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C. Finger Magnets. See Transition Metaphors and Imagination Games. c. Spiegel Eye Roll. Echo Technique. --David Snyder. Utilization Principle

C. Finger Magnets

a. Finger Signals – (See ideomotor signaling)


D. Eye Games –

a. Eye Catalepsy

b. Eye roll

c. Spiegel Eye Roll


E. Body Games –

a. Rigid Body – Full Body Catalepsy


b. Postural Sway


c. Mouth Catalepsy


d. Stuttering


e. Name Amnesia/Number Block


f. Stuck Leg


g. Foot Stuck


h. Impossible to sit


i. Impossible to stand


j. Thirst hallucination


k. Smell Hallucination


l. Biting a Lemon



See Transition Metaphors and Imagination Games

Transition Metaphors

Transition Metaphors Defined: A transition metaphor is any method of description that implies movement from location to another.

Transition metaphors are used to sequence and flow the client from one hypnotic intervention process to another.

Anything that implies movement can be used as a transition metaphor:


Examples Include:

· Elevator

· Escalator

· Stair Case

· Hall Way

· Ramp

· Hot Air Balloon

· Row Boat

· A Cloud


NOTES: ___________________________________________________________








Echo Technique

“The Most Powerful Words a Human Being Can Hear Are the Ones That Just Came Out of Their Mouth”

--David Snyder

The process of human experience is built on many layers and filters simultaneously. The only communication that exactly matches everything inside another human being is the reflection of exactly the behaviors and verbiage they themselves created.

Always seek pay attention to and reflect as precisely as possible the exact words that the subject uses to describe his or her experience.

When guiding someone through a recall process always repeat their last words back to them before asking for more information.

NOTES: ___________________________________________________________






Utilization Principle

Utilization Principle: The process of including, calling attention to or building into the hypnotic process any environment phenomenon or response generated by the client, as if it were an expected and natural part of the current process.

Abreactions: An emotional purging that is expressed or vented by talking or acting out repressed, or partially repressed negative events or information.


Resourcing is a preliminary step in the change work process that is done either at the onset of the hypnotherapy session or immediately before a formal trance state is induced.

Resourcing involves the identification, amplification and installing positive resource states for use in the later stages of the change work process.

Examples of Resourcing Include:

- Safe Place

- Dissociation/Association

- Identification/Dis-identification

These resources can be installed via post hypnotic suggest, direct suggestion, NLP - Anchoring

Resourcing is an extremely important failsafe when the possibility of a spontaneous abreaction is high or the direct use of abreactive technique is required

General Change Work Silo

Real World Hypnosis is practiced in sequences of technique known as silos. Clinically we have found that stacking interventions/techniques within a session creates a more pervasive and profound level of change in clients.


The General Change Work Silo consists the following stages:

1. Induce Trance and Deepen

2. General Negativity Clearing Technique

3. Specific Negativity Technique

4. Primary Intervention

5. Future Pace and Clean Up

6. Exit


The use of silos gives the aspiring hypnotherapist a road map to follow through the change-work process.

Silos serve as a frame work that allows the hypnotic operator to systematically address the most common factors in an intervention process while allowing for complete freedom to modify as needed for the benefit of the client.




Introduction to the Identity by Design S ilo


The unique sequencing in the Identity by Design Silo Targets the primary building blocks of identity and personality. The specific order of techniques allows the operator the ability to make powerful changes to many levels of unconscious processing


The identity by design silo is performed in seven discrete stages. Although each of the techniques at each phase of the silo can be done as a primary intervention these techniques create powerful and pervasive change synergistically


The Identity by Design silo consists of the following techniques:

1. General Negativity Clearing – Grey Room, Universal Solvent

2. Specific Negativity Clearing – Magic Frame

3. Installing Default Driver States - Pillars of Power

4. Changing Internal Dialogue - Voice of Authority

5. Deleting Negativity from The Past – Temporal Editing

6. Frontloading the New Identity – Womb of Eternity

7. Deep Trance Identification – Magic Circle

The technical sequence would look like this:

1. Grey Room

2. Magic Frame

3. Pillars of Power,

4. Voice of Authority,

5. Temporal Editing,

6. Womb of Eternity,

7. Magic Circle

General Negativity Clearing Techniques

I. Grey Room:

Use the Space Below to Diagram the Gray Room Process visually

General Negativity Clearing (Cont. )

II. Universal Solvent:


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