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Philosophy XXI.   the  science. From the author. Only a perfect philosophical worldview allows you to organize all the knowledge gained and life experience into a perfect system of active knowledge of the mind. And already only such a system of human conc



               V. N.  STAROVOITOV









The priority of a perfect philosophical worldview today has become absolute in its rating, since the challenges of the modern information world with all inevitability require a new and much more perfect organization of human consciousness. Otherwise, a person will simply soon turn into a slave to a device with artificial intelligence or with an artificial psyche, which is tantamount to his degradation and death as a species. Otherwise, a person will easily turn into a slave of another person-predator. Otherwise, people will quickly make our Earth an uninhabitable dump, and will not be able to reverse the warming processes. Otherwise, moral degradation, as a result of the transfer to devices of a part of the mental activity of the brain...

One more problem has been added to all the problems of humanity today. And she is the most important. This is the problem of adaptation in a rapidly changing world. The fact is that today the flow of information compared to 90 has increased by about 1000 times. With the explosive growth of digital technology, we are all rapidly entering the new digital age. An example of a modern flow of information is a modern street crowded with tens of thousands of cars where only 10 cars were driving in 1990. We already live in a completely different world. We have to adapt. And first of all, you need to adapt your consciousness to this. You need to be able to automatically cut off lies and spam from the muddy stream of information. One must be able to choose the right one. And all this must be done instantly, automatically, without resorting to a long process of thinking every time. This is where your intuition should work instantly. I solved this problem for myself, you should solve it too. I solved it by the difficult way of creating this teaching, and it will be much easier for other people to do it. Studying the science of philosophy is much easier than creating it. This is just 600 pages of concise, meaningful text. These are 2-3 semesters of interesting classes. There is nothing difficult here. The speech of truth is simple, and the text of the teaching is designed to be easily understood by high school students.


Only a perfect philosophical worldview allows you to organize all the knowledge gained and life experience into a perfect system of active knowledge of the mind. And already only such a system of human concepts is able to automatically (intuitively) instantly sort information, cut off lies and spam, and automatically put only the most valuable in the appropriate sections of knowledge. This is a key position that determines the future of all humanity.


Only a perfect worldview system in the mind is the basis of correct intuition (instantaneous thinking). The teaching " SCIENCE PHILOSOPHY" allows you to form such a worldview in 2-3 semesters. This knowledge is intended for a person of a new information age for us, in fact, in which we are all already.



A person only creates his own concepts, so properly organize your consciousness yourself. There is no other way. False concepts are like crooked mirrors. For a correct and deep independent judgment, a person of our era already needs true concepts of the World. The system of true principles of the new philosophy opens the way for each person to his creative success and gives freedom of true and systemic thinking. Genius for many? - Yes! The teaching " SCIENCE PHILOSOPHY" is the philosophy of the XXI century. As a result of its development, philosophy has already moved to a new, higher level of scientific knowledge. The new philosophy today is already the leader of scientific knowledge, a reliable foundation of the fundamental sciences and the perfect worldview of every person. Today it is already the most perfect of all sciences. Welcome to the Universe of Philosophy XXI!




1. The doctrine " SCIENCE PHILOSOPHY" (old name " PRINCIPLES OF MATERIALIST PHILOSOPHY", abbreviated name " PHILOSOPHY XXI" ) was completed in 2012 and consists of three books. The first book contains three sections: " Beginnings", " Ontology" and " Cosmology". The second book is a continuation of the first book and contains the largest section called " Epistemology". The third book " Ideology" is a continuation of the second book. Thus, a single crystal of dialectically related true philosophical knowledge was formed. (Not true knowledge is not suitable for such a connection. )

2. Book “Science philosophy. A complete course of lectures ”unites all 3 previous books, and it better reflects the dialectical connection of theories and principles of teaching in the form of one system of true knowledge.

3. At the end of each article is the date of its completion. This explains the " methods of assembling" an entire science from its individual theories.

4. The popular science terminology of the book is as close as possible to the vocabulary and conceptual apparatus of the average student of the eighth to tenth grade. We must teach everyone! What people will be - so will our planet.

5. Many of the author's discoveries in teaching should not shock the reader, since this is a creative work. The main reason for these discoveries is our dialectical logic. This is the clearest example of the indisputable advantage of the new dialectical structure of knowledge. This knowledge reveals the creative talents of any person.

6. This is a new science that opens the way to new dialectical thinking. Repetition of principles and whole statements from several paragraphs is the norm here. This is the only and only way to achieve correct and simple answers to the most complex and intricate questions of the universe. This knowledge will become for every person a real pass to the XXI century.



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