Who Can't Be Hypnotized?. Levels of Trance. How about the creepy mind controller Bad Guy on "Heroes”?. How Many "Good-Guy" Hypnotists Do You Find in The Movies or in Novels?
Who Can't Be Hypnotized?
· Those with an exceptionally low I. Q or inability to ‘pay attention · Those under the influence of Digs or Alcohol · Certain categories of people with mental disabilities should not be hypnotized.
Levels of Trance There is a persistent and prevalent belief that there is a definable standardized " depth of trance" that can be measured.
This concept of depth of trance was based on a suggestibility scale developed by Stanford University that attempted to correlate depth of trance with specific hypnotic phenomena. (See Arron’s depth scale)
In application, clinicians have discovered that many of the phenomena thought to only be accessible during specific trance states can be accessed in a non-linear manner.
For example, The concept of negative hallucination was a phenomenon only possible during the somnambulistic state. (A medium to deep level trance state)
5. By " willingness" we mean the absence of fear and the ability to pay alienation and follow directions
However, in recent years it was realized that negative hallucinations manifest constantly throughout our " day to day lives". Have you ever been looking for something then find it in a place you have already looked two or three times? Such a simple event is really a negative hallucination. You thought you were in a normal waking conscious state. But you failed to perceive something that was in plain sight right in front of you.
To do this you accessed a very deep level hypnotic phenomenon. Yet according to the old idea of depth of trance; to manifest that phenomenon, you would first have to " lower" yourself into a light trance state, then a medium trance state and finally a deep trance state to experience a negative hallucination.
The New Theory of Dynamic Trance States:
In recent years a new model has emerged that is highly fluid. For the purposes of this training we will call this the Theory of Dynamic Trance States.
In a nutshell, the theory of dynamic trance states is that we as human beings can move from any one level of trance state to another without having to pass through any of the preceding trance states.
This means it’s possible to move from one level of trance phenomenon to another without having to move through the states in a " linear" fashion. (See models of the mind) Common Misconceptions about Hypnosis:
Hypnosis is quite possibly the most misunderstood therapeutic discipline if not the most misunderstood discipline PERIOD.
Because hypnosis is a sexy and frightening topic and it has made Hollywood millions of dollars.
6 In so far as therapeutic, clinical applications of hypnosis are concerned. This is false regarding the somnambulistic state about the level of physical activity that the subject can engage in. (See models of the mind)
Filmmakers regularly use the concept of hypnosis and mind control as part and parcel of the plot of many popular movies, often portraying hypnosis and hypnotists as people with an unholy power to control your mind. Remember Count Dracula? The Vampire, Lestat?
How About Obi Wan Kenobi or Darth Vader?
How about the creepy mind controller Bad Guy on " Heroes”? How Many " Good-Guy" Hypnotists Do You Find in The Movies or in Novels? The symptoms that Movies, Novels, Comic Books etc., present to the public at large, in addition to misrepresenting what is and is not possible in hypnosis, also misrepresent what the signs and feelings of being in hypnosis are really like.
Popular media and entertainment industries have hypnotized the public at large into thinking that hypnosis is something it plainly is not.
Why Do You Need to Know This? Because it is the single biggest reason why most people will seek the help of a hypnotist ONLY after they have exhausted most other options, and then only because they want the hypnotist to make them " do something” they have been unable to do on their own.
So, while these people are desperately seeking your help, many times they are also terrified of what they " think" hypnosis is and what the hypnotist can or can't make them do.
When they do finally seek your help. You will have the job of educating them before you can help them.
Some of The Important Ideas You Will Have to Educate Your Clients and Subjects On... Hypnosis Does Not Feel Like You Expect It To Many people believe that being in a hypnotized state is akin to being asleep or completely insensible or " unconscious" this is far from the truth. People in hypnosis are more aware of what is going on around them than they are at any other time. In fact, it is not uncommon for the subject’s sensory acuity to increase dramatically.
The difference for the subject is that they are just very focused about what they are paying attention to.
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