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Use the Space Below to Diagram This Process Visually

Use the Space Below to Diagram This Process Visually

Holographic Memory Theory

Introduction to Vibrational Hypnotherapy

Identification, Logical levels of Belief and The Proprioceptive Grid

…Where Time Space and Identity Merge

This chapter is where several worlds collide to form a whole that is much greater than the sum of the parts. And in the process, everything begins to make sense on a functional level.

Let’s look at the big picture before we deal with the parts.

The Functional Map of Human Experience

The human nervous system is a holonomic vibrational information processing system. It is part and parcel the single most powerful reality creation mechanism that exists short of the universe itself.

Information in the form of vibrational data is taken in through the five sensory channels. That data stream is separated into channels of information

1. Visual

2. Auditory

3. Kinesthetic

4. Olfactory and

5. Gustatory

Vibrational Input of Information



“The Grid”

Understanding, Mapping, and Organizing Subjective Human Experience

The Human Nervous System Is a Holonomic[1] Information Processing and Retrieval System.


That vibrational reality extends from the subtlest conceptual levels of our inner world to the most palpable aspects of our physical construct of reality.


The simple truth that ever level of our “reality” is a finely crafted hallucination, a distillation and interpretation of data that comes in through the five primary apertures of our experience and decoded to form the building blocks of our perceptions of reality both internally and externally.


Unfortunately, most approaches to understanding this phenomenon on a functional level fall short due to the reductionist nature of our primary tools of inquiry i. e. science and the scientific method.


As We Delve Deeper into the Holonomic aspects of the human nervous system we need to cover two primary topics that are important at this stage of the game.


Proprioceptive Organization


MAGIC FRAME: Use the Space Below to Diagram This Process Visually

Specific Negativity Extensions:

The GALLERY: Use the Space Below to Diagram This Process Visually

The CONTROL ROOM: Use the Space Below to Diagram This Process Visually

Primary Interventions:

Psycho-somatic Neuro Modulation

aka “Spinning”

Pillars of Power/10X Self

Voice of Authority

Temporal Editing

Womb of Eternity

Magic Circle

NEW SCHOOL - Resolution Frequency Generator

By addressing the specific millisecond of paused consciousness when the “state-dependent” memory is captured, the process facilitates the release of the “frozen feelings” and Locked physiology that occurs now of encoding. Utilizing “primary languages” such as color, HMR empowers the client to transmit “proof of safety” to the body-mind, utilizing the client’s own brainwave frequencies, thereby reducing the risk of re-live or re-traumatization.

· Holographic Regression Level One

· Holographic Regression Level Two

Old School - The Gift:

The Garden

Theater of The Mind

Change Personal History

Progressive Desensitization

Informed Child/Adult

Chair Therapy

Death Bed Therapy

Cottage of Memories

Change Personal Future

Trance within Trance - Inception

Tell Me Technique

Convincer Strategy

What is Hypnosis?


Hypnosis is defined as the " The bypass of the critical factor of the conscious mind and· the establishment of acceptable selective thinking. "


Hypnosis is not new.


Hypnosis has existed in one form or another since the dawn of time. It has gone under· many names in many cultures. The ancient Greeks and Egyptians had sleep temples where people would be placed into a deep sleep-like state and emerge sometimes days later, completely healed of their illnesses.



Hypnosis is medically proven - The American Medical Association concluded that hypnosis was a viable medical technique in 1958. It is a powerful compliment to any other form of healing and treatment. It can be used singly, or synergistically with other healing modalities.


What is Possible with Hypnosis?

Hypnosis can be used to change or create:


Permanent Powerful and Positive Change

Hypnosis is the only discipline that directly accesses the unconscious and subconscious1 mind to create rapid change. Other disciplines borrow or make use of " hypnotic operators" 2




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