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5. Retell the text. 6. Read the following dialogue and act it out.. LONDON

5. Retell the text.

6. Read the following dialogue and act it out.


- Hi, Ann.

- Hi, Jane. Happy to see you. What’s the news?

- I’m going to visit Great Britain this summer. Have you been to Great Britain?

- Yes, I was there last summer.

- I know that the scenery of Great Britain is very diverse. We can find the fine combinations of low- and highlands, plains and mountains. And what are the highest regions in the country?

- The highest regions are in Scotland and in the North Wales. The highest peak in Scotland is Ben Nevis, 1343 m. In Wales the highest peak is Snowdon. There is also the Pennine Chain in North England with some wild mountains for climbing. Here is Lake District which consists of 16 lakes or " lochs" as they call them. The largest lake is Windermere and the deepest one - Westwater.

- How interesting. I think that lakes and rivers are roads of water which are not less important as railways or roads. And what rivers are there in Britain?

- There are many rivers in Great Britain, but the greatest rivers are the Thames flowing to the East, the Severn to the West and the Trent to the North. The longest river is the Severn — about 200 miles. The busiest river is the Thames. It is also the most beautiful river. The Trent is the fastest.

- Tell me something about the most beautiful lowlands in Britain.

- I think the South English plain is very attractive. It is not only beautiful but the richest, the most fertile and that's why the most populated in the country. I hope, you will see everything with your own eyes soon. I wish you a good trip.

- Thank you very much.


1. Look at the following words and try to remember them:

1) foremost -  самый главный, выдающийся

2) landmark -   достопримечательность

3) century -  век

4) predominant -  преобладающий

5) branch -   отрасль

6) to refine -   очищать

7) to attract -   привлекать

8) to contribute -   вносить вклад

9) fortress -   крепость

10) to stretch -  простираться

11) to bury -  хоронить

12) to house -   вмещать, помещать

13) prison -   тюрьма

14) armoury -  доспехи, вооружение

15) luxury -  роскошь

16) stained glass -  цветные витражи

17) permanent -  постоянный

18) sovereign -  монарх

19) to crown-    короновать

20) tomb -  могила

21) prominent -  знаменитый, известный

22) feature -   особенность

23) of note -  известный

2. Read and translate the text about London:

London is the capital of the United Kingdom and the centre of the Commonwealth. It lies on the both banks of the River Thames; its population is about 10 million people. London is a cosmopolitan, multicultural city, every seventh Londoner was born outside Britain. There are a lot of national communities in London – Indians, Jewish, Greek, Turkish, Pakistanis, Chinese, Koreans, Polish, Africans and many others. The city is the United Kingdom's main centre of the population, commerce and culture.

London was founded as the Roman town of Londinium in 43 AD and Roman wall continued to protect the medieval city. London is Great Britain's foremost manufacturing centre, with light and consumer-goods industries predominating. Food processing is important, as are electronics, light metals, pharmaceutics, and printing. Most branches of heavy industry are located to the east, near the docks, and include petroleum refining and metalworking.

London attracts millions of visitors each year, and tourism is a major industry and contributor to the economy.

London consists of three parts: the City of London, the West End and the East End. The City of London (2. 7 square km) is called Inner or Central London. One of the oldest landmarks is the Tower of London. It was founded by William the Conqueror in the 11th century. For many centuries the Tower has been a fortress, then a prison, a royal residence and now it is a museum of arms and amour. The City of Westminster stretches along the River Thames.

The City of Westminster is the site of some of the finest and the most historically important buildings in England. It includes Westminster Abbey and Westminster Cathedral, Buckingham Palace, the Houses of Parliament, the principal government offices, important shopping districts, New Scotland Yard, luxury hotels, the Tate Gallery and the National Gallery. Westminster Abbey, originally a Benedictine monastery, is a fine gothic building, which stands opposite the Houses of Parliament. The Abbey is famous for its stained glass. Since William the Conqueror, every British sovereign was crowned in the Abbey. Many kings and queens are buried here. The Abbey is also crowded with the tombs and memorials of famous British people. The grave of the " Unknown Warrior" is also here. The most interesting museums - the Victoria and Albert, the Science Museum and the Natural History Museum - are also in Westminster.

The West End can be called the centre of London. Here are the historical palaces as well as famous parks. Hyde Park with its Speaker's Corner is also here too. Among other parks are Kensington Gardens, St. James's Park, Green Park, Regent's Park, home of the Zoological Gardens and Regent's channel. Opened in 1847, the London Zoo is the world's oldest scientific zoo. Today it houses over 760 different species of animal. In the West End is Buckingham Palace which is the Queen's residence, and the Palace of Westminster which is the seat of Parliament. The National Gallery in Trafalgar Square is the greatest of the permanent collections of paintings of all the Europe schools which existed between the 13th and the 19th centuries. British art and international modern painting and sculpture are gathered in the Tate Gallery.

Squares are prominent features of London's landscape. Of note is Trafalgar Square, which features a statue of Lord Nelson, the hero of the Battle of Trafalgar (1805). London's other major cultural institutions include the British Museum, which houses collections of antiquities, prints and manuscripts and the National Library. The best-known streets of London are Whitehall with important government offices, Downing Street, the London residence of the Prime Minister and the place where the Cabinet meets, and Fleet Street.

London's East End is historically associated with the Cockney dialect. The port of London until recently was in the East End. The area of docks played an important part in the country's commerce.

On the base of https: //www. britannica. com/place/London/Population-density#ref13492

http: //njnj. ru/history/england/history-of-london. shtml


3. Find in the text the English equivalents to the following Russian word combinations:

за пределами Великобритании;  центр Содружества; за пределами; мультикультурный город; национальные меньшинства;  средневековый город; товары народного потребления; тяжелое машиностроение; металлообработка; перегонка нефти; старейшая достопримечательность; уголок спикера; исторически важен; привлекать туристов;  королевская резиденция; роскошные гостиницы; прекрасное здание в готическом стиле; виды животных; неизвестный солдат; располагаться напротив; примечательная особенность; уголок оратора.


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