Exercise 13. Use the correct tense of the verb to make the first, second and third conditionals. Use adverbs of time where it is necessary.
⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 17 из 17 Exercise 13. Use the correct tense of the verb to make the first, second and third conditionals. Use adverbs of time where it is necessary. 1. If you _____ (take) the undergraduate engineering program, the coursework _____ (include) general engineering and courses in math, physical and life science. 2. He _____ (start) work as a technician or go on to further study at university, if he _____ (graduate) from this college 3. Students _____ (obtain) proficiency, if they _____ (use) the latest technologies in their study. 4. If she _____ (be) a student of a technical or vocational college, it _____ (train) her in the theory behind a specific vocation or technology. 5. Vocational schemes _____ (help) you, if you _____ (want) to gain hands-on experience. 6. If my friend _____(choose) an apprenticeship, he _____ (start) work and earn money as soon as possible. 7. If students _____ (study) communications skills, it _____ (help) them deal with communication at work and with public.
Exercise 14. Watch a video “Top 10 Nobel Prize Winners”. https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=Ia4h_qRjxX0 and list Nobel Prizewinners and their achievements. Get ready with the presentation “Nobel Prize Winners from other Countries in your Sphere of Knowledge”. Consider the following points: - the founder of the prize; - the short information about the prize; - the countries the most often awarded scientists are from; - the Nobel Prize winners in your sphere of knowledge; - what discoveries/contributions they were awarded for.
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