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Ex. 16. Change the statements according to the model.

Model: I don't work on Saturdays. — I used to work on Saturdays last year (when I was young...).

1. I never take a taxi to go to work. 2. I hardly ever watch TV now. 3. People do not very often go to the cinema today. 4. She is old and sick. 5. She has few close friends. 6. He doesn't read any papers. 7. He is always late for work. 8. We don't go out much nowadays. 9. Classes at school begin at nine. 10. My brother doesn't come home until 11. 11. He is a university professor now. 12. The place is so nice and clean! 13. She is so pretty and attractive. 14. The Tower of London is a museum now. 15. London is one of the biggest cities in the world. 16. There is a big supermarket near our house.


Ex. 17.Write some sentences about Denis who started following his friend Henry's life-style. Denis stopped doing some things and started doing other things.

Denis was in time for work.

didn't keep late hours.

worked in his garden.

Henry was always late every­where.

read only thrillers. travelled a lot.

Make sentences like these:

Denis used to be in time for work.

He never used to read thrillers or: He didn't use to read thrillers.


Ex. 18.Say what you used to like or do when you were: a baby, a small child, at school, in your last year at school.


Ex. 19.Fill in the blanks with either used to or would.

1. When I was a schoolboy I... walk to school. 2. This man... go to work by bus until he bought a car. 3. Now she gets up earlier than she... before. 4. They... take part in every meeting. 5. He... work here from time to time. 6. This interpreter doesn't work so as he... five years ago. 7. We... celebrate all the holidays together till we moved to Moscow.

Ex. 20.Translate from Russian into English using used to and would + Infinitive.

1. Он сейчас не такой гордый, как раньше. 2. На рыбалку мы ездили обычно на машине моего брата. 3. Сейчас он пропускает меньше занятий, чем, бывало, раньше. 4. Раньше он очень часто заходил к нам, пока не переехал в новый район. 5. Обычно мы многое успевали сделать, когда вставали рано. 6. Теперь она избегает ходить туда так часто, как раньше. 7. Он, бывало, появлялся в доме своей матери неожиданно и так же неожиданно исчезал. 8. Она, бывало, часами сидела у открытого окна, глядя на лес за холмом. 9. Иногда она жаловалась на свою трудную жизнь, и ей становилось легче. 10. Я лично думаю, что теперь вы говорите по-английски лучше, чем раньше. 11. Теперь он совсем не курит, так как у него плохое здоровье, а ведь раньше он курил сигарету за сигаретой. 12. Он начал изучать французский, а в детстве он занимался английским с частным преподавателем. 13. Когда-то он был весьма состоятельным человеком.


    affirmative negative interrogative
The Future Simple Употребляется для обозначения однократного или повторного действия, которое состоится в будущем (tomorrow, next week, in two days, in 2020). I, We shall come He, She, It, You, will come They I, We shall notcome (shan`t) He, She, It, You, will not come They (won’t) Shall I, We come? He, She, Will It, You, come? They
The Future Continuous Для обозначения действия, которое будет происходить в определенное время в будущем (at 6 o’clock tomorrow, when she comes). I, We shall be working He, She, It, You, will be They working I, We shall not be working He, She, It, You, will not be They working Shall I, We be working? He, She, They Will It, Yoube working?
The Future Perfect Для выражения действий, которые будут завершены до указанного момента в будущем (before the bell, by that time, by the end of the year). I, We shall have worked/ come He, She, It, You, will have They worked/ come I, We shall not have worked/ come He, She, It, You, will not have They worked/ come Shall I, We have worked/ come? He, She, They Will It, You, have worked/ come?
The Future Perfect Continuous Для выражения длительного действия, которое, начавшись в опред. момент в будущем, будет продолжаться в течение некоторого периода времени (for 2 hours, for 5 days). I, We shall have been working He, She, It, You, will have They been working I, We shall not have been working He, She, It, You, will not have They been working Shall I, We have been working? He, She, They Will It, You, have been working?


Примечание: The Future Simple не употребляется в придаточных предложениях времени и условия после союзов if, when, till, until, before, after, as soon as, as long as, unless, on condition that, provided, in case. В этих предложениях вместо The Future Simple употребляется The Present Simple, хотя глагол на русский язык переводится будущим временем.

I shall ask him about it when he arrives.

We shall play volleyball if it doesn’t rain.


WHEN В определительных и изъяснительных придаточных употребляется The Future Simple. I don’t know when they will arrive.  
В придаточных предложениях времени The Future Simple не употребляется. But when they arrive, I’ll inform you.
IF «ли» -употребляется The Future Simple. I don’t know if he will agree.
«если» -неупотребляется The Future Simple. But if he agrees, I’ll call you.


Ways of talking about the future

The Present Simple Употребляется для обозначения расписания. What time does the lecture begin? The plane takes off at 7.00.
The Present Continuous Для обозначения запланированного действия. What are you doing tonight? My sister is leaving tomorrow.
To be going to Намереваться, собираться что-либо делать. I am going to the football match. Are you going to watch the ten o’clock news?

Ех. 1. Use the proper form of the verbs using The Future Simple or The Present Simple.

1. I hope that kindness as well as justice (be) the guide of all people in future.

2. Don't get off the bus till it (stop). - Don't worry, I (not, do) it.

3. You mustn't cross the street until the light (change).

4. If you (look) after the luggage, I (buy) the tickets. - Sure, I (do) it.

5. You (get) home by bus or by taxi tomorrow? - I (take) a taxi.

6. I (see) you home? - No, thanks. I (go) home with my school friend.

7. If the car (be) out of order again, you (have to) call the service station, but I doubt if they (be able to) serve it very quickly.

8. Nobody (know) what (happen) in ten or twenty years if life (get) tougher and tougher.

9. I wonder if they (turn) to us if any need (arise).

10. My little son (want) to know if there (be) some cartoons on TV on Saturday. If there (be) some, he certainly (watch) them.

11. Everybody (be interested) if the weather (change) for the better next week.

12. I (leave) a message at the office in case the customer (phone). But it's difficult to say if he (do) it today.

13. He (wonder) if Caroline (change) her mind about going to the party. If that (happen), he'll be really glad.

14. Nobody can definitely tell us when he (come) back from London. But as soon as he (return), we (get in touch) with him.

15. —If Linda (want) to learn Italian, she (have to) attend a special course. — I wonder if it (cost) her a lot.

16. I (be) always by your side as long as you (promise) to listen to me.



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