Бытовая техника и мебель
air conditioner – кондиционер arm-chair – кресло bathroom scales – весы bed – кровать bookcase – книжный шкаф bunch-bed – двухъярусная кровать carpet – ковер chair/ stool – стул/ табурет chandelier – люстра clock radio – часы с радиоприемником coffee table – журнальный столик cooker hood – вытяжка cupboard – шкаф для посуды curtains (over the window) – занавески (на окне) desk – письменный стол dishwasher – посудомоечная машина electrical appliances – электроприборы fan – вентилятор fire place – камин fridge – холодильник furniture – мебель hallstand – вешалка в прихожей heater – обогреватель iron – утюг kettle – чайник microwave – микроволновая печь mirror – зеркало pictures and family photos – картины и семейные фотографии potted flowers – цветы в горшках shaver – электробритва sofa – диван standing/ wall lamp – торшер/ бра stereo system/ hi-fi – стереосистема, музыкальный центр toaster – тостер TV-set – телевизор vase – ваза wall- unit – стенка washing machine – стиральная машина
Ведение домашнего хозяйства air – проветривать clean the carpet with the vacuum cleaner – чистить ковер пылесосом do/tidy the room – убирать в комнате dust/ wipe the furniture – вытирать пыль с мебели housework – работа по дому iron – гладить бельё keep the house clean and tidy – содержать дом в чистоте и порядке redecorate – делать ремонт sweep/ wash the floor – подметать/ мыть пол
Высказывания о доме At the back of our house there is a kitchen garden. – На заднем дворе имеется огород. At the front of our house we have a court/ a flower bed/ a flower garden/ a lawn. – Перед домом есть площадка для игр/ клумба/ цветник/ лужайка. Being away for so long I feel homesick. – Когда я долго вдали от дома, я скучаю по дому. East or West home is best./ There is no place like home – Нет ничего лучше дома. I don’t have a very active social life. I’m more of a home bird. – Я не очень люблю бывать в обществе. Я домосед. I like comfort as a cat. – Я люблю уют, как кошка.
Isn’t it a comfortable room? – Ну разве это не уютная комната? It makes the room seem bigger/ lighter. – Это делает комнату больше/ светлее. It was a pleasure to have you. – Было очень приятно принимать Вас у нас в доме. Make yourself at home. – Чувствуйте себя как дома. What a nice cosy room! – Какая чудесная уютная комната! The house is in good repair. – Дом в хорошем состоянии. The house needs painting/ redecorating. – Дом нуждается в покраске/ ремонте. There is not enough room for two beds here. – Здесь не хватит места для двух кроватей. The room is cluttered with things/crowded. – Комната захламлена/заставлена вещами. We have a flat with two rooms. – У нас квартира из двух комнат. Where does this door lead to? – It leads into the yard. – Куда ведет эта дверь? – Она ведет во двор.
2.1 Anna I say, Cindy, you are moving, are you? Cindy Yes, we are. And we expect you to come to our house warming party. Anna Sure. You are lucky, you know. Cindy Oh, yes. Three rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom, a balcony overlooking a flower garden. Anna Is it in that new multi-storied house opposite the market? Cindy Yes. Isn’t that fine! Five minutes from the metro. Anna Weren’t you sorry to leave your old home? Cindy No. You can’t compare the new flat with the old one. The new one is comfortable and spacious. Do come with your family, will you? Anna Yes, thank you.
2.2 Paul What a marvelous flat! Lucky you are, Alex! Alex Yes, it’s a fine flat indeed. The house is the last word of comfort. Let’s have a look round. Paul A sitting room? Such a nice cream colour of the wall paper. It’s beautiful. Alex This is Rita’s choice. And the floor covering is nice too, isn’t it?. Paul Yes, is it a parquet? Alex Yes. Now let’s have a look at the kitchen. It’s the dream of any housewife. Paul Rita must be happy to have so many appliances to help her. Alex Yes. More than I can tell you. The whole family’s favourite place, you know. Paul I see. Where does this door lead to? Alex It leads into the nursery. Paul And what do the windows face? Alex They face a side street. Paul You are lucky. Mine face a bus stop, and it’s rather noisy there. Alex Can’t bear any noise when I’m having rest. Let’s go into the sitting room. Rita is waiting for us.
2.3 (renting a room) A Have you a room to let? B Yes, I have two rooms to let. Allow me to show you the rooms? Come this way, please. A It’s a rather pleasant-looking room indeed. B How long will you require it? A I intend to stay for six months. What’s the price by the month? B It’s? 300 together with electricity. A OK. B When will you move in? A On August 1st if I may. B Yes, sure. But if you are not comfortable, you must give a week’s notice. A Settled. Thank you very much.
Заполните пропуски фразами из рамки.
3.1 A Good morning. ---------------? B Yes. I have a spare room to let. A ---------------? B 50 dollars a week, including electricity. A May I pay on a monthly basis? B I think, yes. A Can I have a look at the room? B Yes, sure. You will like it. ---------------. Isn’t it a comfortable room? A Yes, thank you. When do you think I can move in? B Next week, sir.
3.2 A Hi, Sheila. How are you? B Fine thanks. And you? Where have you been? A ---------------. I’ve been living in a semi-detached house for seven years and now I’ve got my own one. B Congratulations! Were there any problems buying it? A No. ---------------. The only thing it needs is papering the walls and some painting. B Are going to do it yourself or will you invite a designer? A ---------------. I’ve got so many ideas and I’m looking forward to starting redecorating.
3.3 A Is there any difference between English homes and Russian ones? B Yes, sure. When I had a guest trip to England I had a pleasure of living in one of such houses. ---------------. These are called terraced houses. A It’s not so convenient as it is in detached houses. B Actually, yes. ---------------. A What rooms are there? B On the ground floor there are generally two rooms, and on the upper one, the first floor, two. A ---------------? B They call it a kitchen or simply a living room, because just here food is prepared, meals are eaten and guests are received. Besides, almost all the houses have a fire-place.
Заполните пропуски в диалогах словами и фразами из раздела «Полезные слова и выражения». 4.1 A Have you a room ---------------? B Yes. This ---------------, please. Here it is. As you see, there is a bed, a desk with a lamp and a wardrobe. A I like the room. Can I have a computer here? B Yes, sure. --------------- will you require it? A I ------------- to stay for at least a year. What’s ----------- -- the month? B It’s 300 dollars. And, please, don’t make too much noise. The family next door has a baby. A Don’t worry. I myself like comfort as ---------------. B When will you --------------- in? A The day after tomorrow.
4.2 (at the real estate agency)
A If you didn’t like the previous flat, let’s have a look at this one. It is in a semi-detached house. It is not very large, but pretty and comfortable. B Yes, I see. It’s in good repair. A --------------- of it there is a kitchen garden. B And what is there in the front of it? A A court and a small green ---------------. B What about --------------- conveniences? A Gas, electricity, --------------- heating and --------------- cold and hot water. B Great. When can I see it? A If you don’t mind, on Tuesday at 3 p.m.
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