Hypnosis Will Control Your Mind
Hypnosis Will Control Your Mind In other words, most people believe that " The Hypnotist Can or Will Control Your Mind".
This is for all intents and purposes 100% False
Hypnosis and specifically engaging in the hypnotherapeutic process is a 100% consensual state.
It is literally impossible to MAKE someone in hypnosis do anything they do not want to do or that violates their own sense of personal ethics.
No matter how deep in hypnosis we are we are always in control and always aware on some level of what is going on. Even more importantly we have the ability at any time to refuse a suggestion or emerge from the hypnotic state.
Think You Will Be Unconscious/Unaware Even though we touched on this earlier it bears repeating. Many people believe that being hypnotized is the same as being asleep or otherwise anesthetized. This is as much the fault of the hypnosis industry as it is films, books and television.
One of the most popular words used in hypnosis is the command SLEEP. It is used as an analog that causes the unconscious mind to simulate sleep, but the subject is NOT asleep, if the hypnotist keeps giving instructions the subject will continue to pay attention and not drift off into sleep.
You Will Do Something or Reveal Something You Don't Want to.
Many people believe that hypnosis is some form of truth drug. They believe that a hypnotist can force them to tel1 the truth, even against their will.
This is false. The ironic part is that the subject actua11y has more access to his internal resources of creativity than he would normally have while at the same time maintaining his free will.
What does that mean exactly?
Well, the subject may be able to create a better lie while hypnotized if he or she were in the non -hypnotized state. Many hypnotists make a good living teaching people to use hypnosis to pass polygraph tests.
Only the Hypnotist Can Bring You Out of Hypnosis /Fear of Being Trapped in Hypnosis
Hypnosis is in fact one of the most natural states that human beings engage in. We pass through the hypnotic state(s) at least twice a day as we go to sleep at night and when we wake up in the morning. 7
Because hypnosis is a state that exists along the natural progression from wakefulness to sleep anyone left in a hypnotic state for a protracted period without further instructions will simply wake up or fall into a natural restful sleep
It is literally impossible to get stuck or trapped in the hypnotic state.
You Won't Remember What Happened to You While You Were Hypnotized
One of the biggest fears many people have is that they won't remember what happened to them during hypnosis.
Although spontaneous amnesia can and does occur it is still relatively rare and is easily handled with a couple simple suggestions to remember everything that happened during the session. 8
Is Hypnosis Dangerous... Hypnosis is not dangerous in and of itself - there has never been a recorded case of someone being injured with hypnosis.
There are some cautions and contraindicate actions one should observe when conducting a hypnosis session or performing a hypnotic process.
7 In fact these times of the day are excellent times to use autosuggestion and self-hypnosis 8 There are times when an event is so traumatic that the unconscious mind refuses to let the client remember it. This behavior is usually a result of an aspect of the unconscious mind call the hidden observer. A key point to remember is to never leave a trauma or event unprocessed once it is uncovered
Dangers for the Hypnotist -
Transference -
Transference is a common result of the deep rapport generated within a hypnotic interaction where the client transfers feelings of affection to the subject that fall outside of the client/therapist paradigm.
Counter- Transference - occurs when hypnotist develops romantic (or any other type of feelings other than the client-therapist relationship) feelings for the client which are outside of the normal client therapist relationship.
Rape Fantasy - Many clients have suppressed fantasies about rape that may cause them to abreact or fantasize took place during hypnosis. Rape fantasies are not limited to females although much rarer among male clients.
Legal Challenges
Every state in the United States has its own laws concerning hypnosis. One should never seek to diagnose medical condition nor treat any medical condition without the express written consent of a licensed medical professional.
Many well-meaning hypnotists have put themselves on the wrong side of the law by seeking to undermine the prescriptions and diagnoses of Medical Doctors and other " licensed medical professionals.
My personal recommendation is to never use the term - Therapist or Therapy in conjunction with hypnosis unless you are licensed in some other medical profession.
The smart hypnotist seeks to cultivate a complementary relationship within the existing health care mode] and work alongside other health care practitioners and modalities for the common goal of getting the client well faster.
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