, only the true author's principles. What matters is not who said the truth, but who said it first.


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