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The impact of the Internet

1) social interaction — социальное взаимодействие

2) to promote — способствовать

3) to damage — вредить

4) social networks — социальные сети

5) to get in touch with somebody — оставаться на связи с кем-либо, связаться с кем-либо

6) to lose touch with somebody — потерять связь с кем-либо

7) to be abreast of the news — быть в курсе новостей

8) to extend the limits of communication — расширять границы общения

9) face-to-face communication — непосредственная коммуникация

10) to maintain balance — поддерживать баланс

11) to strike up an acquaintance with some­body — завязывать знакомство с кем-либо

Parental control

1) essential part — неотъемлемая часть

2) invention — изобретение

3) to lag behind — отставать (в учебе)

4) to go out — бывать в обществе, встречаться

5) to install — инсталлировать, устанавливать (программу)

6) parental control — программа родительского контроля ком­пьютера

7) pop-up — всплывающее окно

8) to surf the Internet — бродить по Интернету, переходить с одного сайта на другой

9) to make acquaintances — заводить знакомства

10) to apprehend distinctly — отчетливо понимать

11) reference material — справочный материал

12) tutorial — учебное пособие, обучающая программа

Online dating

1) soul mate — родственная душа, вторая половинка

2) (one’s) other half — вторая половинка

3) to widen the circle of acquaintances — расширить круг знакомых

4) reserved person — замкнутый, необщительный человек

5) shy — скромный, стеснительный

6) to confide in somebody — доверяться кому-либо

7) to date — встречаться, ходить на свидания

8) chat room — клуб по интересам в Интернет

9) mutual interests — общие интересы

10) interlocutor — собеседник

11) close relationships — близкие, доверительные отношения

12) worshipper — поклонник

13) to boost one’s confidence — повышать самооценку

14) to inquire— наводить справки, разузнавать, выяснять

15) tryst — назначенная встреча, свидание

16) outlooks on life — взгляд на жизнь

17) purposes of acquaintance — цели знакомства

18) to coincide — совпадать

19) Marriages are made in Heaven. — Браки заключаются на небесах (идиома).

20) marriage swindler — брачный аферист

Vocabulary Exercises

1. Translate into English:

1) Интернет расширяет границы общения.

2) Все больше и больше современных подростков предпочитают сидеть в чатах, а не проводить время со своими друзьями.

3) Многие дети, подверженные негативному влиянию компьютерных игр, начинают пропускать занятия в школе и сильно отстают по программе от своих сверстников.

4) Необходимо упомянуть о программе родительского контроля, которая помогает взрослым контролировать время, проведенное их детьми в Интернете, а также ограничивать доступ к запрещенным сайтам.

5) Дети должны использовать Интернет в образовательных целях, а не переходить с одного сайта на другой.

6) Многие люди всю жизнь пытаются найти свою вторую половинку.

7) В клубе по интересам можно всегда найти собеседника, с кем можно обсудить волнующие проблемы.

8) Браки заключаются на небесах.

10) Многие люди общаются с поклонниками в сети целыми сутками в надежде найти свою родственную душу.

11) Романы через Интернет очень часто перерастают в романтические свидания в реальной жизни.

12) Если вы хотите расширить круг своих знакомых, зарегистрируйтесь в социальных сетях и постарайтесь найти собеседника, который будет разделять ваши интересы, взгляды на жизнь и убеждения.

13) Прежде чем встретиться с потенциальным поклонником, необходимо навести о нем справки и убедиться, что он не маньяк или брачный аферист.

14) Интернет помогает необщительным и стеснительным людям раскрыться и поднять самооценку.

15) Можно говорить о том, что виртуальный роман перерастет в большое чувство, если цели вашего знакомства и взгляды на жизнь совпадают.

16) Интернет стал неотъемлемой частью жизни многих людей.

17) На ваш компьютер необходимо установить антивирусную программу, которая будет блокировать всплывающие окна.

18) Благодаря социальным сетям люди больше не будут терять связь со своими друзьями и родственниками, которые живут в других городах.

19) Лично я не могу представить свою жизнь без Интернета.

20) Сегодня благодаря Интернету можно заводить друзей со всего мира, узнавать много нового об их традициях и образе жизни, а также практиковать английский язык.

21) Интернет помогает мне оставаться на связи с друзьями, быть в курсе новостей и находить массу полезной информации, включая редкие издания книг, энциклопедии и словари.

2. Give English equivalents for the following phrases:

Вторая половинка, расширять круг знакомых, взгляд на жизнь, оставаться на связи с друзьями, быть в курсе новостей, доверительные отношения, непосредственная коммуникация, поддерживать баланс, заводить знакомства, неотъемлемая часть, отставать в учебе от сверстников, строить крепкие взаимоотношения.

3. Give the synonyms to the following words and phrases:

To have an impact on somebody; approach to life; unsociable; bashful; would be admirer; rendezvous; mischievous; trust somebody; to go out (on dates); be w ell-informed about something; to do harm



Sample Essays

Some people think that distant learning is the perfect alternative to traditional education.

Nowadays distant education that offers lots of educational courses and programs for all tastes and budgets is becoming increasingly popular among people of all ages. In my opinion, it has lots of benefits, indeed. I would like to express my opinion on this problem.

It is general knowledge that distant education is a brilliant possibility for many people to study from home or work. There are several reasons for it. First of all, online education suits physically challenged people. Secondly, it can be convenient for people with limited schedules who combine work and studies or simultaneously train at several institutions. Thirdly, online education attracts lots of students living in remote areas.

On the contrary, there are people who believe that there is nothing better than traditional education. They insist that the interaction with teachers and other students is essential. There is a great deal of truth in what they say. Face-to-face conversation is very important for all people. Moreover, some of them are not proficient in the Internet. Others need special attention and tutorial assistance.

Taking into consideration all mentioned above, I think that online learning can be alternative to traditional education but cannot replace it. In my judgment, its growing popularity in the future is evident but there will always be its opponents who prefer face-to-face interaction.

(217 words)

English is the only language anyone needs learning at school. Do you agree with this statement? What is your opinion?

It is common knowledge that English today is the mostly spoken and understood language in the whole world. Some people are convinced that it should be the only language taught at school. In my opinion, the more languages you know the more qualified worker you are. So, do we need other foreign languages besides English?

According to Goethe, “Those who know nothing of foreign languages know nothing of their own.” I fully agree with this quotation. In my judgment, schoolchildren should study at least two languages. Firstly, experts say that more than ninety percent of the world population is not English speaking. Secondly, learning languages improves the educability and opens your mind. Thirdly, people who know several languages tend to get highly-paid jobs. Moreover, if you plan to collaborate with international companies, especially Western ones you should consider Spanish and Chinese languages that are likely to gain popularity. For instance, experts say that English, Chinese, Spanish and Japanese are the economic languages of this century.

On the contrary, there are people who think that English is the only foreign language worth learning. According to their opinion, if children focus all their attention on just one language they will be able to learn it faster and more effectively. There is a great deal of truth in what they say. However, I strongly believe that the more languages you know the more educated and competent you are.

Taking into consideration all mentioned above, I would definitely recommend everyone to study several languages. Sound language skills are guarantee of success in your future career.

(261 words)

Some people think that the best way to master the language is studying it abroad.

Nowadays more and more people are interested in studying foreign languages. The question is whether to study a language abroad or a native country. In my judgment, benefits of studying abroad are indisputable.

Firstly, as a student residing, you are totally immersed in the language both in and outside of school. You have to carry out all daily activities like reading traffic signs, asking for directions or eating out with friends in the target language. Secondly, if you live with a host family you will definitely improve your conversational skills. Thirdly, you avoid speaking your mother’s tongue. You watch films, listen to music and carry out regular tasks in the language of the host country. Moreover, all school subjects are also taught in a foreign language.

However, some people think that one can succeed without ever visiting a target country. In their opinion, there are lots of language programs to choose from in the local area. In my experience, I can assert that the best way to learn a language is full immersion. People who take up immersion program s improve their conversational skills and master the language much better than those who study in a local country.

Taking into consideration all mentioned above I strongly believe that if you take up language courses abroad you become not only fluent in a new language, but also learn about traditions, culture and lifestyle of the target language country. All in all, the best way of learning a language is to immerse in the environment of your target language.

(257 words)

Many people consider that private schools are more effective than public schools. Do you agree with this statement? What is your opinion?

Nowadays many people face a difficult decision when they choose a school for their children. The question is whether to send them to a private school or to a state school. In my opinion, private schools are more beneficial.

Firstly, most private schools have small class sizes. Hence, schoolchildren have more opportunities to form close relationships with their teachers and peers, which can lead to friendly environment in the class and effective knowledge acquisition. Secondly, the staff of private schools pays greater attention to self-discipline of their students. In case of misbehavior or lack of attention pupils are at risk of suspension. Thirdly, in private schools there are lots of extracurricular activities such as drama, chess, acting or soccer that can be interesting to schoolchildren. Moreover, children can consult their tutors any time they have difficulties in their homework.

Nevertheless, let us consider this problem from another angle. Some people still prefer public schools to private schools. The reason for it is high tuition fees. However, there are many governmental programs where discounted fees are applied.

Taking into consideration all mentioned above, I strongly believe that private schools are more beneficial. Children of these schools tend to be more self-disciplined, have better results in studies and, thanks to extracurricular classes, develop their artistic talents.

(214 words)

Topical Vocabulary

Distant education

1) distant education — дистанционное (заочное) образование

2) online learning — дистанционное образование

3) physically challenged people — люди с ограниченными физическими возможностями (инвалиды)

4) the disabled — инвалиды

5) simultaneously — одновременно

6) to train — обучаться, тренироваться

7) remote areas — отдаленные территории

8) to be proficient in — владеть навыками

9) tutor — преподаватель, наставник

10) tutorial — 1) наставнический; 2) учебное пособие; 3) консультация с преподавателем (в учебном заведении)

11) assistance — помощь, содействие

12) interaction — взаимодействие


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