Abridged vs. unabridged versions
1) abridged version — сокращенная версия (книги) 2) to be deep in thoughts — погружаться в размышления 3) intricate/contrived plot — запутанный, сложный сюжет; сюжет со множеством хитросплетений сюжетных линий 4) underlying message — подтекст 5) stylistic devices — стилистические приемы 6) metaphor — метафора 7) epithet — эпитет 8) allusion — аллюзия 9) thought-provoking — наводящий на размышления 10) the whole range of emotions — целая гамма ощущений Eating out vs. staying in 1) to eat out — питаться вне дома 2) to stay in — оставаться дома 3) with every passing day — с каждым днем 4) in the bosom of one’s family — в кругу семьи 5) home-cooked meals — домашняя еда 6) salubrious food — здоровая еда 7) on special occasions — по особым случаям 8) to take for granted — воспринимать что-либо как нечто само собой разумеющееся 9) exhilarated — 1) в приподнятом настроении, веселый, радостный; 2) навеселе, захмелевший
Vocabulary Exercises /. Translate into English: 1) Некоторые люди предпочитают проводить свой досуг дома, в то время как другие не могут представить своей жизни без активного отдыха на свежем воздухе. 2) Мои друзья часто приходят ко мне в гости, чтобы обсудить понравившиеся фильмы и книги. 3) Я предпочитаю читать книги в оригинале. Только так можно по-настоящему прикоснуться к творчеству писателя. 4) У этого романа очень сложный и запутанный сюжет. 5) Я очень люблю проводить свои выходные в тишине и покое. 6) Сколько людей, столько мнений. 7) Книги — это источник вдохновения и знаний. 8) Многие люди предпочитают смотреть фильмы на большом экране. 9) Мы с друзьями часто устраиваем пикники и наслаждаемся природой. 10) Музыка обладает чудотворным действием и всегда может поднять настроение 11) Писатели в своих произведениях часто используют стилистические приемы, такие как метафоры или эпитеты.
12) В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше. 13) По особым случаям она обычно готовит свое фирменное блюдо и печет пироги. 14) Вы можете превратить обычный поход в кино в настоящий праздник, если соберете всех своих друзей и продумаете план действий. 15) В фойе кинотеатра можно приобрести попкорн и прохладительные напитки. 16) Многие люди утверждают, что им легче сосредоточиться на сюжете фильма в домашней обстановке, а не в кинотеатре. 17) Она воспринимала все походы в рестораны как само собой разумеющееся и не испытывала радости от встречи с друзьями. 18) Я предпочитаю готовить дома и проводить свободное время в кругу семьи. 19) Когда ты готовишь для своей семьи, то всегда покупаешь самые свежие и полезные продукты, которые не содержат вредных пищевых добавок. 20) Питаться дома гораздо дешевле, чем в ресторанах.
FRIENDSHIP Sample Essays • Some people think that true friendship does not exist, while others cannot imagine their life without faithful friends. What is your opinion? The proverb says, “Who finds a faithful friend, finds a treasure”. It is true, indeed. Friendship is a precious gift. It is evident that in the course of life we meet lots of people, but not all of them become our friends. As far as I am concerned, I have a few lifelong friends and love them with all my heart. So, does true friendship really exist? Personally, I cannot imagine my life without friends. First of all, they support me, give advice and make my life happier. Secondly, I can share all my secrets, joys and sorrows with them. For instance, when I am in the blues and deep gloom they always try to cheer me up. As is known, false friends leave you when you get into troubles, and only true friends do their best to help you out. Thirdly, life without friendship would be dull and meaningless. Only our friends make it eventful and cheerful. On the contrary, there are those who do not believe in real friendship. According to their point of view, it is much better to rely only on yourself. I completely disagree with this statement. In my experience, only people who live in disappointment and bitterness may be afraid of making friends. All in all, I strongly believe that true friendship does exist. In my judgment, friends are as vitally important as water and air. (232 words) • The proverb says, “A broken friendship may be soldered but will never be sound”. Do you agree with this statement? What is your opinion? Friendship is a very fragile and rare thing. In my judgment, people must cherish it as the apple of their eye. “A friend is the one who comes in when the whole world has gone out”, Grace Pulpit said. It is true, indeed. However, sometimes we lose our friends, and it is always very painful and sad. But it seems to me there is nothing to be done.
To begin with, if someone betrays you once, be sure, he betrays you twice. What is more, perhaps, it is possible to forgive your ex-friend, but it is impossible to open up and rely on him anymore. Besides, if you do not want to be betrayed, you should analyze your friend’s actions and judgments. For instance, if someone condemns or envies others, he may have the same feelings towards you. Last but not least, if your friends let you alone with your problems, at first you feel disappointed and frustrated, but then you feel that in your heart there is no place left for them. On the contrary, some people consider that loyal friends must forgive each other. There is a great deal of truth in what they say. In my judgment, people should be tolerant to others’ mistakes. However, to forgive is not to forget. It is unbearably difficult to scrub away some misdeeds and past actions of your ex-friends who let you down. Taking into consideration all mentioned above, I think that a broken friendship cannot be mended. If you want to save your relationship with friends, never betray them and never let them down. (265 words) • Some people believe that friendship between men and women is real, while others consider that it is a myth. What is your opinion? What is the basis of true friendship? It is confidence, common interests, support and understanding. So, why people of opposite sexes cannot be friends? In my opinion, they can. I strongly believe that friendship between men and women exists. Firstly, men and women can share knowledge of life with each other. For instance, when the conversation turns to love or relationship, people of opposite sexes can give each other wise and useful advice. Secondly, friendship between men and women does not imply any rivalry. Thirdly, men and women may have common interests and hobbies. So, they feel comfortable together. Finally, when they go out, women feel safer with men than with their girl-friends. On the contrary, there are people who think that there is no real friendship between men and women. They do not believe in platonic relationship and consider that one of the partners is in love or cherish kindly feelings to the other one. I completely disagree with this statement. In my experience, I have got a male friend since childhood and love him like my brother. We often spend time together and both of us have our soul mates. Our friendship is time-proven. As Homer would say, “A sympathetic friend can be quite as dear as a brother”. In conclusion, it should be noted that although some people consider that friendship between opposite sexes is just a utopia, I am convinced that it is a reality. My personal view is that platonic relationship is the most reliable and confidential. (252 words) • As is known, “A friend in need is a friend indeed”. Do you agree with this statement? What is your opinion? What is a true friend? Some people believe that a true friend is a person who divides all your sorrows and failures, always supports you and gives useful advice, while others think that a faithful friend is one who shares your happiness and never envies you. Personally, I consider that friends should be there with you both in good times and in bad times. To begin with, friendship should not be based on envy. It means that if you are more successful and prosperous, your friend should enjoy your success. Another thing that should be mentioned is support. True friends always side with you, even when the whole world turns its back on you. Besides, a true friend is a person who always helps you out when you are in trouble. However, there are people who insist that friendship should be based on deep devotion. According to their point of view, everyone will be there for you when you are cheerful and wealthy, but not everyone will be there for you when you are in need. There is a great deal of truth in what they say. But in my judgment, friendship is a well-balanced issue.
Taking into consideration all mentioned above, I strongly believe that true friends are with you in joy and in sorrows, in sickness and in health. As the Swedish proverb says, “Friendship doubles our joy and divides our grief’. (234 words) Topical Vocabulary True friendship 1) true friendship — настоящая дружба 2) Who finds a faithful friend, finds a treasure. — Тот, кто находит настоящего друга, находит сокровище. 3) sorrow — горе, печаль, грусть 4) to be in the blues — быть в унынии, в подавленном настроении 5) deep gloom — глубокое уныние 6) disappointment — разочарование 7) bitterness — 1) горечь, обида; 2) злоба, озлобленность, раздражительность 8) to get into troubles — попасть в беду 9) to help out — помогать в трудную минуту, выручать 10) meaningless — бессмысленный 11) eventful — наполненный, богатый событиями 12) to rely on somebody — полагаться на кого-либо 13) to trust — доверять 14) vitally important — жизненно важный, необходимый Broken friendship 1) A broken friendship may be soldered but will never be sound. — Разбитую дружбу можно склеить, но она никогда не будет прочной (пословица). 2) fragile — хрупкий 3) to cherish as the apple of their eye — беречь как зеницу ока 4) “A friend is the one who comes in when the whole world has gone out.” — Настоящий друг — это тот, кто придет к вам на помощь даже тогда, когда от вас отвернулся весь мир (Grace Pulpit). 5) to betray —- предавать 6) to condemn — осуждать, порицать 7) to envy — завидовать 8) frustrated — расстроенный, разочарованный, опустошенный 9) loyal friend — верный, преданный, настоящий друг 10) 10) tolerant — терпимый, толерантный 11) misdeed — плохой поступок 12) to let down — подводить кого-то, бросать в беде 13) broken friendship cannot be mended. — Разбитую дружбу не склеить (пословица). 14) to open up — раскрываться, разоткровенничаться
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