Family or independent life
1) to live an independent life — жить самостоятельно 2) to live on one’s own — жить самостоятельно 3) the youngsters — молодежь, подростки 4) to plan and organize expenses — планировать и организовывать расходы (семейного бюджета) 5) to manage household finances — распределять домашний бюджет 6) to do chores around the house — делать работу по дому 7) to shoulder duties — взваливать на свои плечи обязательства 8) That is the way the cookie crumbles. — Такова жизнь (идиома). 9) self-reliant — самодостаточный, полагающийся на свои силы 10) self-disciplined — самодисциплинированный 11) part-time job — работа на неполный рабочий день 12) to stand on one’s feet — становиться на ноги 13) to go astray — сбиться с пути 14) to take responsibility for — брать на себя ответственность за что-либо 15) to press one’s opinion — навязывать свое мнение Suiside 1) to commit suicide — совершать самоубийство 2) to underestimate risk — недооценивать риск 3) to look at something through fingers — смотреть сквозь пальцы 4) unrequited love — неразделенная любовь 5) to open up — открыться, разоткровенничаться 6) seek help from a specialist — обратиться за помощью к специалисту 7) to be on the lookout/alert (for) — быть настороже 8) alert — бдительный, внимательный, настороженный 9) to take compassion on somebody — жалеть кого-то, относиться с состраданием 10) to express deep concern — проявлять большую заботу 11) to come under the influence of somebody — попадать под влияние кого-либо 12) to face difficulties — сталкиваться с трудностями 13) to overcome difficulties — преодолевать трудности 14) affliction — недуг 15) to become withdrawn — становиться замкнутым 16) mood swings — перепады настроения Generation gap 1) generation gap — конфликт поколений, проблема отцов и детей 2) to meet halfway — найти компромисс 3) bosom friends — близкие друзья 4) to go with the times — идти в ногу со временем 5) adolescent — подросток 6) heedful of advice — щедрый на советы 7) exacting — требовательный
8) adamant — непреклонный, категоричный 9) ill-mannered — невоспитанный, невежливый 10) gambling — азартная игра 11) to addict — пристраститься к чему-либо, быть заядлым любителем чего-либо 12) juvenile delinquency — преступность малолетних 13) to give a helping hand — протянуть руку помощи 14) to lecture somebody — читать лекции кому-либо 15) selfesteem — самоуважение, чувство собственного достоинства 16) to bridge the generation gap — преодолевать разрыв между поколениями Juvenile delinquency 1) peers — сверстники 2) to put the whole blame on somebody — перекладывать всю вину на кого-либо 3) negative peer pressure — давление со стороны сверстников 4) poverty — нищета, бедность 5) domestic violence — домашнее насилие 6) corporal punishm ent — телесное наказание, порка 7) root problem — ключевая проблема 8) adverse family environm ent — неблагоприятная обстановка в семье 9) delinquent — малолетний преступник 10) rebellious — бунтарский, непослушный 11) to obey — слушаться, повиноваться 12) reflection — отражение 13) parental divorce — развод родителей 14) to be likely (to) — вероятно, возможно Vocabulary Exercises 1) С какого возраста, по вашему мнению, подростки должны вести самостоятельную жизнь? 2) Родители не должны навязывать своего мнения детям. 3) Вы когда-нибудь ощущали давление со стороны сверстников? 4) Перечислите сопутствующие факторы подростковой преступности. 5) Родители должны проявить большую заботу о своих детях и, при необходимости, обратиться за помощью к специалисту. 6) Трудные подростки перестают слушаться родителей, ведут себя вызывающе и часто сбегают из дома. 7) Дети очень тяжело переживают развод родителей. 8) Попав в дурную компанию, подростки начинают употреблять алкоголь и наркотики. 9) Многие люди считают, что невозможно преодолеть разрыв между поколениями. 10) Я не являюсь сторонником телесного наказания в воспитании детей. 11) Подростки из проблемных семей часто попадают под дурное влияние и сталкиваются с непреодолимыми трудностями.
12) Многие люди недооценивают риск возникновения депрессии у своих детей. 13) Многие подростки решают покончить жизнь самоубийством из-за безответной любви. 14) Если ваш ребенок стал замкнутым, агрессивным, или вы стали замечать его частые перепады настроения и отсутствие аппетита, то это серьезный повод обратиться за помощью к специалисту. 15) Подростки, которые живут самостоятельно, взваливают на свои плечи массу обязательств. 16) Одним из ключевых факторов подростковой преступности является неблагоприятная обстановка в семье. 17) Причиной всех этих проблем может быть отсутствие воспитания, моральных ценностей и недостаток внимания со стороны родителей. 18) Домашнее насилие является распространенной проблемой во многих странах и, к сожалению, во многих случаях остается безнаказанным. 19) Давайте разберемся с первопричинами заниженной самооценки! 20) Многие подростки находят себе работу на неполный рабочий день и узнают цену деньгам.
Give the synonyms to the following words and phrases: Adolescents; destitution; seditious; to be on the lookout; self-esteem, intimate friends; to live on somebody’s own; ill-mannered; ailment; self-sufficient; to reprimand Answer the following questions: 1) Have you ever experienced peer pressure? 2) What, in your opinion, drives so many youngsters to commit suicide? 3) What is the leading cause of death among teens? 4) Have you ever experienced depression? Describe your state of health in this period.
TRAVELLING Sample Essays • Nowadays many people prefer to travel abroad. Do you agree with this statement? What is your opinion? Many people nowadays face a difficult decision when they plan their holidays. The issue is whether to go abroad or to travel within your home country. In fact, there is no definite answer to this question because tastes differ. But personally, I think that travelling abroad is full of new and vivid emotions. To begin with, I adore travelling around the world. Firstly, it gives me inspiration and lots of positive emotions. Secondly, this is not only the time for relaxation, but it is also a great way to go sightseeing, to explore various cuisines of the world and to learn more about cultures and traditions of different countries. Moreover, travelling broadens the mind, improves language skills and geographical knowledge and makes life more interesting. On the contrary, there are people who choose to travel within their native country. In fact, one cannot deny that every country has lots of tourist attractions, ancient architecture and historical places. But personally, I incline more to the opinion of Carlo Goldoni who said, “He who never leaves his country is full of prejudices”. In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that it is up to you to decide whether to go abroad or explore your home country. But in my opinion, it is more exciting and informative to travel all around the world in order to learn more about other people’s cultures, values, traditions and lifestyle. (233 words) • Nowadays many people prefer to travel by air. Do you agree with this statement? What is your opinion? Modern life is impossible without travelling. It is generally accepted that the fastest way of travelling is by plane. In my judgment, travelling by air is breathtaking and exciting from the moment the plane takes off until it lands. In this essay I intend to show why so many people still choose this mode of transport.
To begin with, air travel is a necessity when you plan a long distance trip and want to save time. It should be mentioned that the flight itself is very comfortable. One can listen to music, read newspapers or communicate with fellow-travelers. Moreover, the process of making arrangements is also quite convenient. As far as I am concerned, 1 always book tickets in advance by phone or on the Internet. Hence, there is no need to stand in long lines. Nevertheless, some people do not like travelling by air. There are many reasons for it. Some of them cannot afford high price tickets. Others suffer from airsickness or acrophobia. However, as is generally known, for every complicated problem there is a simple solution: travel sickness pills or budget airlines correspondingly. Among opponents of air-flights are those who are displeased with a check-in process at the airport or possible delays and cancellations due to unfavorable weather conditions. My personal view is that in case of need one can always relax in the departure lounge. To conclude, it is up to you to decide whether to travel by plane or not. Personally, I still strongly believe that air travel saves time and gives you lots of opportunities to explore the world around. (265 words) • Nowadays many people prefer package holidays. Do you agree with this statement? What is your opinion? There is no doubt that many people look forward to their well-earned holidays, especially if they work hard all year round and feel exhausted. Personally, I prefer package holidays which include flights, excursions and hotel accommodation. In my judgment, today everyone can choose a package tour that will suit their requirements and budget. The first thing that needs to be said is that holidays should be organized by professionals. With their help you do not need to arrange flights or book hotel rooms. Besides, if you do not speak any foreign language your local guide will meet you at the airport, transfer to the hotel and give you some useful information on places of interest. Finally, you don’t need to worry about money. All restaurants, pre-paid excursions and accommodation are all inclusive. All the same, there are still people who organize their trips themselves. Some of them insist that it gives them more freedom to explore the world. Others are convinced that this way they can save money. There is a great deal of truth in what they say. However, it is very important to be sure that your holidays will not turn into disaster. For instance, people who choose a hotel themselves buy a cat in a sack, because the staff or rooms can be really awful. In conclusion I want to emphasize that it is up to you to decide whether to buy a package tour or to make all arrangements yourself. But as far as I am concerned, I would highly recommend everyone to rely on a professional travel agent. (263 words) • Some people think that travelling by sea is the best way to spend their holidays. Do you agree with this statement? What is your opinion? Travelling by ship is always full of adventures and mysteries. That is why sea cruises attract so many tourists from all over the world. Personally, I choose sea voyages because they help me to explore new places and give lots of vivid emotions. Firstly, travelling by sea is popular mostly for pleasure trips. Passengers usually live in comfortable cabins but most of their time they spend on the deck. They sunbathe near the swimming- pool, watch films, communicate with fellow passengers and promenade. Secondly, sea cruises are very entertaining and thrilling. One can go on a deep-sea diving adventure or enjoy the thrill of open water fishing. Thirdly, sea voyages give people lots of opportunities to explore the world around. The ship usually calls at different ports and passengers can take onshore excursions and visit not just one but several countries during their trip.
On the contrary, there are people who dislike sea voyages. There is a simple reason for this: most of them suffer from seasickness. In my judgment, we live in the age of modern medicine with a wide range of medications available for the treatment. Taking into consideration all mentioned above, I consider that travelling by sea is a perfect way to broaden the mind, to gain deep impressions and explore the world around. Undoubtedly, it is up to everyone to decide whether to go on a voyage. Personally, I highly recommend everyone to learn it by your own experience. As is generally known, “A picture is worth a thousand words”. (253 words) Topical Vocabulary Travelling abroad 1) inspiration — вдохновение 2) to go sightseeing — осматривать достопримечательности 3) national cuisine — национальная кухня 4) to broaden the mind — расширять кругозор 5) to improve language skills — улучшать языковые навыки 6) tourist attraction — туристические достопримечательности 7) prejudice — предубеждение, предвзятое мнение, предрассудок 8) to explore — исследовать, изучать Travelling by air 1) long-distance trip — путешествие на длинные расстояния 2) flight — полет, перелет 3) to communicate — общаться, разговаривать 4) fellow-traveler — попутчик 5) to make arrangements — делать приготовления 6) to book tickets in advance — заранее бронировать билеты 7) to stand in long lines — стоять в длинных очередях 8) to take off — взлетать (о самолете) 9) to land — совершать посадку 10) breathtaking — захватывающий, поразительный, изумительный 11) airsickness — воздушная болезнь 12) acrophobia — боязнь высоты 13) budget airlines — бюджетные авиалинии 14) check-in — регистрация 15) delay — задержка 16) cancellation — отмена (рейса) 17) departure lounge — зал ожидания Package holidays 1) package holiday/tour — туристическая путевка, включающая проезд, проживание, питание и экскурсии 2) accommodation — жилье 3) excursion — экскурсия 4) to suit the requirements — отвечать требованиям 5) to transfer — доставлять 6) to turn into disaster — превращаться в кошмар 7) to buy a cat in a sack — покупать кота в мешке 8) the staff — персонал (отеля) 9) travel agent — агент туристического бюро Travelling by sea 1) adventure — приключение 2) sea cruise — круиз, морское путешествие 3) voyage — морское путешествие 4) cabin — каюта 5) deck — палуба 6) to sunbathe — загорать 7) to promenade — прогуливаться 8) fellow passenger — попутчик 9) to call at a port — заходить в порт 10) seasickness — морская болезнь 11) treatment — лечение 12) A picture is worth a thousand words. — Лучше один раз увидеть, чем тысячу раз услышать (идиома) Vocabulary Exercises 1. Translate into English: 1) Люди очень часто встают перед выбором: отправиться путешествовать за границу или же странствовать по просторам своей родины. 2) Путешествия — это не только время отдыха, но и возможность расширить свой кругозор, посетить достопримечательности, отведать блюда национальной кухни и окунуться с головой в изучение культуры, традиций и обычаев разных стран.
3) Путешествия наполняют жизнь яркими красками и впечатлениями, а также помогают улучшить языковые навыки и знания географии. 4) В каждой стране есть масса достопримечательностей, памятников архитектуры и мест исторической ценности. 5) Путешествия дают возможность узнать о культурах, ценностях, традициях и образе жизни людей других наций. 6) На борту самолета можно слушать музыку, смотреть видео и приятно беседовать с попутчиками. 7) Процесс покупки билетов стал очень удобным: можно забронировать и приобрести их по телефону или через Интернет. 8) Воздушное путешествие захватывает дух с самого момента взлета самолета до его посадки. 9) У пассажиров вызывают массу неудобств возможные задержки и отмены рейсов по причине неблагоприятных погодных условий. 10) В случае задержки рейса можно отдохнуть в зале ожидания. 11) Многие люди с нетерпением ждут отпуска. 12) Все больше и больше людей приобретают туристические путевки, включающие проезд, проживание, питание и экскурсии. 13) Сегодня туристические агентства предлагают широкий выбор туров, отвечающих требованиям самого взыскательного клиента 14) По прилету туристов встречает местный гид, который сопровождает их до отеля и снабжает полезной информацией об экскурсиях. 15) Морские круизы привлекают массу туристов со всего мира. 16) Пассажиры лайнера проводят мало времени в своих каютах. 17) Пассажиры любят прогуливаться по палубе и наслаждаться магической красотой моря. 18) Некоторые люди страдают от морской болезни. 19) Отдыхающие могут заняться дайвингом или насладиться таинством рыбалки в открытом море. 20) Лучше один раз увидеть, чем тысячу раз услышать. 2. Give English equivalents for the following phrases: Осматривать достопримечательности, изучать окружающий мир, отправиться в путешествие, страдать от морской болезни, совершить посадку, заходить в порт, превращаться в кошмар, бронировать билеты по телефону и через Интернет, стоять в длинных очередях, отвечать требованиям, улучшать языковые навыки, расширять кругозор. 3. Give the synonyms to the following words and phrases: Sea voyage; fellow travelers; to tan; tourist attractions; package holidays; make reservations beforehand; to stand in a long queue; to meet the demands; to put down; to heal; to go for an outing; to take a stroll; pills; thrilling; to feel tired; convenient; amusing
THE INTERNET Sample Essays • Many people consider that the Internet has negative effects on social interaction. Do you agree with this statement? What is your opinion? Nowadays people are getting more and more concerned about the impact of the Internet on social communication. So, do social networks damage or promote people’s relations? Personally, I cannot imagine my life without the Internet. Firstly, it helps me to get in touch with my friends who live abroad, to be abreast of the news in the world, to book tickets online and to find all useful information like rare books, encyclopedias or dictionaries. Secondly, the Internet extends the limits of communication. Today one can make friends from foreign countries, learn about their cultures and improve the language skills without going abroad. Thirdly, the Internet promotes dating. Lots of married couples have found their special ones on the social networks. On the contrary, there are those who think that social networks have negative influence on human interaction. They insist that people, especially the younger generation, spend too much time online and often avoid face-to-face communication. Some of them tend to stay indoors rather than to go for a stroll with their friends. There is a great deal of truth in what they say. However, I consider that people should not be addicted to the Internet but know where to stop. Taking into consideration all mentioned above, I consider that the Internet promotes new acquaintances and relationships among social groups. All the same, people should try to maintain a balance between their real and virtual life. (235 words) • Nowadays some people are concerned that their children spend too much time on the Internet. Do you agree with this statement? What is your opinion? There is no doubt that the Internet has become an essential part of our daily life. However, many people believe that it has a negative effect on their children. So, should parents limit the time their children spend on the Internet? First and foremost, with the invention of personal computer children do spend less time with their friends. Most of them would prefer to play online games or chat on the Internet rather than go out. Besides, some children do not do their homework, miss classes and lag behind their schoolmates. Moreover, some of them become addicted to the computer and disobey their parents. In my opinion, in this case grown-ups should install any parental control program which will help them monitor their children’s use of the Internet and protect them from viewing offensive pop-ups. On the contrary, there are people who believe that the Internet helps children with their school work. There is a great deal of truth in what they say. Surfing the Internet children can find lots of useful and helpful information, including encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference materials and tutorials. In addition, the Internet helps many children to get in touch with their friends who live far away and make new acquaintances. Taking into consideration all mentioned above, I consider that parents should control their children’s activities online in order to protect them from inappropriate information and control the time spent on the Internet. In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that children must distinctly apprehend that the main purpose of a computer is to educate, not to entertain. (261 words) • Nowadays many people find their special ones in the Internet. Do you agree with this statement? What is your opinion? There is no doubt that humans spend their lives looking for their soul mate in order to reach inner harmony and unity. Here the Internet comes to help, giving people more opportunities to widen the circle of their acquaintances and friends. In my judgment, people do find their other halves in the Internet. It is no secret that, many people enjoy starting romantic relationships over the Internet. There are several reasons for it. Firstly, it is easier for shy or reserved people to open up and confide in a person they have never met in real life. It is true that thanks to chat rooms online daters can meet up people with mutual interests and values. Secondly, online chats give more opportunities to know the interlocutor better. People tend to talk for hours every day and do build close relationships. Thirdly, online worshippers boost their confidence. It is very important for everyone to feel desired by others. On the contrary, there are people who think that online friendship is very dangerous. According to their opinion, it is always risky to date with a stranger in real life. There are lots of cases when an online interlocutor turns out a marriage swindler or a maniac. In my judgment, people should be careful and try to inquire about their daters beforehand. All in all, I strongly believe that Internet romances lead to a real life tryst. My personal view is that people can find their other halves in the Internet on conditions that their outlooks on life, values and purposes of acquaintance coincide. However, remember that “All marriages are made in Heaven”. (270 words) Topical Vocabulary
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