Text A. The Development of Public Health in the USSR
During the years of the Soviet power great progress has been achieved in the development of public health in our country. In 1913 there were only 20,000 doctors in Russia, that is one doctor served 10,000 of the population. Now there are more than one million doctors in our country, that makes about 1 /3 of the number of all the doctors in the world and more than half of those in Europe. Before the Great October Socialist Revolution there were 207,000 beds in the hospitals. About 35% of the towns and half of the villages had no hospitals. During the years of the Soviet power the number of medical institutions has considerably increased, the quality of medical aid becoming much better. Before the Revolution, there were only 89 women and children consultation centres in the country. Since the very first days of the Soviet power the Communist Party and the Government have been paying great attention to the protection of the health of mother and child. Soviet public health is characterized by new methods of medical service. Thanks to various health measures our country has achieved high standards of public health and total mortality rate has been decreased. The State has taken the responsibility for man's health. Public health allocations (ассигнования) are increasing every year. Any Soviet citizen wherever he lives may go to the doctor or make a call for him if necessary and; he will receive qualified medical aid free of charge. Every Soviet citizen has the right to a sick-leave pay at the State insurance (государственное страхование) expense from the day he falls ill to the moment of his recovery. The Soviet health service has many First Aid Stations with thousands of well-equipped modern ambulances and highly qualified ambulance doctors. The main principles of Soviet public health are the prevention of diseases, gradual nation-wide dispensarisation and the extension of the life-span of Soviet people. In order to achieve this extensive measures to control cardiovascular diseases and cancer are being carried out. Great attention is paid to the surrounding environment— the elimination of air pollution with industrial and automobile gases, the control of growing noises in large cities. Soviet people may restore their health in different sanatoriums and rest houses. CLASS ASSIGNMENTS IX. Translate the following word combinations: 1. health measures; 2. to serve the population; 3. in the near future; 4. the quality of medical aid; 5. women and children consultation centres; 6. medical service; 7. high standard of public health; 8. total mortality rate; 9. at the Trade Union expense; 10. the extension of the life-span; 11. the surrounding environment; 12. growing noises X. Choose the appropriate word from those given below: 1.... of large cities suffers much from traffic noises. 2. In the USSR... is the lowest in the world. 3. In the USSR all the young people receive education.... 4. In our country... are well equipped with all modern apparatuses. 5.... of medical service has become much better thanks to various achievements in medicine
the mortality rate, the population, the first aid stations, the quality, at the State expense XI. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the meaning of the words given in bold type: ' 1. The diagnosis of acute peritonitis due to the rupture of the gallbladder was made by the surgeon. 2. Since preventive vaccination was introduced into medical practice after the discovery of Edward Jenner the mortality rate from smallpox decreased considerably already in the 19th century. 3. The patient must follow a bed regimen for rheumatic endocarditis affects the heart in the most unfavourable manner. 4. Since all other sources of infection can be excluded there is no doubt that the patient has become infected through indirect contact. XII. Express the following definitions in one word: 1. the incidence of deaths; 2. the car that carries patients to the hospital; 3. the people of a country; 4. a man who lives in the city; 5. the body of persons who are responsible for the health of people in a country; 6. all the conditions that surround us; 7. the period of the disease when the patient is recovering; 8. the medical procedure which may prevent the appearance of an infectious disease XIII. Supply as many facts as possible to prove the following statements: 1. Every Soviet citizen receives medical aid free of charge. 2. The Soviet government has been paying great attention to the health protection of children. 3. The Soviet Union is the country which has the largest number of doctors. 4. The Soviet Public Health carries out extensive health measures. XIV. Read Text B. Say what is done to protect the aged in our country: Text B. The Care for the Old in the USSR There are several millions of pensioners in the USSR. These citizens receive from the State budget and other sources pensions amounting to several million roubles a year. The Soviet Union has the lowest age requirements for old age pensions— 60 years for men and 55 for women. People in many occupations have the right to old age pensions five or more years earlier. On achieving the pensionable age they also have the right to move to homes for the aged. Only in Moscow there are dozens (десятки) of such homes, like the one in Izmailovo. The people of this home like any other are completely freed of all expenses, because they are provided with everything at the State expense. The State spends an average of 90 roubles a month for each person in the home. This home for the aged is like a sanatorium. One of the two buildings of the home is used mainly for providing medical service. There are several doctors employed in the consultation centres and laboratories which have therapeutists, a radiologist, a neurologist, a psychiatrist and a dentist. Doctors of other specialities come from a city hospital when it is necessary. The home's polyclinic has its own chemist's. All the medicines are given to pensioners also free of charge. There are clinical and biochemical laboratories and rooms for functional diagnostics and therapeutic physical training. Many of the people in the home are sure that the therapeutic physical training helps them to live longer and take it regularly.
The old people listen to lectures, music, talks, see films, and attend concerts in which many well-known actors take part. LESSON 52 HOME ASSIGNMENTS I. Определите функции 'should', 'would': I. If biopsy had been performed it would have.helped the physician to determine abnormalities of the liver structure. 2. The doctor considered that the patient would be rehospitalized if the symptoms of jaundice recurred. 3. You should make the urinalysis to reveal the presence of bile if you suggested the diagnosis of cholecystitis. 4. The patient was interested to know if the operation would be performed under general or local anaesthesia. 5. It is necessary that vaccination should be made to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. II. Выучите следующие слова: private ['praivit] а частный, личный office ['ofis] n контора, учреждение; зд. кабинет advice [od'vais] и совет (помощь) advise [od'vaiz] о советовать medical adviser врач income [Чпклт] и доход broad [bro:d] а широкий cost [kost] и стоимость; v (cost, cost) стоить (о цене) face [feis] о стоять перед; выходить (на) III. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на выделенные слова: 1. At a polyclinic or a hospital all our citizens can receive medical advice free of charge. 2. Our physician always advises his patients the necessary effective treatment. 3. Any patient with cardiac insufficiency needs the treatment with digitalis (наперстянка) preparations. 4. The Soviet government pays great attention to the needs of our public health. 5. The cost of medical service in the capitalist countries is known to be very high. 6. Persons who have suffered smallpox have unpleasant marks on their faces. 7. The most important problems which face the medical science at present are cardiovascular diseases and cancer. IV. 1. Прочтите текст С. 2. Скажите, чем отличается медицинское обслуживание в США от медицинского обслуживания в СССР:
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