Discoveries of a new doctrine are the main discoveries of the XXI century
DISCOVERIES OF A NEW DOCTRINE ARE THE MAIN DISCOVERIES OF THE XXI CENTURY The discoveries of the new doctrine are the main discoveries of the 21st century. This is a breakthrough into a new future for all of humanity.
First opening. This is the new science " Dialectical Logic". It establishes the principles of the truth and consistency of scientific knowledge. If all scientific knowledge is brought into a single system of true knowledge, then its volume will be reduced by orders of magnitude, since all falsity and repetitions will simply be deleted from there. Then the science of philosophy will be one.
Second opening. This is the discovery of hyperspace. It happened by chance, but this does not detract from its significance. The essence of the discovery: an electron in ordinary space is a material point with mass, electric charge, position in space. An electron in hyperspace is its electric and gravitational fields. An electron's magnetic field is a derivative of its electric field. Hyperspace has no distances, and an electron in the form of an electric field occupies the volume of the entire Universe. The same applies to its gravitational field. Dozens of new true principles and theories of hyperspace are the valid basis for the revision of all quantum mechanics.
Third opening. This is a new materialistic theory of information, which made it possible to create the correct model of the human psyche.
Opening the fourth. This is a new theoretical model of the human psyche, which allows the creation of robots and other sensory, sentient, life-pleasing devices with an artificial psyche.
Fifth opening. This is a new science " Dialectical Ideology" based on the principles of human mental activity. It opens a clear path for humanity to the world of goodness and justice.
All these and many other discoveries created within the framework of our philosophy turned out to be possible only as a result of the dialectical approach (new dialectical thinking and intuition). New thinking is fully taught by the new system of our philosophical knowledge. New thinking opens up unlimited creative possibilities for every person, for every scientist. New dialectical thinking is the keys to the wonderful future of all mankind on the ever-flowering Earth. Get smarter faster. Time is running out!
SECTION ONE BEGINNING (Dialectical logic) Lecture 1 " It was" means not to eat, do not eat if " there will be no time". Parmenides EXISTING · Subject area of science philosophy · Terminology is not so harmless · Being · Like is cognized by like · Closed system of principles · There are no pointless truths
· Being is all that exists · Everything that exists is connected THE SUBJECT SPHERE OF THE SCIENCE OF PHILOSOPHY The term " Science" means the system of all special sciences and sciences of philosophy. The subject area of any particular science is only a certain part of the surrounding reality, limited by its own knowledge. That is why it is a private science. Any private science literally " understands", " sees" in each of its subjects only what its highly specialized knowledge allows. As F. Bacon rightly noted: “Almost all scientists differ in that they deduce from any fact only what they know and do not know how to discover in it what they don’t know”. (Bacon F. Soch. T. 1. M., " Thought", 1971. р. 385) And philosophy has no boundaries of its subject. Its subject area, more precisely, its subject area is the entire surrounding reality. And in all its aspects and details. Therefore, philosophy does not at all belong to private sciences, but is a world outlook science.
Principle 1 The subject area of the science of philosophy is everything that exists in all its aspects and individual entities. Any existing fact about a thing that once existed is necessarily a corresponding representative of that thing. (1. 1. 0. ) 1
The subject sphere literally surrounds science and philosophy. This is also the Material Unity of the World (everything that consists of matter). This is the world of information, which does not exist without its material carriers. This is every quantum of matter and every material entity. This is every fragment of space, and every point. This is every existing given (quantum of information), and every informational entity. This sphere also includes the subject areas of the particular sciences, and the particular sciences themselves, and even philosophy itself. They do exist.
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