Преобразуйте предложения, употребляя оборот there is/are.
Стр 1 из 7Следующая ⇒ Unit 1 getting to know you Vocabulary 1.1. Прочитайте слова, познакомьтесь с их значением.
Подберите пары слов, имеющих противоположное значение.
В словах, приведенных ниже, переставлены буквы. Догадайтесь, какие это слова.
PANYTROCIM,MENARUS,RENTPAS,PEAPCEARAN,TROSH,LOBDEN,NETBRUTE,ERCLEV,RINGBO,PIDSUT,PMULP. Прочитайте и переведите на русский язык следующие словосочетания. To be born in May, to move to a new city, to live together, to finish school, to take part in social life, my favourite subjects, to come easy to somebody, to be in the top of the list, to study at the Faculty of Economics, to study hard, modern novels, to spend much time. WORD-BUILDING 1.5. Проанализируйте модели образования слов, прочтите и переведите слова, созданные на их основе. МОДЕЛЬ 1 основа глагола + -tion, -sion, -ion= существительное
МОДЕЛЬ 2 основа глагола + -er / -or =существительное со значением лица, производящего действия, или орудия действия
МОДЕЛЬ 3 основа прилагательного + -ly= наречие
1.6. Прочитайте следующие существительные и наречия, определите в них суффиксы и укажите, от каких слов они образованы: Direction, construction, concentration, collection, cooler, organizer, worker, reader, dictation, connection, decoration, sailor, formation, driver, teacher, calculation, writer, relation, harshly, quickly, naturally, daily, hourly, usually, typically, rapidly, quietly, greatly, happily, beautifully, lazily, hardly, differently, easily, loudly, silently, softly. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения. Образуйте существительные от выделенных слов, употребив их в предложениях. Образец: My father works at a plant. He is a worker. 1. My brother drives very well. He is a.... 2. Mary plays the piano well. She is a.... 3. My mother teaches English. She is a.... 4. He plays chess very well. He is a good.... 5. Beethoven composed many great pieces of music. Heis a great.... 6. My sister cooks very nice. She is a good ….
Grammar review ►►► Глагол to be в Indefinite Active
Используя таблицу, заполните пропуски в следующих предложениях и переведите их на русский язык. 1. I … a student of Railway Institute. 2. You … a good lector. 3. Her younger brother … a pupil. 4. Their parents … qualified workers. 5. She … a well-known economist. 6. You … my best friends. 7. It … Thursday today. 8. We … future accountants. 9. The weather … nice today. 10. I … very tired. 11. This bag … heavy. 12. These bags … heavy. 13. My brother and I … good tennis players. 14. Ann … at home now and her sisters … at school. Составьте утвердительные и отрицательные предложения.
Составьте предложения, используя глагол to be (is/isn’t, are/aren’t) и слова, данные в скобках.
2.4. Используя is или are, составьте вопросы и задайте их своим одногруппникам.
Вставьте вместо пропусков глагол to be в прошедшем времени. Переведите их на русский язык. 1. Mary worked very late last night. She was tired. 2. Jack failed his exam yesterday. He … angry.
3. We laughed a lot at last night's film. We … very funny. 4. Joe and Sam fell into the river yesterday. They … wet and cold. 5. Yesterday was a very nice day. It … sunny. 6. We saw a horror film last Saturday. We … really frightened. 7. They didn't have anything to eat yesterday. They … hungry. 8. I had a wonderful holiday last year. I … happy. 9. She met her best friend. She … very glad. 10. He was waiting for her. She … late.
►►► Оборот there + to be в Indefinite Active
Преобразуйте предложения, употребляя оборот there is/are. Образец: This room has two windows. There are two windows in this room. 1. The dog is in the room. 2. The children are in the yard. 3. The students are in the laboratory. 4. The car is near the house. 5. The bench was under the tree. 6. A lot of people will be at the stadium tomorrow. 7. He has no TV-set in his room. 8. She has some mistakes in her dictation. 9. I have no telephone in my flat. 10. I have much sugar in my coffee. 11. We have a beautiful garden near the house. 12. She has many interesting books in her library. 13. The new magazine is on you table. 14. Students are in the canteen. 2.8. Ответьте на следующие вопросы. 1. How many days are there in January? 2. How many minutes are there in an hour? 3. How many rooms are there in your flat? 4. How many students are there in your group? 5. How much money is there in the box? 6. How much water is there in the glass? 7. What is there on the table? 8. In whose room are there two windows? 9. Will there be many people in the park on Sunday? 10. How many sentences are there in this exercise? 11. Is there much work to do at home? 12.Istherealiftinyourhouse?
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