Education in Alaska. Speak on the educational programmes of Alaska. Grammar Review. There + to be. There is/are; was/were
Education in Alaska There is much … debate among teachers of different nations how to improve education in … natural conditions. Organisation of some … programmes might be a solution to the problem. This is what American teachers say about school … in Alaska. Just think of Alaska! Terrible winter cold of -50C, soft white snow everywhere around, the bright blue sky above, and small wooden houses at the distance of eighty hundred, two hundred and over kilometers from one another. Few … grow in Alaska. Young children of Eskimos, Indians and white Americans traditionally help the … to hunt and fish, because the family’s wealth still … on these. Public life does not … much social activity in this severe region. However, local school education …of: elementary and … just like in any other American town or village. Also, … school for children of 6-12 often includes pre-school activity for little children of four and five. It may be a shock for an outsider to see the adults … in the sledges, primitively run by dogs, in contract to their five year-old son watching an … video film and their seven year-old daughter studying the … of Roman civilization at the computer. According to the government programmes once in two weeks a teacher arrives in the plane to every Alaska child to check his academic progress< and to give him new tasks, and new computer programmes. The children, living in Alaska today … faster than children of other regions and easily pass difficult exams to most prestigious universities and colleges of the U. S. and Canada. Yes, life among the Alaska nature … severe, but it makes the children active and strong. Modern school and higher education help them become the most original and unique in their scientific, engineering, and business ideas. So, why not go to Alaska if you want to be … of your children.
Speak on the educational programmes of Alaska.
Grammar Review. There + to be
Оборот there + to be (есть, имеется, существует, находится) указывает на наличие (или отсутствие) в определенном месте или временном отрезке какого-либо лица или предмета. Перевод предложений с этим оборотом следует начинать с обстоятельства места или времени.
There is a newspaper on the table. - На столе (есть, имеется, находится) газета. There was a meeting at the University last week. - На прошлой неделе в университете было собрание. Will there be a meeting at the University tomorrow? – Завтра в университете будет собрание?
There is/are; was/were
Утвердительнаяформа Отрицательная форма
Is a book isn’t a desk was wasn’t
Were weren’t room Вопросительная форма Краткие ответы
Is a table Yes, there is. No, there isn’t
Was there any tables in the class? Yes, there are. No, there aren’t. Were Yes, there were. No, there weren’t.
Are there any pictures on the wall. No, there aren’t. There will be Утвердительная форма : There will be a good film on TV tomorrow. Отрицательная форма There won’t (will not) be a good film on TV tomorrow. Вопросительная форма : Will there be a good film on TV tomorrow? Краткая форма: Yes, there will be. No, there won’t be. Exercise 1. Translate the following sentences.
1. There's a good TV set in our classroom. 2. There's a big reading-hall in our library. 3. There's a bus at 8. 30. 4. There are several departments in our University. 5. Are there any letters for me today? - Yes, there are. / No, there aren't. 6. How many players are there in a football team? - There are 11 players in a football team. 7. There was a good film on TV last night. 8. There were 15 students at the previous English lesson. 9. Were there any letters for me yesterday? 10. When I entered our library there were a lot of newspapers to read. 11. The teacher on history is leaving, so there will be a new teacher soon. ’ 12. Do you think there will be many people at the conference on Friday? Exercise 2. Use: There is / there isn't/ Is there / there are / there aren't / are there.
1. Klin is an old town. … many old buildings in it 2. … a photograph of your friend in the newspaper. 3. Excuse me, ... a cinema near there? - Yes, at the end of the street. 4. ... five people in my family: my parents, my two sisters and me. 5. How many students... in the class? - Fifteen. 6. ... no lecture halls in this small building. 7. ... a good library in your university? 8. ... many books and magazines in our university library. 9. ... no scientific magazines on this shelf. 10. ... anything on television tonight? - Yes, ... a film at 8. 15 p. m.
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