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Exercise 7. Are the statements True or False?

Exercise 7. Are the statements True or False?

1. All Russian Nobel prizewinners were members of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

2. N. N. Semyonov was the first Russian to receive a Nobel Prize for Chemistry.

3. The Cherenkov–Vavilov effect is very important in theoretical physics.

4. Pavel A. Cherenkov, Igor Y. Tamm and Ilya M. Frank have no influence on other scientists.

5. Lev D. Landau received his doctoral degree abroad.

6. Nikolay G. Basov and Aleksandr M. Prokhorov shared the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1964.

7. Pyotr L. Kapitsa was a member of the Soviet National Committee of the Pugwash movement.

8. Zhores I. Alferov got high education in Moscow.

9. Tamm was Ginsburg’s teacher.

10. Vitaly L. Ginsburg and Alexei A. Abrikosov received the Nobel Prize for Physics for contributions to the theory of superconductors and superfluids.

Exercise 8. Answer the questions using the information from the text.

1. Do you think it is a good idea to award prizes to scientists for their work? Why?

2. How many Nobel Prize winners were members of the Academy?

3. Which scientists were among those who founded the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology?

4. Which scientists, apart from Lev Landau, had things or places named after them?

5. Which scientists left the country to further their studies?

6. Who was the director of the Academy’s Physics Institute before Vitaly Ginsburg?

7. What does the Nobel Prize represent?

8. Why do you think it’s such a prestigious award?

Exercise 9. a) Match the verbs with prepositions.

1. carry a. from
2. result b. in
3. involve c. down
4. write d. on
5. lead e. out
6. work f. in
7. graduate g. to

b) Translate the sentences using verbs with prepositions from a)

1. Разработки ученых привели к новым открытиям.

2. Ученый тщательно записывал результаты всех своих опытов.

3. Студенты проводят опыты в хорошо оснащенных лабораториях.

4. Мы закончим университет и станем квалифицированными специалистами.

5. Многие студенты участвуют в научных конференциях.

6. Авария привела к катастрофическим экологическим изменениям.

7. В данный момент специалисты работают над этой проблемой.

Exercise 10. Use a word in the correct form in each gap to complete the text.

hesitation reflection image comprehend recall   genius   train

Big Brains

Many of the world’s _____ (1) have described how they think. They often think in the same way, and it may be that they have a different way of _____ (2) the world to the rest of us. For one thing, they rely often on mental _____ (3) of things to help them remember things rather than on _____ (4) actual language. This is something that all of us can actually _____ (5) ourselves to do better. They also report to take more time for _____ (6); that is, they _____ (7) before they speak because they want to give themselves more time to express themselves accurately.

Exercise 11. Complete the text with the right word.

Alfred Nobel

When we hear the name Nobel, we immediately think of the Nobel Prizes. But Alfred Nobel, the 1)   _____ (holder/creator/discoverer/receiver) of the awards, was also a great 2) _____ (scientist/engine/philosophy/production) and 3) _____ direction/invention/maker/inventor).

Born in 1933 in Sweden, Nobel studied first in Russia and then 4) _____ (transferred/visited/joined/emigrated) to the US where he studied mechanical 5) _____ (developing/producing/engineering/creating). Afterwards, he returned to Sweden to work with his father.

Gradually, they made 6) _____ (directions/advances/motions/movements) in explosives. Nobel 7) _____ (figured/solved/granted/introduced) out how to work safely with nitroglycerine, a very dangerous and explosive 8) _____ (shape/form/body/substance). His invention later became known 9) _____ (by/with/as/for) dynamite. Nobel continued throughout his life to 10) _____ (do/have/make/take) improvements in the field of explosives. He eventually owned 11) _____ (numerous/numerate/numerical/numbered) explosives factories around the world and became very wealthy.

Alfred Nobel was a man of great 12) _____ (advantage/achievement/situation/incident). When he died, he left a wonderful gift to the world: the Nobel Prizes. Each year these prizes are 13) _____ (awarded/designed/suggested/implanted) to scientists, inventors and other 14) _____ (developed/interested/creative/manageable) people for their great 15) _____ (involvement/contribution/manufacturing/development) to the world.


Exercise 12. Match two parts to form conditional sentences and translate them.

1. If the significance of the achievement has withstood the test of time a. prizes will be withheld or not awarded.
2. If the person confers the greatest benefit to mankind b. the award will be divided equally between the recipients.
3. If there are 2 or 3 laureates in a particular category c. he/she will be required to give a public lecture on a subject related to the topic of the prize.
4. If a prize is declined or not accepted before a set date d. the scientist will be awarded the Nobel Prize.
5. If the refuser has later explained the situation and on application received the Nobel gold medal and the diploma e. he would not have changed his will.  
6. If no candidate in the meaning of Nobel’s will are found or the world situation prevents gathering information required to reach a decision f. he/she will receive the Nobel Prize.  
7. If a person supplies a self-nomination for the Nobel Prize g. it will go to benefit scientific, cultural or humanitarian causes.
8. If Alfred Nobel had not read his own obituary “The merchant of death is dead” h. the prize money will go back to the funds.
9. If the Nobel Prize in Chemistry had not been awarded to non-chemists (biochemistry, molecular biology) i. the nominee will be automatically disqualified.  
10. If the winners donate the prize money j. the money will revert to the funds.
11. If a laureate is awarded the Nobel Prize k. it would not have been criticized.

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