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Ex..1. Complete the sentences using the appropriate derivatives of the words in brackets.

1. I had a... with the boss about the work I was doing, so I left. (agree) 2. It's a good idea in theory, but rather.... (practice) 3. He isn't fit for such a... job. He's... at making decisions. (response, hope) 4. Most people nowadays regard television as a... rather than a luxury. (necessary) 5. Having our passports stolen was a rather... start to our holiday. (fortune) 6. I did a very stupid thing, but... nobody saw me. (luck) 7. I like this car. It's always been very.... (rely) 8. You are always.... Isn't there anything that makes you happy? (misery) 9. It was a very... experience and it took a long time to get over it. (upset) 10. The road signs were so... that I didn't know which way to go. (confuse) 11. I'm afraid he's got very... habits. (irritate) 12. It was only after a great deal of persistence that I got a... answer. (satisfy) 13. It takes a lot of determination to... in a... business. (success, compete) 14. His arrogant attitude made him... with the other people in the office. (popular) 15. That was a rather... remark. You've obviously upset him. (tact)


Ex. 2. Use the words given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line.

A. Architects responsible for the (CONSTRUCT) of many skyscrapers believe that a tall building must always have a certain minimum (WIDE) but that there is no limit to its absolute (HIGH). This means that the skyscrapers of the future are likely to be even taller. Engineers agree with this, but there is (AGREE) over the best shape for very tall, slim buildings. The effects of wind (PRESS) mean that cylindrical designs have enjoyed some (POPULAR) in recent years, and these are quite pleasing to the eye.

Would these tall buildings of the future offer more than a (WONDER) view? Some believe tall towers could contain all the (REQUIRE) for modern living. The (INHABIT) of these vertical villages would travel up and down between their home and work zones and would (RARE) need to journey to the ground level.

B. The site of the town of Winchester was a (NATURE) place for (SETTLE), at the point where a river cut through the chalk of the (SOUTH) hillsides. A simple camp at St.Catherine's Hill was the (EARLY) known use of the site. It was the Romans who finally established the town and (ROUND) it with a defensive wall for the protection of their people and trade. With the (BUILD) of its first cathedral in the seventh century, the town became an important (RELIGION) centre. Later, King Alfred, who had (SUCCESS) pushed back the invading Danes, moved his palace to Winchester. The town then experienced rapid (DEVELOP), and its (CENTRE) role in English history was underlined in 1066 when the conquering Normans, like Alfred, made Winchester their capital.


Ex. 3. Choose the correct variant.

1. She asked the star for his … on the back of the table napkin.

1) sign 3) signature

2) signaship 4) signal

2. I’have to do another … of the material.

2) revisement 3) revisation

1) revision 4) revise

3. The desease is highly … so he’s in an isolation ward now.

1) infectful 3) infectinate

2) infected 4) infectious

4. Hobbies … our outlook and help us to relax.

1) broad 3) brodify

2) brodinate 4) broaden

5. Seven o’clock of Saturday is a very … time for an appointment.

1) inconvenient 3) illconvenient

2) imconvenient 4) disconvenien

6. Last night Joe was arrested on … the lawn.

1) suspect 3) suspicion

2) suspectence 4) suspectness

7. I send you … from all of us.

1) greets 3) greetnesses

2) greetings 4) greetances

8. This car is very …. It needs little petrol.

1) economicable 3) economizing

2) economical 4) economically

9. I feel hot in this suit and tie. I’m going to … my collar.

1) loose 3) looser

2) loosen 4) lose

10. Several … customers brought their television sets back to the shop.

1) dissatisfied 3) missatisfied

2) illsatisfied 4) insatisfied

11. She played the piano well at the … last night.

1) competence 3) competition

2) competitor 4) competission

12. When I got on the plane for the first time I felt a … of emotions.

1) mix 3) misture

2) mixer 4) mixing

13. We’ve completely run out of … oil.

1) cooked 3) cookery

2) cooking 4) cook

14. He … his steps when he saw the train approaching the station.

1) quicklied 3) quickened

2) quicked 4) quickered

15. … expressions are not usually used by educated people.

1) unstandard 3) non-standard

2) instandard 4) imstandard




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