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Department of the Taoiseach: http: //www. taoiseach. gov. ie/index. asp? locID=383& docID=511

List of members of the Irish Republican Army:


http: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/List_of_members_of_the_Irish_Republican_Ar my

National Library of Ireland: http: //www. nli. ie/1916/


Noor R. Ampssler, ‘Hearts and minds: Malayan campaign re-evaluated’: https: //www. defenceviewpoints. co. uk/articles-and-analysis/hearts-and-minds- malayan-campaign-re-evaluated

The Art of Guerrilla Warfare: www. scribd. com/doc/12858042/The-Art-of-Guerrilla- Warfare

The Auxiliaries (Auxiliary Division of the Royal Irish Constabulary): www. theauxil- iaries. com/index. html

Beginning of Guerrilla Warfare: https: //youtu. be/SoAZS9HAptc Colonel David Benest, OBE, ‘British atrocities in counter insurgency’:

https: //www. militaryethics. org/British-Atrocities-in-Counter-Insurgency/10/ Bloody Sunday, initial press reports: http: //www. gaa. ie/centenary/bloody-sunday-

archive/1920-initial-press-report-bloody-sunday/  Max Boot on the History of Guerrilla Warfare:

https: //youtu. be/Mawx2BkIo8g https: //youtu. be/o_rB4TiwWrs https: //youtu. be/WxMCcqRc9C0 https: //youtu. be/W7ah26QEdUI

Max Boot, ‘Kick the bully: Michael Collins launches the War of Independence’: http: //www. historynet. com/kick-the-bully-michael-collins-launches-the- 1921-irish-rebellion. htm

Ned Broy, the greatest spy of Ireland’s freedom struggle: https: //youtu. be/E1IEl7NArLw

Michael Collins and the intelligence war: http: //www. generalmichaelcollins. com/life-times/rebellion/intelligence-war/

Michael Collins, Ireland’s greatest: https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=vV2gzXhz8o8

Michael Collins’s last day: https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=0qb1c5NXtwA Michael Collins, terrorist or freedom fighter:

http: //www. bu. edu/phpbin/calendar/event. php? id=34747& cid=46 Linda Connolly, ‘Did women escape the worst of the brutalities between 1919–

1921? ’: https: //www. maynoothuniversity. ie/research/research-news-events/lat- est-news/did-women-escape-worst-brutalities-between-1919-1921

Edwin Creeley, ‘The idea of terrorism’: https: //www. academia. edu/35833429/The_idea_of_terrorism

Stephen Donovan, ‘The multiple functions of terrorism: how the IRA used terrorism to resist British control while the British utilized terror to conquer the Irish people’: https: //www. trentu. ca/deanundergraduate/documents/S. Donovan. doc

The English terror in Ireland: list of towns and villages ravaged by British troops or police during the past twelve months: http: //catalogue. nli. ie/Record/vtls000506734

Ronan Fanning and Martin Mansergh, review and discussion of Terror in Ireland: RTÉ Radio 1, Off the Shelf, 16 February 2013.

David Fitzpatrick on Terror in Ireland:


http: //www. theirishstory. com/2012/05/17/david-fitzpatrick-on-terror-in-ire- land/#. W_qkcThKjcs

Authony Gaughan, ‘Listowel police mutiny’, Garda Sí ochá na website, 1974: http: //www. esatclear. ie/~garda/listowel. html

Great Irish Journeys: Michael Collins: https: //youtu. be/0qb1c5NXtwA Guerrilla Warfare (IRA Handbook): https: //youtu. be/IUQ6-dJYhi0 Guerrilla Warfare in the American Civil War: https: //youtu. be/Y80nI8dDLL0 Guerrilla Warfare in the American Revolutionary War:

https: //youtu. be/Q87QfuqpOck Che Guevara, Principles of Guerrilla Warfare:

http: //www3. uakron. edu/worldciv/pascher/che. html

Hang UpYour Brightest Colours: https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=jwNJ3aFZg44 Hidden History: The intelligence war in Dublin:

https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=Q5eL4cL9Zt8& feature=em-subs_digest Barry Keane, ‘The IRA response to loyalist co-operation during the Irish War of In-

dependence, 1919–1921’: https: //www. academia. edu/27954537/The_IRA_re- sponse_to_loyalist_co-operation_in_County_Cork_during_the_Irish_War_of_I ndependence

Fergheal McGarry, ‘The War of Independence’: https: //www. qub. ac. uk/sites/irishhis- torylive/IrishHistoryResources/Articlesandlecturesbyourteachingstaff/The- WarofIndependence/

Mao Tse Tung (Mao Zedong), On Guerrilla War: https: //youtu. be/owHCqjFL67Q Carlos Marighella, ‘The mini-manual of the urban guerrilla’:

https: //www. marxists. org/archive/marighella-carlos/1969/06/minimanual- urban-guerrilla/index. htm

Frances Mulraney, ‘Michael Collins denied Catholic pogroms in Northern Ireland’: https: //www. irishcentral. com/roots/history/michael-collins-denied-catholic- pogroms-in-northern-ireland

Brian P. Murphy, Niall Meehan: The Embers of Revisionism https: //www. academia. edu/34075119/The_EMBERS_of_REVISIONISM_ essays_in_full_

Eunan O’Halpin, ‘Dead of the Irish Revolution’: http: //www. theirishstory. com/2012/02/10/eunan-o-halpin-on-the-dead-of- the-irish-revolution/#. XAwb8ttKjcs

Gordon Pattison, ‘The British Army’s effectiveness in the Irish campaign 1919–1921, and the lessons for modern counterinsurgency operations, with special reference to C3I aspects’, UK Ministry of Defence: http: //www. ismor. com/cornwallis/cornwallis_2009/6-Pattison-CXIV. pdf

Anne Schwenkenbecher, Terrorism: A Philosophical Inquiry (e-book): https: //www. pal- grave. com/us/book/9780230363984

Shadow of Bé al na mBlá th: https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=k6Yv7zriFTw Special Operations Executive: SOE Training Manual: https: //ironwolf008. files. word-

press. com/2010/07/the-wwii-soe-training-manual-rigden. pdf

Terror in Ireland in the War of Independence: https: //ifiplayer. ie/terror-in-ireland/ Urban Guerrilla Warfare: https: //youtu. be/nYWQkbz9JMs



American Commission on the Conditions in Ireland, 191

Ames, Lt Peter Ashmunt, 237

Anderson, Sir John, 140, 148, 150

Andrews, C. S. (Todd), 128, 136, 259, 351

Angliss, Lt H. R., 237

Anglo-Irish Treaty Debates (1921–2),

123, 158, 305, 320–2

Anglo-Irish TreatyVote (1922), 323–8 ‘Anti-Sinn Fein Society’, 186

An t-Ó glá ch (The Soldier), 43–7, 56, 63, 67, 76, 79, 86, 95, 130, 132, 171

Ashe, Thomas (Tomá s), 37, 39, 116, 169 Asquith, Prime Minister Herbert, 19,

110, 197

Auxiliary Cadets (Auxiliaries, Auxies), 15–17, 232, 237, 268, 304, 356


Baggally, Capt. George T., 237

Balbriggan, burning of, 268, 275–9

Brry, Kevin, 17

Barry, Tom, 67, 73, 77, 86, 148, 156, 280,

283, 348

Barton, Robert, 23, 130, 132, 304, 306,

310, 312, 323

Bé aslaí, Piaras, 6, 29, 43, 56, 114, 130,

178, 218, 223, 235, 239, 323

Beggar’s Bush Barracks, 193, 356 Begin, Menachem, 348

Bell, Alan, 13, 218

Bennett, Capt. George, 237

Black and Tans (Tans), 14–16, 65–9, 80, 88, 104, 142, 156, 174, 192, 194,

197, 198, 207, 241, 254, 258, 262,

270, 275, 286, 333, 355

‘Black Widows’, 324

Bloody Sunday, 106, 146, 195

complete story, 234–42

locations, 237

as terror, 233, 256–8, 261

Blythe, Ernest, 46, 114, 132, 176, 323

Boland, Harry, 85, 113, 120, 123, 132,

158, 168, 305, 309, 315, 323

Bradfield, Thomas, 283

Breen, Dan, 54–6, 68, 234

Brennan, Michael, 63, 69

Brennan, Robert, 178, 180, 323

Brind, Col. J., 304

Broy, É amon (Ned), 9, 58, 208, 214, 220,

224, 230, 338, 342

Brugha, Cathal (Charles Burgess), 3, 5, 25, 31, 42, 56, 61, 87, 114, 120, 130,

135, 149, 213, 235, 266, 281, 286,

310, 314, 319, 323

Bulfin, É amon, 309, 323

Burton, Major Stratford, 224, 234 by-elections

East Cavan, 41

East Clare, 55, 111

East Tyrone, 40

Kilkenny, 41

North Roscommon, 111 Offaly (King’s County), 41 South Armagh, 40

South Longford, 111 Byrne, J. C., see ‘Jameson’ Byrne, Vincent (Vinnie), 128, 217, 257


Cahill, Paddy, 61, 323

‘Cairo Gang’, 231

Cameron, Major C. A., 233

Caratacus, 51

Carney, Winifred, 128

Carson, Sir Edward, 20, 131, 153 Catholic Church

and conscription, 118

other, 56, 127, 133, 137, 185, 225,

264, 275

Ceannt, Á ine, 112

Chartres, John, 309

Childers, R. (Robert) Erskine, 178, 180,

306, 323

Churchill, Winston, 267, 269, 287, 354

Clancy, Peadar, 170, 228, 239, 240

Clarke, Kathleen (Daly), 113, 114, 168,

321, 323

Clarke, Tom (Thomas), 12

Clausewitz, Carl von, 35, 37, 51, 136,

192, 205

Clune, Conor, 140, 239 Clune, Archbishop Patrick Joseph, 140– 5, 147

Colley, Harry, 195 Collins, Conor (Con), Collins, Michael

Anglo-Irish Treaty, 96, 122

Anglo-Irish Treaty debates, 123,

158, 305, 311, 315, 320–3

Anglo-Irish Treaty negotiations, 12, 21-24, 96, 103, 122, 152,

199, 248, 305–10, 313–18

Bloody Sunday, 106, 146, 195,


Dá il É ireann, 16, 19, 24, 30, 43,

56, 75, 104, 107, 117, 122,

126–37, 170, 175, 177, 261,

307, 311, 314, 315, 319, 323

Dá il É ireann Loan, 85, 137–9, 168, 218

Director of Intelligence, 7, 206, 208, 324

Director of Organisation, 5 Minister for Finance, 30, 64, 168,

179, 312, 357

terrorism, 253, 272, 287, 292

other, 3, 13, 22, 30, 32, 57, 61, 63,

75, 112–15, 121, 123, 127,

131, 135, 141–6, 156, 158,

168, 175, 205, 213, 215,

229, 240, 244–8, 305, 312,

316, 319, 324, 333, 335,


Comerford, Má ire, 228

Connolly, James, 3, 19, 351

Cooney, Andy, 60

conscription, 4, 29, 37, 41, 45, 111, 117–

20, 174, 231, 290, 334, 350

constitution, Irish, 130, 322

constitution, Sinn Fé in, 115

Cope, Alfred W. (A. C., Andy), 140, 143,

146, 152, 246, 304

Cork, burning of, 275–6

Cosgrave, Phil, 323

Cosgrave, William T., 41, 113, 239, 310,

319, 323

Counterinsurgency Action (COIN), 104,

254, 335, 346

Craig, Sir James, 20, 287, 303, 217

Creedon, Siobhá n, 231

Croke Park, 240, 242

Cronin, Capt. Patrick, 85

Crozier, Brig. Gen. Frank P., 15, 237, 270

Culhane, Seá n, 275

Cullen, Tom, 210, 211, 216–24, 230

Cumann na mBan, 7, 112–13 Cumann na Teachtaire, 113

Curragh, the (British army camp), 81–4 Custom House, 149, 192–6


Dá il Democratic Programme, 131 Dá il É ireann, 16, 19, 24, 30, 43, 56, 75,

104, 107, 117, 122, 126–37, 170,

175, 177, 261, 307, 311, 314, 315,

319, 323

Second Dá il, 19, 308

Dá il Loan, 85, 137–9, 168, 218

Dá il Message to Free Nations, 131 Dá il/Republican Courts (alias Dá il

Courts, Republican Courts, Sinn Fé in Courts), 16, 137, 167

Dalton, Charles (Charlie), 256

Dalton, Emmet, 289

Daly, Paddy (Liverpool), 84 Daly, Gen. Patrick (Paddy) (O’Daly),

195, 217, 221, 236

Davidson, Archbishop Randall, 198 Davies, Moya (O’Connor) (Llewelyn),

228, 305

de Loughry, Peter, 41, 91

de Montmorency, Hervey, 343

de Roiste, Liam, 303, 323 deValera, É amon

Anglo-Irish Treaty, 96, 122

Anglo-Irish Treaty debates, 123,

158, 305, 311, 315, 320–3

Anglo-Irish Treaty negotiations,

12, 21–4, 96, 103, 122, 152,

199, 248, 305–10, 313–18

Rising command, 149

speeches, 39, 41, 306, 307, 309,

319, 322

other, 113, 114–17, 131, 146,

149–51, 172, 193, 209, 214–

15, 264, 303, 306–16, 319,

321, 322, 323

de Wet, Gen. Christian, 34 Deasy, Liam, 61, 87

Defence of the Realm Act (DORA), 189 ‘Democratic Programme’, 131 Derby, Lord (Edward Stanley), 149 Devine, Thomas, 38

Devlin, Joe, 17, 141

Dillon, John, MP, 110

Dineen, Major James, 86

‘Document Number Two’, 321

Dolan, Joe, 211, 219

Dominion status, 72, 129, 140, 168, 306,

313, 315, 317, 320, 322, 352

Dorrins, Tommy, 193

Dowling, Major Charles, 237

Dowling, Joseph, 119

Doyle, Seá n, 195

Dublin Castle, 35, 62, 120, 138–41, 150,

179, 189, 209, 219, 227, 231, 242,

244, 267, 355

Dublin City Hall, 357 Dublin Guard, 256

Dublin Metropolitan Police (DMP), 8, 15, 42, 207, 214, 269

Duggan, É amonn (Edmund) J., 23, 30, 208, 214, 304, 311, 317, 323

Dunne, Edward F., 169, 173

Dunne, Reginald, 287–9


Easter Rising (1916 Rising), 1, 2, 4, 290,

Egan, Frank W., 309

election of 1918, 46, 126–9

English, Dr Ada, 323

‘External Association’, 307, 309, 317, 321


Farnan, Dr Robert, 140

Fenians, 90

Fermoy, 14, 175, 182

Ferran, Dr Frank, 223

Figgis, Darrell, 113, 184

Fisher, Sir Warren, 139

FitzGerald, Desmond, 174, 178, 180

Fitzgerald, Sgt John, 237, 239

Flying columns, 57, 62, 68, 69, 71, 73, 77,

78, 81, 95, 152, 281, 334, 339, 351

Fogarty, Bishop Michael, 141–3

Four Courts, 137, 344

French, Lord Lieutenant (Field Marshal Sir John Denton Pinkstone French), 45, 119, 120, 129, 130,

143, 170, 218

Frongoch Prison Camp, 3, 24, 29–30, 116, 333


‘G’ Division (DMP), 11

GHQ (IRA/Volunteer), 42, 43, 45, 54,

56, 58–65, 68, 71, 74–8, 117, 120,

121, 169, 171, 185, 206, 209, 222,

255, 235, 280, 286, 303, 318, 334,

Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA), 3

Gaelic League, 3, 31, 116, 239

‘Gairloch’ Formula, 312 Gallagher, Frank (‘David Hogan’), 178,

180, 256

Garner, Auxiliary Cadet Frank, 237 Gavan-Duffy, George, 23, 130, 309, 311,

317–19, 329

Gay, Thomas, 209

Gaynor, Fr Pat, 41

General Post Office (GPO), 5, 229 King GeorgeV, 19, 67, 154

‘German Plot’, the, 119, 208

Giá p, Võ Nguyê n, 52

Ginnell, Lawrence, 113, 322

Good, Joe, 68, 70, 91, 121, 182

Gough, Gen. Hubert, 198, 272 Government of Ireland Act, (Better), 18,

146, 148, 290

Granard, burning of, 279

Greenwood, Hamar, 80, 140, 143, 148,

153, 171, 185, 271, 277

Griffith, Arthur, 24, 34, 38, 41, 43, 112–

17, 134, 143, 158, 168, 171, 174,

178, 188, 229, 239, 304, 306, 310,

312, 314–20, 322, 323

Gubbins, Major Colin, 338–40, 344 guerrilla warfare

definition, 52

history, 50–2

Irish War of Independence as a model for, 331

Guevara, Ernesto ‘Che’, 36, 51, 78, 84,

94, 109, 332, 348–50


Haldane, Lord Richard, 128

Hales, Donal, 87

Hales, Seá n, 323

Harbison, Thomas (T. J. S. ), 41

Hardy, Capt. Jocelyn, 188

Harrington, Dr John, 287

Head, Dan, 193

‘hearts and minds’, 291

Hibernian United Service Club, 228 Hill Dillon, Col. Stephen, 223

Ho Chi Minh, 109, 337, 348

Hogan, David, see Frank Gallagher Home Rule, 2, 4, 5, 13, 18, 19, 38, 118,

123, 133, 134, 140, 144, 157, 168,

307, 352


Mater Misericordiae (Mater Hospital), 177

Mercer’s, 230


Gresham, 141, 149, 236, 238

Standard, 175, 177, 217

Vaughan’s, 158, 235

Wren’s, 222

Hunter, Thomas (Tom),  323


Igoe, Constable Eugene, 243

Igoe Gang, 216, 242, 243

Improvised Explosive Device (IED), 36, 89–93


Director of, 210

Office, 210, 211, 216, 270, 223

Irish Citizen Army (ICA), 112 Irish Constitution, 130, 322

Irish Convention of 1917, 110, 128 Irish National Aid andVolunteers’

Dependants’ Fund, 221

Irish Parliamentary Party, 4, 5, 190, 38, 108, 110, 111, 352

Irish Products Company, 211

Irish Republican Army (IRA), 129, 183,

232, 247

Irish Republican Army (IRA)/Volunteer GHQ, 42, 43, 45, 54, 56, 58–65,

68, 71, 74–8, 117, 120, 121, 169,

Irish Republican Brotherhood (IRB), 30, 43, 134

IrishVolunteers, seeVolunteers


‘Jameson’ (John Charles [J. C. ] Byrne), 211, 219–21

Jeudwine, Gen. Sir H. S., 155

Jeune, Capt. Robert D., 239

Johnstone, W. E., 178, 187


Kavanagh, Joseph, 9, 10, 209, 214

Keenlyside, Capt. H. B. C., 237

Kelly, Anna (Fitzsimmons), 178

Keogh, Tom, 217–19, 237

Kettrick, Thomas, 63

Kissinger, Henry, 73, 103

Kitchener, Lord Herbert, 268


Lalor, James Fintan, 33

Lavery, Hazel, 228

Lawless, Sr Eithne (Evelyn), 177, 228 Lawless, Frank, 176, 323

Lawrence, T. E., 34, 37, 49, 51, 71, 72, 78,

108, 167, 192, 356

Lea-Wilson, Capt. Percival, 13 League of Women Delegates, 112–13 Lemass, Seá n, 261

Lettow-Vorbeck, Gen. Paul-Emil von, 84 Liverpool (IRA terrorist attacks), 286–7 Lloyd George, Prime Minister David

Treaty negotiations, 20–3, 140,

290, 303, 313, 315, 316, 317

other, 14, 19, 20, 105, 106, 111,

125, 134, 137, 148, 171,

184–7, 196, 198, 233, 240,

247, 267–70, 274, 279, 291,

306–8, 337

Long, Sir Walter, 150 Lt ‘G’, see Lily Mernin

Lynch, Diarmuid (Jeremiah), 32, 114, 116

Lynch, Liam, 60, 61, 70, 182, 231, 318,

Lynn, Dr Kathleen, 113, 114, 324

Lucas, Gen. Cuthbert, 182–4


MacBride, Joseph, 323

MacBride, John, 50

MacBride, Seá n, 60, 303

McCartan, Dr Patrick, 175, 309, 323

MacCurtá in, Thomas (Tomá s), 17, 74,

184, 274, 275

MacDonagh, Joseph, 168, 323

McDonagh, Joseph, 114

McDonnell, Dan, 149

McDonnell, James (RIC), 54

McDonnell, Mick, 218, 223

MacEntee, Seá n, 145, 323

MacEoin, Seá n, 93, 230, 323

McGarry, Seá n, 32, 323

McGrane, Eileen, 228–30, 342

McGuinness, Joseph P., 4, 39, 114, 323

McKee, Dick, 6, 176, 216, 236, 239–40

McKenna, Kathleen Napoli, 151

MacLean, Capt. Donald, 237

McMahon, Sir James, 229

McNamara, James, 10, 121, 158, 239

MacNeill, Eoin, 113, 143, 189, 322

Macready, Gen. Sir Nevil, 7, 16, 35, 68,

138, 141, 143, 148, 150–1, 153–7,

186, 199, 232, 269–71, 278, 283,


MacSwiney, Mary, 24, 191, 323

MacSwiney, Terence, 17, 61, 74, 174, 184,

185, 196, 226

Mansion House, 5, 112, 130, 133, 304,

Mao Zedong, 52, 62, 103, 109, 266, 337

Marchmont, Josephine (Brown, O’Donoghue), 225–7

Markievicz, Countess Constance (né e Gore Booth), 113–14, 128, 133,

182, 228, 323

Maxwell, Gen. Sir John, 2, 34, 110

Mee, Constable Jeremiah, 182

Mellows, Liam, 25, 87, 158

Meredith, James Creed, 137

Mernin, Lily (Lt ‘G’), 223–5, 228, 234

Midleton, Lord, 111, 304

Mills, Inspector John, 42

Milroy, Seá n, 114, 115, 322

Molloy, Bryan Fergus, 223

Molony, Helena, 112, 113

Montgomery, Major Bernard, 227, 337,

Montgomery, Col. Hugh F., 237, 238 Morris, Auxiliary Cadet Cecil, 237 Morris, Lord, 141

Mountjoy Prison, 128, 143, 176, 188,


Mulcahy, Gen. Richard (Dick), 3, 6, 11,

20, 22, 29, 38, 56, 58–63, 68, 70, 74,

76, 116, 121, 143, 146, 169, 176,

213, 215, 223, 235, 240, 266, 281,

285, 315, 323, 338, 342

Mulcahy, Dr Risteard, 29, 71, 116 Munster and Leinster Bank, 218


Napoleonic War, 32, 50

Neligan, David (Dave), 9, 172, 176, 201,

220, 223–4, 238–9, 338, 344

Newbury, Capt. W. F., 237 newspapers

Acts of Aggression, 174

An t-Ó glá ch, 43–7, 56, 63, 67, 76,

79, 86, 96, 130, 132, 171

Freeman’s Journal, 29, 125, 169,

182, 277

Irish Bulletin, 13, 21, 170–5, 178–

80, 182, 184–6, 187–8, 277

Irish Independent, 125, 169–71,

219, 279

Irish Times, 126, 133, 137, 279 London Daily News, 277 Manchester Guardian, 198, 199,

Morning Post, 147

NewYork Times, 56, 278, 287

Le Pelegrin, 196

The Times of London, 36, 56, 126, 134, 174, 184, 196–9, 217,

272, 279–80, 286, 303

La Tribuna Illustrata, 196

Weekly Summary, 185–7, 268,


Noble, Capt., 237

Noyk, Michael, 158

Nunan, Seá n, 213


O’Brien, Art, 185, 219–20, 309

O’Brien, Nancy, 228–9

O’Brien, William, 111, 131

O’Callaghan, Kate, 323, 324

O’Casey, Seá n, 67

O’Connell, Gen. J. J. (‘Ginger’), 325

O’Connell, Patrick (RIC), 54

O’Connor, Batt, 74, 175, 176, 217, 223

O’Connor, Bridget, 217

O’Connor, Fr Dominic, 226–7

O’Connor, T. P., 141

O’Donnell, Peadar, 352

O’Donoghue, Daithi, 218

O’Donoghue, Florence (Florrie), 5, 36,

49, 50, 53, 65, 74, 87, 129, 206–9,

223, 226–7, 276, 291, 334, 352

O’Donovan, James (Sé amus), 92–3, 324

O’Duffy, Eoin, 323, 325

O’Flanagan, Fr Michael, 113

O’Hannigan, Donal, 68

O’Hegarty, Diarmuid, 31, 116, 158, 168,

175–6, 315, 323, 325

O’Hegarty, P. S., 41

O’Higgins, Kevin, 25, 323, 351

O’Kelly, J. J. (‘Sceilg’), 130, 324

O’Kelly, Seá n T. (Ó Ceallaigh), 114, 131,

309, 324

O’Mahoney, Dan, 61

Ó Maille, Padraig, 5, 130, 323

O’Malley, Ernie, 60, 96, 229, 286, 341

O’Mara, James, 130

O’Meehan, J. W., 41

Ó Muirthile, Seá n, 31, 316

O’Neill, Rt Hon. Laurence (Larry), 304 O’Reilly, Joe, 141, 176

O’Reilly, Molly, 228–9

O’Reilly, Paddy, 193

O’Reilly, Stephen, 193

O’Riordan, Jeremiah, 61

O’Shea, Seá n, 87–99

O’Sullivan, Gearó id, 40, 86, 158, 213,

O’Sullivan, Joe, 268, 288–9

Ostracising (of police), 109, 136–7, 207, 214–15, 258, 262–5


Parliament of Northern Ireland, 18–19, 148, 150, 199, 301–2, 306

Parliament of Southern Ireland, 18–19, 148

‘Partition election’, 148

Pearse, Margaret, 168, 324

Pearse, Patrick, 3, 168

Percival, Major A. E., 95, 280, 282, 337,

Pinkman, John, 285

Plunkett, Count George Noble, 4, 5, 38– 9, 45, 112, 114, 130, 306, 324

Plunkett, Grace Gifford, 114, 168

Plunkett, Horace, 111

Plunkett, Joseph, 38, 112

prison camps (Ballykinlar, Spike Island, Bere Island, the Curragh), 157


Quinlisk, Henry (H. H. ) Timothy, 207,

Quintus Fabius Maximus, 51


Redmond, John, 110, 111, 117, 124 Redmond, RIC Assistant Commisioner

W. C. Forbes, 187, 216–20 Republican Courts, see Dá il/Republican

Courts restaurants

Berni Inn, 251

Cairo Café, 213, 235, 251

Kidd’s Buffet (‘Kidd’s Back’), 213, 251

Restoration of Order in Ireland Act, 17, 274

Rising (1916 Rising), see Easter Rising Royal Irish Constabulary (RIC), 8, 17 Royal University (Nation hi please

submit Process shortal University, now UCD), 92, 229

Ryan, John (Shankers), 239 Ryan, Dr James (Jim, J. M. ), 324 Ryan, Michael J., 169, 173


St Enda’s School (Scoil É anna), 168 Saurin, Frank, 224–5

Savage, Martin, 170

Shanahan, Philip (Phil), 323

Shaw, George Bernard, 46

Shakespeare, Geoffrey, 306, 317

Shamir, Yitzhak, 348 Sinn Fé in

Constitution, 115

1919 Election Manifesto, 124–5

Executive, 134–7, 171

other, 4, 29, 113–15

Sinn Fé in Hall, 183, 226

Slattery, James (Jimmy), 267 Smuts, Prime Minister Jan, 19, 154, 302–

3, 308, 312–13

Smith, Eugene (Smyth), 214

Smith, Percy William, 258

Smith, Thomas Herbert, 257 Smyth, Lt Col. Gerald Brice Ferguson,

180–2, 267

Smyth, Det. Capt. Patrick (‘the Dog’), 11 Soloheadbeg ambush, 54–8, 75, 129, 132,

Special Operations Executive (SOE), 332, 359

Spring-Rice, Sir Cecil, 110

‘Squad’, the, 11–12, 26, 38, 84, 128, 212,

215–18, 219, 236, 237, 256–7, 261,

267, 289

‘Squad’ members, 128, 236

Stack, Austin, 113, 122, 135, 137, 306,

310, 314, 319, 324

Staines, Michael, 116, 143, 323

Stapleton, William (Bill), 216, 219

Street, C. J. C., 189–91, 285

Strong, Major Kenneth, 342

Sturgis, Mark, 140, 148, 150

Sun Tsu, 50

Swanzy, Oswald Ross, 275

Sweeney, Joseph, 288–9, 323


Teeling, Frank, 237

Templer, Lt Gerald, 343, 347

‘Tet’ Offensive, 106, 195

Thomson, Sir Basil, 122, 151, 218, 221,

Thompson machine-gun, 85–6, 95 Thornton, Dr Brigid (né e Lyons), 230 Thornton, Frank, 21, 158, 210–11, 220,

223, 235, 241

Tipperary football team, 257

Tobin, Liam (Bill), 158, 210–11, 216,

220, 223, 235

Traynor, Oscar, 193–4, 241, 324

Treacy, Seá n, 54–7, 68, 234

Trinity College Dublin (TCD), 110 Treaty, the (6 December 1921), 96, 122–

3, 155, 290, 305, 310, 312, 315–22

Truce, the (11 July 1921), 66, 87, 96, 134,

137, 142–5, 152–3, 155, 158, 247,

303–6, 315

Tudor, Gen. Henry Hugh, 181, 224,

267–8, 271, 303–6, 315, 343


University College Dublin (UCD), 92, 229


Vize, Joe, 87

Volunteers, 8, 11, 13, 16, 17, 19, 29–32,

34, 37–8, 42–5, 54–5, 58–61, 63, 65,

76–7, 84, 90, 95, 103, 112–13, 116–

18, 129, 134–6, 143, 171, 209, 311


Walsh, Frank P., 169, 173 Walsh, John (Kilkenny O/C), 284 Whelan, Pax, 61

Wilde, L. E., 237

Wilson, Field Marshal Sir Henry, 187, 269–70, 287, 290

Wilson, President Woodrow, 40, 173,

201, 310

Winter, Sir Ormonde, 230–4, 246, 340,

Woodcock, Carolyn, 237, 272–3

Woodcock, Col. W., 237

Woods, Tony, 211

Wyse-Power, Jenny, 112–13


Young, Evelyn Lindsay, 231



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