Do not spin the bearing with compressed air because this will damage the bearing surfaces. 11 глава
1 Rear brake lock lever cable
2 Throttle cable (decelerator cable, double lock-nut)
3 Fast idle inlet hose
4 Rear brake hose
5 A.C. magneto lead
6 Fuel tank breather hose
7 Coolant hose
8 Sidestand switch
9 Fast idle outlet hose
0 Radiator outlet hose A Crankcase breather hose
B Throttle cable (accelerator cable, single locknut)
11 Pass the rear brake lock lever cable to the cable guide.
12 Route the wire harness through the frame guide. At this time, place the protector (for the handle cover inner side) on the bottom side.
K Pass the fuel tank breather hose by the outside of the wire harness.
T Pass the wire harness by the outside of the rear footrest mounting boss. (When installing the rear footrest, do not catch or pinch the A.C. magneto lead in the bracket.)
7. Fasten the wire harness to the frame with a plas-tic holder.
• Pass the storage box light switch lead by the front of the frame back stay pipe. 1 Fasten the sidestand switch lead to the frame with a plastic holder.
• Pass the speed sensor lead to the lead holder (2 locations).
10 Route the wire harness against the stay 1 wire guide.
3) Fasten the lean angle cut-off switch lead to the stay 1 with a plastic band. Face the band end to the downward.
4) Route the lean angle cut-off switch lead through the back of the mirror stay (cross pipe).
• Fasten the cooling system air bleed hose to the frame with a plastic holder. • Fasten the rear brake lock lever cable to the frame with a plastic holder.
5. Be sure not to pinch the storage box light switch lead when installing the fuel tank.
4. Connect the fuel injector leads and intake air pressure sensor lead, storage box light switch lead to the pipe guide with a plastic holder. Con-nect the couplers in right side of the holder.
5. Pass the wire harness and seat lock cable through the guide.
7. Fasten the negative battery lead and the starter motor lead to the frame with a plastic holder.
7. Fasten the fuel tank breather hose to the frame with a plastic holder.
4. Pass the seat lock cable (black) between the negative battery lead, starter motor lead and the frame.
5. Connect the seat lock cable (black) to the right seat lock. 6. Route the negative battery lead and the fuse box lead from the storage box opening to the bottom of the cross pipe.
7. Route the fuse box lead above the starter motor lead.
• Place the rubber cover over the starter relay, starter relay coupler, positive battery lead termi-nal, and starter motor lead terminal.
• Align the plastic clamp with the white tape on the wire harness and fasten to the frame.
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