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Translate the sentences paying attention to pseudo-international words.



Focus on rule

1. Если после определителя (артикль, местоимение, числительное) су­ществительного стоит несколько слов (обычно существительных в един­ственном числе и без предлога), то этот определитель относится к послед­нему существительному, с которого нужно начинать перевод. Все осталь­ные слова являются его определениями.

These error recovery techniques are well-known. – Эти методы исправ­ления ошибок хорошо известны.

2. Если ряд состоит из трех слов, среднее из которых является прилага­тельным, причастием или герундием, то перевод следует начинать также с последнего слова в строго обратном порядке и соблюдать грамматиче­скую форму среднего слова.

the rock- feeding system (feeding – Participle I) – система, подающая горную породу

a water- cooled conveyor (cooled – Participle II) – конвейер, охлаждае­мый водой

the job scheduling problem (scheduling – Gerund) – проблема планирова­ния (составления графика) работ

3. Если в ряду первым стоит прилагательное, то оно обычно относится к последнему слову.

The important measurement parameters are presented in Table 1. – Эти важные параметры измерения представлены в таблице 1.

Но иногда прилагательное, стоящее первым в ряду, может определять следующее за ним существительное.

The mechanism must perform straight line motion. – Этот механизм должен выполнять движение (какое?) по прямой линии.

Focus on practice

Translate these word combinations using the rule of word order.

load capacity; peak energy; high-speed mass calculations; combustion oxi­dation; fast-acting precision machine; advanced data base handling system; volt­age-sensitive device; electron-emitting source; beam-forming cathode; pressure-operated switch; engine-driven pump; information destroying process; digital computer simulation model; picture signal carrier wave; combustion chamber surface area.

Translate the following sentences using the rules of word order.

1. The conventional finite element method is well adopted in stationary problems. 2. In that study, high-speed cylindrical turning experiments were con­ducted using the driven rotary tool and a stationary cutting tool with the round tungsten carbide inserts. 3. The literature is lacking a systematic design proce­dure for hexapod robots as referring to specific functional requirements. 4. The obtained results of the original code of three-dimensional modeling technique implemented to the conventional FE software reveal high agreement with the solution of simplified process of friction heating. 5. The particle size distribu­tions were determined based on different photographs with an average of 1000 particles using Gatan’s Digital Micrograph software. 6. The results illustrate that the explosive compaction followed by post-shock heat treatment can be used to fabricate exchange-coupled nanocomposite bulk magnets with optimized mag­netic properties. 7. A conservative guess would be that 99.9% of tube power amplifiers use the grounded-cathode amplifier configuration, with the load at­taching at the plate, not the cathode. 8. The magnetic pulse forming process of AZ31 magnesium alloy shell using uniform pressure coil at room temperature was investigated. 9. We discuss the application of phase sensitive fiber optical parametric devices for the regenerative processing of high baud rate optical sig­nals. 10. It is desirable to find a minimal order linear time-invariant differential feedback control system.

Translate the following text using the rules of word order.

System identification has arisen in different areas of application where the system model is completely unspecified but one wants to predict the system re­sponse, to regulate the system or to simulate the system. The only data available are a sequence of known input and a sequence of noise corrupted output. The intermediate objective is to specify a model which agrees with the statistical data. To perform system identification requires three steps: structure determina­tion, parameter identification, and model verification. Before solving the param­eter identification problem, one would address the problem of identifiability of parameters. With an assumed structure, is it ever possible to identify the un­known parameters by extracting information from deterministic input and scho­lastic output data? The capability of answering this question will facilitate the selection of an appropriate model structure. Clearly, one would not select a model structure whose parameters cannot be identified. Thus, the question of pa­rameters identifiability is central in the procedures for system identification.


Focus on rule

1. В английском и русском языках существуют слова сходные по форме, но различные по значению.

resin – смола ( not резина); clay – глина ( not клей)

2. Существует три типа псевдоинтернациональных слов: 1) русское слово совпадает с английским лишь в одном или двух значениях (record – рекорд + запись, репутация, протокол и т.д.); 2) у русского слова есть значения, отсутствующие у его английского соответствия (auditorium – аудитория-зрители + аудитория-помещение); 3) русское и английское слова имеют сходную форму, но совершенно различные значения (fraction – дробь, а не фракция; actual – действительный, а не актуальный).

Focus on practice

1. Give translation of the following general scientific words. Use the In­ternet to find them in scientific context.

Accurate; aggressive; critical; debut; evolution; hybrid; initiate; mystifying; normally; original; pioneer; provocative; resulting; silhouette; taboo.

Translate the sentences paying attention to pseudo-international words.

1. It is interesting to illustrate, at this point, how Flory's original equation can lead to serious discrepancies if applied without due regard to the actual con­centration of materials. 2. The relationship is responsible for the original shifting of this band. 3. A progressive increase in volume was noticed at all extensions. 4. If one knows the value for the specific rotation of optically pure phenylmethylacetic acid, it then becomes possible to set minimum values for the rotations of the optically pure a-phenylethyl-phenols. 5. This simple technique is called elution analysis. 6. The choice of measurement technique is dictated by the specific instance and available power sources. 7. The response speed was dominated by the quasiparticle current. 8. This approach requires a more intelligent operator, capable of reading schematic drawing and analyzing the results obtained. 9. If a computer mimics the logical behavior of man, a distributed computer system mimics the behavior of an organization. 10. The half-width of the scattered spectrum is only marginally larger than that of the incident beam.



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