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English vs, other languages

1) at least — по меньшей мере

2) to improve the educability — улучшать способность к обучению

3) highly-paid job — высокооплачиваемая работа

4) to collaborate with somebody — сотрудничать с кем-либо

5) to gain popularity — завоевывать популярность

6) to focus attention on — сосредоточить внимание на чем- либо

7) competent — осведомленный, сведущий, ква­лифицированный

8) language skills — лингвистические навыки

9) sound — безупречный, тщательный, качественный

10) guarantee of success — залог успеха

Studying abroad

1) indisputable — неоспоримый, бесспорный

2) to reside — временно проживать, находиться

3) to immerse — погружаться

4) traffic sign — дорожный знак

5) direction — направление

6) to eat out — питаться вне дома

7) to improve conversational skills — улучшать навыки общения

8) mother’s tongue — родной язык

9) target language — изучаемый язык

10) target (language) country — страна изучаемого языка

11) language programs — языковые программы

12) full immersion — полное погружение

13) to assert — утверждать

14) to master a language — овладеть языком

15) to become fluent in a language — бегло говорить на языке

16) host family — принимающая семья

Private schools vs. public schools

1) public school — муниципальная средняя школа

2) private school — частная школа

3) extracurricular activities — внеаудиторная деятельность

4) tuition fees — плата за обучение

5) discounted — дисконтный, со скидкой

6) to have good results in studies — иметь хорошую успеваемость

7) misbehavior — недостойное поведение

8) lack of attention — невнимательность

9) acquisition of knowledge — приобретение знаний

10) to be at risk — быть под угрозой

11) suspension — временное отстранение от занятий

12) tutor — наставник, преподаватель

Vocabulary Exercises

/. Translate into English:

1) В последнее время дистанционное образование становится очень популярным среди студентов всех возрастов.

2) В частных школах за недостойное поведение студентов временно отстраняют от занятий.

3) Внеаудиторная деятельность помогает детям раскрыться и развить в себе множество талантов.

4) Плата за обучение в частных школах значительно выше, чем в муниципальных.

5) Принимающая семья — это семья, которая предостав­ляет жилье в своем доме на время обучения иностранному студенту.

6) Студенты частных школ могут обращаться за помощью к своим наставникам.

7) Полное погружение в языковую среду считается одним из самых эффективных способов изучения иностранного языка.

8) В стране изучаемого языка с целью улучшения навыков говорения студенты минимизируют общение на родном языке.

9) Чтобы бегло говорить на английском, нужно постоянно пополнять свой словарный запас и практиковать общение с иностранцами.

10) Студенты частных школ более дисциплинированные и активные на занятиях.

11) Чтобы улучшить навыки общения, нужно читать книги зарубежных авторов в оригинале, слушать аудиозаписи в лингафонном кабинете и практиковать речь с носителями языка.

12) Превосходные лингвистические навыки — залог вашего успеха в построении будущей карьеры.

13) Знание нескольких языков является преимуществом для получения высокооплачиваемой работы.

14) Дистанционное образование подходит тем, кто одновременно сочетает работу и учебу, а также людям с ограниченными физическими способностями.

15) Чтобы бегло заговорить на английском, достаточно все­го один семестр проучиться в языковой школе в Великобритании.

16) В последнее время китайский язык завоевал большую популярность в бизнес среде.

17) Кто не знает иностранных языков, тот не имеет понятия о своем собственном (Гёте).

18) Если дети полностью сосредоточатся на одном языке, то они смогут выучить его в более сжатые сроки.

19) Дистанционное образование привлекает многих студентов, живущих в отдаленных уголках нашей планеты.

20) Дистанционное образование может быть альтернативой традиционному обучению, но не сможет его заменить.


2. Paraphrase the following phrases:

To work jointly on an activity; a sum of money charged for teaching; a private teacher; to have a permanent home in a particular place; reciprocal action or influence; behavior that is not acceptable to other people; to become completely involved in something; physically challenged; a deduction from the usual cost


Sample Essays

Some people think that physical exercises are essential for everyone. Do you agree with the statement? What is your opinion?

There is no doubt that it is very important for many people to be in good shape. Some people go in for sports, follow a diet and control their weight, while others do not pay due attention to their appearance. So, can we live without physical exercises and healthy lifestyle? Personally, I am an enthusiastic supporter of a healthy lifestyle.

The ancients said, “A sound mind in a sound body”. I fully agree with this statement. Firstly, those people who do their morning exercises tend to be more cheerful and energetic. Secondly, sports case-harden the spirits. People who do some sports have got will for victory. Thirdly, physical exercises improve posture and strengthen the muscles of all body. Moreover, sports have a wholesome effect on emotional well-being and lifestyle.

On the contrary, there are people who avoid any physical activity. Some of them allege illness, others complain of the shortage of time. In my judgment, everything depends on your wish. As far as I am concerned, I would highly recommend everyone to follow the example of disabled people who, in spite of everything, take part in Paralympic competitions and win medals.

Taking into consideration all mentioned above, I consider that our life is impossible without physical exercises. If people do not want to suffer from such illness as scoliosis or osteochondrosis they should better go for a jog every morning or do some simple gymnastics training at home.

(238 words)

Some people think that Physical Education should be an optional subject. Do you agree with the statement? What is your opinion?

It is common knowledge that Physical Education is compulsory in many countries. Today more and more parents do not want their children to participate in any physical activities at school, while others consider that sport is vitally important for everyone. Personally, I strongly believe that parents should teach their children to lead a healthy lifestyle and to do some physical activity since early childhood.

Firstly, physically active lifestyle has a great impact on children’s health. Secondly, sports activities at school contribute to forming lifelong habits of exercise. Thirdly, PE is a perfect way for emotional release. In my judgment, it is essential for children to balance mental stimulation and physical activities. Moreover, school competitions form the will for victory and promote teamwork.

On the contrary, some people think that sport is a waste of time. They insist that children should better concentrate 011 the core subjects such as mathematics, physics and chemistry. As far as I am concerned, I do not share their opinion. I consider that every subject is important in its own way. Besides, it is generally known that “A sound mind in a sound body”.

Taking into consideration all mentioned above, I consider that Physical Education is one of the core subjects of the school curriculum. Hence, under the assumption that it is a determinant of children’s health and well-being, it should be compulsory at schools.

(229 words)

Some people think that dangerous sports should be banned. Do you agree with this statement? What is your opinion?

One issue that has caused lots of controversy over the recent years is legitimacy of dangerous sports. Some people consider that extreme sports devotees are in the jaws of death and suggest taking dramatic measures. In this essay I would like to find out if there is a necessity to ban extreme sports.

In my opinion, extreme sports, such as diving, surfing, rafting and wakeboarding give people unforgettable experience and vivid emotions. Firstly, they help to relieve stress, anxiety and tension. Secondly, thrill seekers get an adrenaline rush and enjoy the feeling of exhilaration. Thirdly, extreme sports help to overcome fears, which is very important for personal development.

On the contrary, there are people who consider that it is too dangerous to participate in extreme sports. According to their point of view, life is a precious gift and we should not expose it to unnecessary risks. As far as I am concerned, I think that life itself is risky, whether you drive a car or cross the street. And if people want to run hazards, they are free to choose.

Taking into consideration all mentioned, I think that nothing ventured, nothing gained. It is up to you to decide whether to take risk or not, but I am convinced that people have the right to choose any activity they are interested in. Hence, there is no need to ban dangerous sports.

(231 words)

Topical Vocabulary

Physical exercises

1) to be in good shape — быть в хорошей физической форме

2) to go in for sports — заниматься спортом

3) to follow a diet — соблюдать диету

4) appearance — внешний вид

5) A sound mind in a sound body. ~ В здоровом теле — здоровый дух.

6) to case-harden the spirits — закалять дух

7) will for victory — воля к победе

8) poor/good posture — неправильная/правильная осанка

9) muscle — мышца, мускул

10) to have a wholesome effect on something — благотворно влиять на что-либо

11) to allege illness — ссылаться на болезнь

12) shortage of time — нехватка времени

13) in spite of everything — вопреки всему

14) scoliosis — сколиоз

15) to go for a jog every morning — совершать утреннюю пробежку

Physical Education

1) compulsory subject — обязательный по школьной про­грамме предмет

2) optional subject — необязательный, факультативный предмет

3) to participate — принимать участие

4) healthy lifestyle — здоровый образ жизни

5) emotional release — эмоциональная разрядка

6) teamwork — работа в команде

7) waste of time — пустая трата времени

8) core subjects — основные учебные предметы

9) determinant — определяющий фактор, детерминант

10) under the assumption — исходя из предположения

11) school curriculum — школьный учебный план, школь­ный курс

12) well-being — здоровье, благополучие, процветание

Extreme sports

1) legitimacy — законность, правомочность

2) devotee — ярый последователь, приверженец

3) extreme devotee — экстремал

4) thrill seeker — искатель острых ощущений

5) То be in the jaws of death. — Быть в когтях смерти (идиома).

6) to take dramatic measures — принимать кардинальные меры

7) rafting — рафтинг

8) wakeboarding — вейкбординг

9) vivid emotions — яркие эмоции

10) to relieve stress — снимать стресс

11) anxiety — беспокойство, страх, тревога

12) adrenaline rush — выброс адреналина в кровь

13) exhilaration — веселье, приятное воз­буждение, чувство безграничной радости

14) to overcome fears — преодолевать страхи

15) precious gift — бесценный дар

16) to expose something to unnecessary risks — подвергаться неоправданному риску

17) to run hazards — идти на риск

18) Nothing ventured, nothing gained. — Кто не рискует, тот не пьет шампанское (идиома).

Vocabulary Exercises

7. Translate into English:

1) Экстремальный спорт закаляет дух и помогает снять стресс.

2) Многие противники экстремального спорта настаивают на том, что искатели приключений находятся в когтях смерти, подвергая себя неоправданному риску.

3) Некоторые люди считают, что физкультура должна стать факультативным предметом в школе.

4) В здоровом теле — здоровый дух.

5) Правительство решило принять кардинальные меры по борьбе с преступностью.

6) Какие предметы школьного курса должны быть обязательными?

7) Физкультура благотворно влияет на общее состояние организма и настроение.

8) Если вы не хотите страдать от таких заболеваний, как ревматизм или остеохондроз, вам необходимо начинать свой день с утренней зарядки.

9) Чтобы получить адреналин, экстремалы осознанно подвергают свою жизнь риску.

10) Для поддержания здоровья врачи советуют совершать ежедневную утреннюю пробежку.

11) Чтобы оставаться в хорошей физической форме, необходимо вести здоровый образ жизни и правильно питаться.

12) Многие люди придумывают тысячи отговорок, чтобы не заниматься спортом.

13) Кто не рискует, тот не пьет шампанское.

14) Школьные соревнования развивают волю к победе и укрепляют командный дух.

15) Ежедневные физические упражнения помогают улучшить осанку.

16) Экстремальный спорт помогает преодолеть страх, что очень важно для личностного развития.

17) Обычно люди, которые занимаются спортом, очень энергичные и бодрые.

18) В настоящее время есть несколько видов экстремального спорта: серфинг, паркур, дайвинг, вейкбординг, рафтинг и некоторые другие.

19) Необходимо правильно балансировать умственную и физическую деятельность.

20) Физкультура является обязательным предметом школьного курса во многих странах мира.


2. Find the English equivalents for the following phrases:

Искатель острых ощущений, подвергать себя неоправданному риску, преодолевать страхи, снимать стресс, соблюдать диету, заниматься спортом, участвовать в соревнованиях, вести здоровый образ жизни, принимать радикальные меры, пустая трата времени, эмоциональная разрядка.



Sample Essays

Many people think that drug addiction is the disease of the twenty-first century. Do you agree with this statement? What is your opinion?

There is no doubt that drug addiction is one of the most pressing issues in the modern world. Nowadays more and more teenagers move into hard or soft drugs. However, many people think that drug addiction is a bad habit rather than the serious disease which needs treatment. In my judgment, drug addiction has already become a growing epidemic.

To begin with, lots of teenagers who try soft drugs, such as hashish or marijuana evidently become badly dependent on hard drugs. It happens because any drug destroys nervous system and brain cells. Hence, drug addicts become unaware of their behavior. Moreover, if drug users cannot find their regular “fix”, they suffer from withdrawal pains. They become aggressive and mentally disordered. Lots of them die from drug overdose or blood poisoning. All these factors prove that drug addiction is a dangerous disease.

On the contrary, some people consider that drug addiction is merely an idle whim. According to their point of view, drug addicts are lazybones who allege illness and want to lead a life of couch-potatoes. I completely disagree with this statement. Experts say that drug dependent people need treatment and psychological assistance in order to avoid tragic consequences.

Taking into consideration all mentioned, I am convinced that drug addiction is a fatal disease if not treated. In my opinion, government should toughen punishment on drug crimes in order to save lives and health of a rising generation.

(234 words)

Experts say that fast food is extremely unhealthy. Do you agree with this statement? What is your opinion?

Every day millions of people go out or order food in restaurants. This trend is becoming more and more popular every day. Personally, I am an enthusiastic supporter of healthy food. In this essay I intend to show how dangerous fast food can be.

Undoubtedly, ready-cooked foods are very tasty and delicious, but they can cost you greatly when it comes to your health. Firstly, junk food has high caloric value which can lead to overweight and even obesity. Secondly, it contains chemical additives that are very harmful to your health. Thirdly, fast food can raise your cholesterol levels which can lead to heart and vascular diseases.

On the contrary, there are people who insist that fast foods, such as chips, hamburgers and fizzy drinks are cheap, tasty and help to save time. There is a great deal of truth in what they say. On the one hand, it is very convenient to go out with your relatives or friends instead of purchasing products, cooking and washing up. On the other hand, people must take care of themselves and lead a healthy lifestyle if they do not want to face serious problems with their health.

Taking into consideration all mentioned, eating out is undoubtedly very convenient. But in my judgment, it is better to be better safe than sorry and avoid eating junk food. As far as I am concerned, I highly recommend everyone to eat healthy food, such as fruit, vegetables and fresh meat.

(245 words)

Many people think that dieting can lead to anorexia. Do you agree with this statement? What is your opinion?

Nowadays more and more teenagers who want to look like supermodels are following various diets. However, they often go too far and become victims of eating disorders. In this essay I would like to show how dangerous dieting can be.

To begin with, any diet should be appropriately planned by nutritionists, if not people put their health at risk. Thus, one of the predictable consequences of unhealthy dieting is anorexia. At first people learn to control their hunger and stop eating in order to maintain a certain weight. They start living by the motto “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”, but misunderstand the basic meaning of the statement and eat literally one apple a day. As a result, their organs stop working properly. Moreover, people do not take the problem seriously and keep dieting. They refuse to accept that they need urgent medical treatment and psychological assistance. Finally, the process may become irreversible and lead even to fatal consequences.

On the contrary, there are people who consider that dieting is not dangerous. They surf the Internet and find “appropriate” diet for themselves. In my judgment, it is not only unwise but even hazardous to begin dieting without professional assistance.

Taking into consideration all mentioned above, I consider that unhealthy diet and improper nutrition may cause number of diseases, including anorexia. People who want to lose weight and become more attractive should, first of all, consult a doctor, undergo required medical tests and with the help of a nutritionist choose the proper diet.

(254 words)

Some people are convinced that alternative therapies are ineffective since they are not scientifically proven to work. Do you agree with this statement? What is your opinion?

Nowadays more and more people choose to be treated by methods of alternative medicine such as homeopathy, hypnotherapy and acupuncture. The question is whether these methods are safe and effective. In my judgment, complementary medicine has lots of benefits in treating some illnesses.

Firstly, alternative medications are safer than many prescribed drugs since they are natural. Secondly, some methods do work much better than methods of conventional medicine. For instance, hypnotherapy helps many people to overcome insomnia or drug-addiction. Thirdly, alternative remedies have far less side effects.

On the contrary, there are people who feel skeptical and mistrust complementary medicine since its methods are not scientifically based. However, experts say there is lots of anecdotal evidence that alternative medicine works wonders. In fact, more and more people instead of making an appointment with conventional doctors turn to alternative therapists and recover. If alternative remedies did not help, there would not be so many positive opinions among patients.

Taking into consideration all mentioned above, I strongly believe that alternative medicine can be effective in treatment of many ailments. All in all, it is generally known that throughout recorded history, people used herbs and plants in healing and coped with lots of diseases. Then why could not we adopt their effective practices?

(210 words)

Topical Vocabulary

Drug addiction

1) drug addiction — наркозависимость, наркомания

2) drug addict — наркоман

3) drug abuse — злоупотребление наркотиками, наркомания

4) hard/soft drugs — тяжелые/легкие наркотики

5) to move into drugs — пристраститься к наркотикам

6) bad habit — вредная привычка

7) hashish — гашиш

8) marijuana — марихуана

9) to become badly dependent on — становиться зависимым от чего-либо

10) fix — доза наркотика

11) withdrawal pains — наркотическая абстиненция

12) mentally disordered — невменяемый, неадекватный

13) drug overdose — передозировка

14) blood poisoning — заражение крови, сепсис

15) idle whim — пустой каприз

16) lazybones — лентяй

17) couch-potato — лежебока (о человеке, ведущем пассивный и бездеятельный образ жизни)

18) treatment — лечение

19) psychological assistance — психологическая помощь

20) to toughen punishment on drug crimes — ужесточить меры наказания за преступления, связанные с наркотиками

21) rising generation — подрастающее поколение

Fast food

1) fast food — быстрое питание, фаст-фуд

2) junk food — богатая калориями, нездоровая пища

3) overweight — избыточный вес

4) obesity — ожирение

5) chemical additives — химические добавки

6) cholesterol — холестерин

7) to purchase — покупать, приобретать

8) to wash up — мыть посуду

9) harmful to one’s health — вредный для здоровья


1) anorexia — анорексия, потеря аппетита, отвращение к еде

2) to go too far — заходить слишком далеко

3) to become a victim — становиться жертвой

4) eating disorder — нарушение пищевого. поведения

5) nutritionist — диетолог, специалист по правильному питанию

6) to put one’s health at risk — ставить под угрозу здоровье

7) predictable — предсказуемый

8) An apple a day keeps the doctor away. — Кто яблоко в день съедает, у того доктор не бывает (пословица).

9) literally — буквально, без преувеличения

10) to take something seriously — принимать всерьез

11) urgent medical treatment — срочное медикаментозное лечение

12) psychological assistance — психологическая помощь

13) irreversible process — необратимый процесс

14) nutrition — питание

15) to lose weight — худеть

16) to undergo medical tests — сдавать медицинские анализы

Alternative medicine

1) alternative/complementary medicine — альтернативная, нетрадиционная медицина

2) homeopathy — гомеопатия

3) hypnotherapy — гипнотерапия, лечение гипнозом

4) acupuncture — акупунктура, иглотерапия, иглоукалывание

5) therapy — лечение, терапия

6) to treat — лечить

7) treatment — лечение

8) to prescribe — предписывать, назначать (лекарство)

9) insomnia — бессонница

10) side effects — побочные эффекты

11) to mistrust — не доверять

12) anecdotal evidence — случайные факты, разрозненные сведения; случаи из жизни

13) to work wonders — творить чудеса

14) to make an appointment (with) — записываться на прием

15) to recover — поправляться, выздоравливать

16) remedy — средство от болезни, лекарство, лечение

17) ailment — нездоровье, недуг, недомогание

18) herb — трава, лекарственное растение

19) to adopt practices — перенимать опыт

20) to соре with — справляться

21) to heal — вылечивать, исцелять, заживлять

Vocabulary Exercises

1. Translate into English:

1) Сегодня все больше и больше людей отдают предпочте­ние нетрадиционной медицине.

2) Несмотря на то что методы альтернативной медицины еще не получили научного обоснования, многие люди утверждают, что они эффективны.

3) Если вы собираетесь похудеть, то необходимо обратить­ся к специалисту.

4) Диетолог подберет вам сбалансированный рацион пита­ния только после того, как вы сдадите необходимые медицинские анализы.

5) В течение многих лет лекарственные растения использу­ются для лечения различных заболеваний.

6) У лекарственных средств нетрадиционной медицины практически нет побочных эффектов.

7) Кто яблоко в день съедает, у того доктор не бывает.

8) Несбалансированная диета и голодание могут привести к нарушению пищевого поведения.

9) Пациентам, страдающим анорексией, требуется срочное медикаментозное лечение и психологическая помощь.

10)Чрезмерное потребление богатой калориями пищи, ведет к избыточному весу и ожирению.

11)Правительство планирует ужесточить меры наказания за преступления, связанные с наркотиками.

12)Многие наркоманы умирают от передозировки или заражения крови.

13)Наркомания — это не вредная привычка, а болезнь двадцать первого века.

14)Подростки, которые пробуют легкие наркотики, такие как марихуана, впоследствии очень часто испытывают пристрастие к более тяжелым наркотикам.

15)В последнее время люди все чаще заказывают еду в ресторанах быстрого питания, а не готовят ее дома.

16)Гипнотерапия помогает многим людям справиться с наркотической зависимостью и бессонницей.

17)Если вы записались на прием к врачу, не забудьте взять с собой историю болезни.

18)Фаст-фуд относят к вредной пищи из-за содержания в ней большого количества химических добавок.

19)Наркотики губительно воздействуют на нервную систему.

20) Нельзя заниматься самолечением. При появлении любого недуга нужно обращаться к специалистам.


2. Paraphrase the following word-combinations:

Medical attention given to the sick; a minor illness; to relieve somebody from the symptoms of a disease; quickly prepared processed food; inability to sleep; complete loss of appetite for food; treatment in which thin needles are inserted in the skin; a person who has no interests except watching TV and staying in bed


Sample Essays

Some people prefer to spend their spare time at home while others are fond of outdoor activities.

There is no doubt that everyone needs free time for recreation and rest. Many people cannot imagine their life without activity weekends out-in-the-open, while others prefer to stay indoors. Personally, I like to spend my free time at home and always do my best to create an atmosphere of peace and quiet.

Firstly, one can invite friends, cook delicious meals and enjoy watching movies. In my opinion, it is the perfect source of inspiration. Secondly, if you are exhausted and tired, you can read an interesting book, listen to music or have a bath with bubbles for relaxation. In my experience, music works wonders and has hypnotic effect on people. It helps to cheer up and relieve stress. Thirdly, you can devote your time to hobbies, such as embroidering, modeling or painting.

However, there are people who like to spend their time out- of-doors. They go for a jog in the park, play different games, visit theatres and galleries. Some of them are fond of picnics or fishing enjoying the beauty of nature. In my judgment, it is up to everyone to decide how to spend their leisure time. As is generally known, tastes differ.

Taking into consideration all mentioned above, I think that many men, many minds. All people are different, so are their lifestyle and ways of spending free time. As far as I am concerned, I prefer a quiet rest and staying indoors with my family. As the story goes, there is no place like home.

(248 words)

Some people prefer going to the movies while others like to watch films at home. What is your opinion?

Nowadays cinema-going is becoming more and more popular. However, many people like to spend their time indoors watching movies and relaxing with a cup of tea. In my opinion, there is nothing better than going to the movies.

Firstly, today the price of entrance ticket is rather low. Besides, most cinemas offer discounted fees for students. Secondly, you can turn your outing to the cinema into a great event. For instance, after watching a film you can walk with your friends in the park, having fun and discussing the actors’ performance. Thirdly, it is much more pleasant to watch movies on the silver screen. Besides, you can take some pop-corn or soft drinks with you to make the atmosphere more charming and satisfying.

On the contrary, some people prefer to watch films at home. They insist that in this way they can better concentrate their attention on the plot. As far as I am concerned, I strongly believe that if you want to get new vivid emotions it is much better to go out. Judge for yourself. You can watch TV any time of the day.

Taking into consideration all mentioned, I conclude that tastes differ, and it is up to everyone to decide whether to go to the movies or stay at home. Personally, I am an enthusiastic cinema supporter. I consider that it is the best way of spending my leisure time.

(234 words)

Some people like to read books in the original while others prefer abridged versions. What is your opinion?

It is impossible to imagine our life without books. In childhood our parents read us aloud bedtime fairytales. Schoolchildren read classical literature in all levels of the school curriculum. In adulthood we choose books according to our preferences. However, some people think that reading is a waste of time and buy abridged versions of books. Personally, I think that nothing can be compared with books in the original.

First of all, books are the source of knowledge and inspiration. If you read books in the original you can be deep in thoughts and pay attention to tiny details. Hence, you can better understand the contrived plot. Secondly, it is easier to discover underlying message of the book. Thirdly, you can enjoy colorful stylistic devices, such as metaphors, epithets and allusion.

On the contrary, there are people who prefer abridged versions of books. According to their opinion, books in the original are tiresome and demand more free time. I completely disagree with this statement. In my opinion, reading is thought-provoking and is the perfect way of spending time. As far as I am concerned, to read an abridged version is as good as to read a re-telling of the story. As the story goes, books and friends should be few but good.

Taking into consideration all mentioned above, I strongly believe that books in the original are more valuable than abridged versions. They give you an opportunity to enjoy the original writing style and to feel the whole range of emotions.

(250 words)

Nowadays most people prefer eating out. Do you agree with this statement? What is your opinion?

It is generally agreed that today people go to restaurants and cafes much more often than in the past. This trend is becoming more and more popular with every passing day. However, there are still people who prefer cooking at home. Personally, I enjoy cooking and spend time in the bosom of my family.

Firstly, the home environment is more relaxing and appealing. Secondly, home-cooked meals are much cheaper than food in a restaurant. Thirdly, when you cook for your family you buy only fresh and healthy products which do not contain any chemical additives. Moreover, home-cooked meals are much tastier and salubrious. As far as I am concerned, I go to restaurants only on special occasions. If you eat out every day you take it for granted and do not feel exhilarated.

On the contrary, there are people who prefer going to restaurants every day. In the busy world that we live in today, time is a precious gift. This is the main reason why so many people give up cooking and eat out. In my opinion, people should, first of all, take care of their health because as is known, “The greatest wealth is health”.

Taking into consideration all mentioned above, I strongly believe that there is nothing better than home-cooked meals. But if you have something to celebrate, eating out is a brilliant choice.

(227 words)

Topical Vocabulary

Spare time

1) spare/free/leisure time — свободное время, досуг

2) recreation — восстановление сил

3) out-in-the-open — на свежем воздухе, на улице

4) outdoors/indoors — на улице/внутри дома, в помещении

5) to do one’s best — делать все от себя зависящее

6) peace and quiet — тишина и покой

7) source of inspiration — источник вдохновения

8) exhausted — истощенный, изнуренный, замученный

9) to cheer up — поднять настроение, взбодриться

10) embroidering — вышивание

11) modeling — лепка, занятие скульптурой

12) Many теп, many minds. — Сколько людей, столько мнений.

13) as the story goes — как говорят

14) there is no place like home — в гостях хорошо, а дома лучше


1) to go to the movies/cinema — ходить в кино

2) entrance ticket — входной билет

3) discounted entrance fee — плата за вход со скидкой

4) outing — прогулка

5) actors’ performance — игра актеров

6) on the silver screen — на большом экране

7) plot — сюжет, фабула

8) an enthusiastic supporter — рьяный сторонник

9) to conclude — приходить к выводу


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