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B) Paraphrase the above word combinations 2, 4, 12.

IV. Questions and Assignments


1. Were is the scene laid?

2. Mention the characters taking part in the first scene.

3. Speak about your first impression of the flower girl.

4. What was the cause of the lady's anxiety when she heard Eliza calling her son by his name?

5. What caused the "general hubbub"?

6. Why was Eliza so frightened when she noticed the Note Taker write down her words?

7. How did the Note Taker and the military gentleman get to know each other?

8. Describe the episode with the taxi. Why did Eliza tell the driver to take her to Buckingham Palace?

9. Trace out on a map of London: a) Freddy's wanderings in search of a cab. b) Eliza's taxi drive.

10. Say what you have learnt about the characters of the playfrom Act I.

Eliza (the Flower Girl)

Her age, appearance, clothes (p. 12); the language she speaks; the way she behaves ("her excessive sensibility" (p. 21); the place she lives in (p. 22).

Words to be used: to need washing badly (p. 12); to be shaped to one'swaist (p. 12); to be much the worse for wear (p. 12); to cry wildly (p. 14); to talk low-spiritedly to oneself (p. 16); to be preoccupied with one's wounded feelings (p. 18); to hang loose (p. 22); to be mended with (p. 22); to be heaped with (p. 22); to put in another penny (p. 22).

Henry Higgins (the Note Taker):

His profession, his hobby (p. 19); his statement on the role of pronunciation (pp. 19, 20).

Colonel Pickering (the Gentleman):

His appearance (p. 13); the place he comes from and the education he got as revealed by the Note Taker (p. 17); his political and social status (p. 20); his main occupation (p. 20).

V. Comment on the meaning of the following passages:


"This is an age of upstarts. Men begin in Kentish Town with F 80 a year and end in Park Lane with a hundred thousand. They want to drop Kentish Town; but they give themselves away every time they open their mouths" (p. 19).

"You see this creature with her kerbstone English: the English that will keep her in the gutter to the end of her days". (p. 19)

VI. Translate into English.


Дождь лил как из ведра. Нарядные люди покинули Ковентгарденский Оперный театр. Все боялись промокнуть до нитки, а такси были заняты. Многие нашли убежище у входа в церковь, там и оказались м-с Эйнсфорд Хилл с ее взрослыми детьми: дочерью и сыном. Там же они встретили молоденькую цветочницу Элизу, которая зарабатывала себе на жизнь тем, что продавала цветы. Совершенно случайно она услышала разговор двух ученых. Один из них был известный фонетист м-р Хиггинс. Услышав как Элиза говорит, он сказал, что мог бы через три месяца выдать ее за герцогиню или, по крайней мере, за продавщицу.

VII. Act out an episode from Act I.

VIII. Give a summary of Act I.

Act II (pp. 24-50)

I. Make comments on the following:


1. Historical references and the origin of phrases used in the text:

a) The Tower of London: its function in different historical periods (p. 34);

b) to wash one's hands of (p. 43). Remember the situation in which the last phrase is used in the text.

2. Linguistic phenomena:

a) the meanings of first floor (p. 24); public house (p. 42); genial (p. 24), as compared with their Russian equivalents for the Russian"симпатичный".

b) the meaning of the word snobbery; remember the situation in which it is used in the text.

II. Write out and translate into Russian the description of


a) Mr. Higgins' appearance and character on p. 24. Pay special attention to the epithets the author uses to describe him.

b) Eliza's appearance when she entered Mr. Higgins' study. (pp. 25, 26). Say what impression she produces.

c) Doolittle's appearance (p. 40). Pay attention to the stylistic devices.

III. Get ready to discuss Act II. Find the given word combinations, translate them into Russian. Speak of the situations they are used in.


a) 1. Take it or leave it (p. 28); 2. to bet smb smth (p. 29); 3. to have a good ear and a guick tongue (p. 29); 4. to walk over smb (p. 30); 5. to fit oneself for one's new station in life (p. 30); 6. to take smb out of the gutter (p. 31); 7. to become of (what's to become of her? (p. 32); 8. to be (stay) somewhere on some terms (p. 32); 9. to take charge of (p. 34); 10. a confirmed old bachelor(p. 37); 11. to take advantage of smb's position (p. 41); 12. to extort money from smb (p. 41); 13. to put smb up to smth (p. 41); 14. to blackmail smb (p. 41); 15. one of the underserving poor (p. 44); 16. against middle class morality (p. 44); 17. to charge smb for smth (p. 45); 18. to be a credit to smb (p. 47); 19. to touch smb for money (p. 47); 20. to be a disgrace to smb (p. 48); 21. to go through an ordeal (p. 50).

B) Give two or three sentences with word combinations 6, 11, 18.

IV. Questions and assignments


1. Speak about the impression of Higgins' study.

2. Describe the scene of Eliza's appearance and speak of the purpose of her visit.

3. What was the gentlemen's attitude towards Eliza's offer?

4. What was to become of Eliza when Higgins had finished his teaching? Did Eliza realize it?

5. How did Eliza like the idea of having a bath?

6. Speak about Alfred Doolittle: a) his appearance, social standing, his trade, his private life; b) Doolittle's excuses for his immoral ways; c) Doolittle's philosophy and conception of happiness.

7. Why did Doolittle refuse to take more money than he had asked for?

8. Higgins' attitude towards Doolittle?

9. What did he call "the Welsh strain" in Doolittle?

10.Speak about Higgins' character. Quote the sentences illustrating a) his abrupt, bullying manner (pp. 26, 28, 29, 30); b) his witty paradoxical style (pp. 29, 33).

11.Say what new things you have come to know about Eliza from Act II: her parents, her upbringing, manner of talking, behaviour(pp. 26, 31).

12.Describe Higgins' lesson to Eliza. Why was it "a sort of ordeal she had to go through?"

V. Analyse Doolittle's style of speech. Point out some devices,which make it especially expressive.

VI. Comment on the meaning of the following passages on p. 37:


"Women upset everything. When you let them into your life, you find that the woman is driving at one thing and you're driving at another."

"I suppose the woman wants to live her own life; and the man wants to live his; and each tries to drag the other on to the wrong track. One wants to go north and the other south; and the result is that both have to go east, though they both hate the east wind... So here I am, a confirmed old bachelor, and likely to remain so."

VII. Translate into English.


Элиза решила приодеться и навестить м-ра Хиггинса. Ее цель была получить новое место в жизни, а для этого ей надо было стать ученицей м-ра Хиггинса и остаться в его доме. Хиггинс ничего не имел против, чтобы избавить Элизу от ее тяжелого положения, но для этого она должна была быть достаточно способной к языку. Кроме Элизы в доме неожиданно появился ее отец, мусорщик. Его целью было вымогание денег у Хиггинса. Но Хиггинс и Пикеринг были поражены его красочной речью - он много говорил о морали среднего класса. Оба джентльмена были удивлены оригинальностью его мышления.

VIII. Act out an episode from Act II.

IX. Give a summary of Act II.

Act III (pp. 52-70)

I. Study the Notes to Act III and make comments on:


1. Art references (p. 52): a) William Morris; b) Rossetti;Rossettian; c) Thomas Chippendale; d) Elizabethan.

2. Place names: Chelsea Embankment (p. 52); the Park (p. 60);Earl's Court (p. 65); Clerkenwell (p. 67).

3. The implications of the phrases: at-home day (p. 52); small talk(p. 53).

4. Give synonyms for: cordially (p. 57); darkly (p. 58); right away(p. 64); snigger at (p. 59).

5. Give Russian equivalents of the following idiomatic phrases: a bee in the bonnet (p. 63); "pay through the nose" (p. 67); "in full swing" (p. 68).


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