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II. a) Translate into Russian in writing.


1. "You don't know what it is to fall into the pit, to be despised,mocked, abandoned, sneered at – to be an outcast!"

2. "What object do you think I have in coming here, except to save you from utter ruin, to save you from the consequence of a hideous mistake."

3. "I promise you never to communicate with him again on any pretext - never to see him, never to have anything to do with his life or yours."

B) Comment on the above passionate confessions of Mrs. Erlynne.


III. Translate into English.


1. Ему повезло, он встретил женщину, которая полностью его понимает. 2. Не губите свою жизнь из-за меня, вы не представляете, что вас может ждать в будущем, если вы немедленно не покинете этот дом. 3. Его единственное желание – избавить вас от стыда и позора, вы должны ему доверять. 4. Как ужасно быть изгоем, всюду встречать холодный отказ, издевательский смех и презрение. Я признаю, что приходится платить за свои грехи и ошибки. 5. К счастью, его друзья спасли его от морального падения. 6. Она разрыдалась и призналась, что не имеет никакого влияния на своего мужа и все это время служила прикрытием его сомнительных дел. 7. Мы все были очарованы ее безукоризненными манерами.

IV. Answer the following question:


1. What object did Mrs. Erlynne have in coming to Lord Darlington's place?

2. Why does Lady Windermere say that Mrs. Erlynne fills her with horror?

3. How does Mrs. Erlynne explain the hold over Lord Windermere to Lady Windermere?

4. What may be in store for Lady Windermere if she doesn't trust Mrs. Erlynne?

5. What kind of woman do Lord Darlington's friends understand by "a good woman"?

6. Why did Lord Windermere call Lord Darlington a scoundrel?

V. Act out the dialogue between Lady Windermere and Mrs.Erlynne (p.63), beginning with Mrs. Erlynne: "Oh! why do you disbelieve everything I tell you?... up to (p.64) Mrs. Erlynne:"...Oh! Arthur loves you!"

VI. a) Comment on the following fragments:

Mrs. Erlynne: "The money that he gave me, he gave me not through love, but through hatred, not in worship, but in contempt" (pp.63, 64).

Mrs. Erlynne: "You haven't got the kind of brains that enables a woman to get back. You have neither the wit nor the courage" (p.65).

Cecil Graham: "Wicked women bother one. Good women bore one" (p.68).

Cecil Graham: "I never talk scandal. I only talk gossip" (p.69).

Cecil Graham: "The world is perfectly packed with good women. To know them is a middle class education" (p.71).

B) Speak about the stylistic colouring of the above fragments.

VII. Express your opinion.


1. Whose point of view on "a good woman" do you share? Why?Who do you consider "a good woman" in the play?

2. How do you understand the definition of a cynic given by Lord Darlington and that of a sentimentalist, given by Cecil Graham?(p.72)

3. Do you think Mrs. Erlynne has no heart? What prompted Mrs.Erlynne to commit an act of self-sacrifice?

VIII. Comment on the following paradoxes:


Dumby: "In this world there are only two tragedies. One is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it." (p.71)

Lady Windermere: "We make gods of them (men) and they leave us. Others make brutes of them and they fawn and are faithful. How hideous life is!" (p.60)

Lady Windermere: "If a woman wants to hold a man, she has merely to appeal to what is worst in him." (p.60)

IX. Comment on Mrs. Erlynne's monologue (p.65) (pair work).

X. Write a summary of Act Three.

Fourth Act I.

a) Find English equivalents of the following phrases:


смотреть прямо в лицо (р.75), совершить акт самопожертвования (р.76), вести порядочную жизнь (р.77), причинить вред (p.77), быть не допущенным куда-либо (р.77), действовать на нервы (р.79), шантажировать (р.81), уйти в монастырь (р.83), материнские чувства (р.82), принять чью-либо жертву (р.86), причинять кому-либо беспокойство (р.80).

B) Recall the situations the above phrases are used in the text.

II. Translate into English.


1. Смотри мне прямо в глаза и говори правду, не ходи вокруг да около. Скажи, кто шантажирует тебя. 2. Она говорит, что уйдет в монастырь ради моего счастья, но я никогда не приму эту жертву. 3. Известно, что материнские чувства способны творить чудеса и что каждая мать может совершить акт самопожертвования ради своего ребенка. 4. Миссис Эрлин страстно желала избавить свою дочь от бесчестия и унижения и не дать ей совершить чудовищную ошибку. 5. Я воспользовался возможностью передать вам записку лично. 6. Юноша был тактичный и никогда не причинял беспокойства другим людям. 7. В наше время, немногие способны совершить благородный акт самопожертвования, не так ли? 8. Все эти слухи и сплетни действуют мне на нервы и поэтому завтра я покидаю Лондон и возвращаюсь в Европу. 9. Миссис Эрлин хотела вновь вернуться в общество и вести порядочную жизнь, но, к сожалению, к ней все были несправедливы и черствы и никто не хотел ее принимать в своем доме. 10. Она сама была на краю гибели, но смогла спасти репутацию и честь своей дочери.

III. Answer the following questions.


1. What is "a bitter irony" Lady Windermere speaks about?(p.76)

2. Why do the Windermeres want to go to the country?

3. What does Lady Windermere think of Mrs. Erlynne after the latter has spared her public dishonour?

4. How does Lord Windermere interpret Mrs. Erlynne's behaviour at Lord Darlington's place?

5. What is officially known about Lady Windermere's parents?

6. What advice does Mrs. Erlynne give to Lady Windermere?

7. Who turned out to be the happiest man in the play? Why?

IV. Comment on the following.


1. Mrs. Erlynne: "The English climate doesn't suit me. My heart is affected here." (p.79)

2. Mrs. Erlynne: "I thought I had no heart. I find I have, and a heart doesn't suit me. Somehow it doesn't go with modern dress."(p.83)

3. Lady Windermere: "Nowadays people seem to look on life as a speculation. It is not a speculation. It is a sacrament. Its ideal is Love. Its purification is sacrifice". (Act One, p.26)

Note: Comment on the light of Mrs. Erlynne's reckless and noble act of self-sacrifice.

4. Lady Windermere: "There is the same world for all of us, and good and evil, sin and innocence go through it hand in hand."(p.88)

V. a) Translate the following phrases into Russian.


to make a mistake, to do a sin, to do a folly, to disgrace oneself, to dishonour oneself, to ruin one's reputation, to do a shameful act, to enter a pit of shame, to ruin oneself, to sink into the depth of degradation, to wretch oneself, to make one's name infamous, to be inadmissible, to go about under an assumed name, to abandon smb for smb, a wretched woman, to cause infinite pain, to humiliate, to sneer at smb.

B) Speak about Mrs. Erlynne's past using the above phrases.

VI. Express your opinion.


1. Do you think Lord Windermere was hard on Mrs. Erlynne or do you think she deserved to be treated as a wicked woman?

2. Was it clever of Lord Windermere to insist on telling his wife the truth about Mrs. Erlynne?

3. Do you agree to Mrs. Erlynne's words: "My dear Windermere,manners before morals!" (p.79) Why?

4. Why do you think Mrs. Erlynne preferred "to live childless still"? (p.82)


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