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2.  Compose your own CV according to the examples above.

Sample 3


Personal details

Date of Birth 16 February 1976

Address    2510 Rabbit Lane, 2000Tetbury, UK

Telephone + 44 777 777 777

E-mail        erik@eunet. uk

Education/Qualifications London Chamber of Commerce and Industry — Diploma in Business Management 1999— 2000

University  of London — MBA in Business 1995—1999

Professional experience

Jan—Oct 2000

A Sales Manager, IT Company

Development of a new sales strategy Generation of a number of sales campaigns abroad

2000— 2004

A Personal Assistant to Marketing Director, IT Company

Responsible for arranging international visits and negotiations

Domestic and foreign exhibition launch


IT - Office 2004, Windows, Excel, Internet, Powerpoint

Languages Fluent French and proficient Spanish

Additional Driving licence

Activities Diving, traveling, swimming Amateur actor in the local theatre

References Professor Hales London Chamber of Commerce and Industry

2.  Compose your own CV according to the examples above.


Помимо резюме важно уметь грамотно составить сопроводительное письмо (covering letter), если вы отправляете резюме по почте или факсу. При составлении письма следует придерживаться следующей схемы:

• сообщить о том, на какую вакансию вы претендуете и где вы узнали о


• написать о том, почему вы заинтересованы в вакансии и почему хотели бы работать в компании;

• отметить, какие навыки и опыт соответствуют требованиям, предъявляемым к вакантной должности;

• завершить письмо фразой о возможности прийти на собеседование, предоставив работодателю право выбора времени и места.


1. Look thoroughly at the samples of covering letter.

10 Sane Street

Surrey UK


Ms. Gale Games

21 Blackmail Road

Cambridge 5 October 2004

Dear Ms. Games,

I would like to apply for the position of a Senior Sales Manager advertised in

The Economist on 4 October 2004.

My work experience has familiarized me with many of the challenges of the sales domain. I am sure that this, together with my education and my understanding of the needs and expectations of the IT market, would be extremely relevant to the position. Moreover, my fluent French and proficient Spanish would be very helpful in developing the business in these countries.

As you will notice on my enclosed resume, the position you are offering involves the issues I have been in charge of for these years. I would be pleased to come for an interview at any time convenient to you.

I look forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely,

Erik Davidson

2. Compose your own CV. The phrases below and the Action Verbs will help you:

Sir... or Madam …

■ I’d like to apply for a position as a

■ I've been interested in working in...

■ I can offer many skills, for example

■ I'm available for interview from...

■ communicative

■ hard-working

■ strong academical qualifications

■ enthusiastic

■ team-player

■ leading qualities

■ competence

■ flexibility


■ a strong command of (language)

■ acquired

■ achieved

■ established

■ assisted

■ coordinated (a project)

■ developed (a new way of working)

■ delivered (the project on time) initiated (a new system)

Action Verbs

Action verbs should be used abundantly throughout your resume and cover letters to promote your achievements. They help make a strong impression.

Management achieved administered analyzed consolidated coordinated decided developed executed improved incorporated increased inspired organized planned produced reported reviewed scheduled strengthened Communication arranged drafted developed defined directed edited formulated interpreted moderated motivated negotiated persuaded promoted reported researched summarized spoke translated wrote Research clarified collected conceived critiqued detected diagnosed disproved evaluated examined extracted identified inspected interpreted interviewed investigated organized researched searched systematized Technical analyzed assembled built calculated computed designed devised engineered fabricated inspected maintained operated overhauled programmed remodeled repaired solved trained upgraded
Teaching adapted advised clarified coached coordinated defined developed enabled encouraged evaluated explained facilitated guided informed initiated instructed presented stimulated trained updated Financial administered analyzed appraised balanced calculated compared computed developed estimated managed marketed panned projected reevaluated reconciled researched   Creative acted applied composed created designed develop directed established evaluated formed integrated invented originated performed presented   Helping advised assisted coordinated demonstrated diagnosed educated encouraged facilitated guided helped inspired maintained modified performed referred represented  
Clerical or Detail activated assembled approved arranged classified collected described edited executed implemented monitored observed organized prepared published   Additional Action Verbs checked classified collected completed conducted consolidated constructed controlled delivered detailed eliminated emphasized enforced estimated evaluated maintained managed mediated purchased recruited protected reduced related rendered restored examined experimented explained expressed fixed followed formulated founded gathered generated headed helped imagined implemented informed initiated innovated lectured lifted listened talked tended trained treated tutored unified utilized monitored motivated predicted persuaded memorized negotiated observed originated performed piloted received recommended performed piloted predicted prescribed processed projected promoted selected separated served showed solved sorted symbolized synthesized

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