Do not spin the bearing with compressed air because this will damage the bearing surfaces. 9 глава
K Rear brake lock lever cable
L Negative battery lead
M Seat lock cable (left)
N Frame
O Wire harness
P Storage box
Q V-belt replacement indicator reset coupler lead R O2 sensor lead
S Fuel hose И After adjusting the adjustment nut, attach the front and rear parts of the boot tightly.
Й Pass the seat lock cable between wire harness and frame.
К Use the plastic holder on the back of the frame to hold the radiator fan motor lead.
Л Connect the wire harness (wire taped area) to the T stud of frame.
М Pass the main switch lead between stay 1 and seat lock cable.
Н After connecting the wire harness and meter assembly lead, use a plastic holder to connect
them to stay 1.
О After connecting the left headlight sub-wire har-ness and wire harness (by matching the coupler colors), fold back the lead facing to the right and insert it into the air filter case rib.
П Connect the wire harness to the headlight sub-wire harness (cowling side).
Р Fasten the headlight and turn signal sub-wire harness to the stay 1 with a plastic holder. С Fasten the ECU (engine) lead to the stay 1 with a plastic holder. When fastening them using a plastic holder, make sure not to cross the branch leads.
Т Fasten the coolant reservoir hose to the stay 1 with a plastic holder.
У Route the ignition coil lead through the inside of the ignition coil bracket.
Ф Fasten the radiator fan motor lead and sidestand switch lead to the frame with a plastic holder.
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