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Gallstones. The endocrine system


Phonetic exercise: crystalline [‘kristə lain], abnormal [æ b’n : mə l], components [kə m’pə unə nts], accretion [ə ’kri: ∫ n], concretion [kə ’kri: ∫ n], biliary [’biliə ri], inherited [in’heritid], attack [ə ’tæ k], motility [m ‘tiliti], diet [daiə t], obstruction [ə bs‘trΛ k∫ n], components [kə m’poʊ nə nts], nausea [‘n : siə ], indigestion [, indi‘d3est∫ n], percussion [pə ’kΛ ∫ n; pə: ’kΛ ∫ n], palpation [pæ l’pei∫ n], imaging [‘imid3iŋ ], techniques [tek’ni: ks], cholangiography [, k lə nd3ai’ græ fi], sonography  [, sə u‘n græ fi], ultrasound [, Λ ltrə ‘saund], resuscitation [ri, sΛ si‘tei∫ n], procedures [prə u‘si: d3ə z], laparoscopy [, læ pə ‘r skə pi], bile [bail], lithotripsy [‘liθ , tripsi], cholecystectomy     [, k lisis’tektə mi], incision [in’si3n], puncture [‘pΛ nkt∫ ə ]

Make a report on gallstones according to the plan below:


Definition: the presence of stones in the gallbladder or bile ducts, crystalline bodies formed within the body by accretion (growth) or concretion of normal or abnormal bile components.

Size: as small as a sand grain or as large as a golf ball.

Location: in any part of the biliary system.

Causes: a combination of factors, including inherited body chemistry, body weight, gallbladder motility (movement), and perhaps diet.

Symptoms, signs, clinical manifestations, clinical features: asymptomatic initially, “silent stones”; a gallstone " attack", also known as biliary colic: intense pain in the upper abdominal region that steadily increases for approximately thirty minutes to several hours; pain in the back, ordinarily between the shoulder blades, or pain under the right shoulder; pain in the lower region of the abdomen, nearer to the pelvis; sharp and intensely painful attacks are, similar to that of a kidney stone attack; nausea and vomiting, abdominal bloating, intolerance of fatty foods, belching, gas, and indigestion.

Evaluation: History: a personal medical history, a medication history, a family history, an alcohol consumption history, an infectious disease history, a social history, an occupational history, etc.

Physical examination: observation, percussion, palpation, and auscultation.

Instrumental evaluation: non-invasive imaging techniques, an abdominal ultrasound that shows the ultrasonic shadows of the stones in the gallbladder; liver function blood tests; cholangiography.

Treatment: medications; lithotripsy for a small number of gallstones; cholecystectomy (gallbladder removal) (a 99% chance of eliminating the recurrence of cholelithiasis).

Two surgical options for cholecystectomy: open cholecystectomy: via an incision into the abdomen (laparotomy) below the right lower ribs; laparoscopic cholecystectomy: via three to four small puncture holes for a camera and instruments.


Phonetic exercise: endocrine [‘end ukrain; ‘end ukrin; ‘end ukri: n], exocrine [‘eksə ukrain; ‘eksə ukrin]; control [kə n’tr ul], pancreas [‘pæ ŋ kriə s; ‘pæ ŋ kriæ s; ‘pæ nkriə s], enzymes [‘enzaimz], hormones [’h : mə unz], insulin [‘insjə lin; ‘insjulin], hypothalamus [, haipə u’θ æ lə mə s], pituitary [pi’tju: itə ri], pineal [‘pi: niə l; pai’ni: ə l],  thyroid [‘θ air id], parathyroid [, pæ rə ‘θ air id], adrenal [ə d’ri: nə l], testes [‘testi: z], ovaries [‘ə uvə riz], placenta [plə ’sentə ], intestine [in’testin], heart [ha: t], pancreatitis [, pæ ŋ kriə ’taitis], pancreatic [, pæ ŋ kri’æ tik], cancer [‘kæ nsə ], diabetes [, daiə ’bi: ti: z]


Make a report on the endocrine system according to the plan below:

Definition: a control system of ductless glands, the organs that produce hormones: the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland, the pineal gland, the thyroid gland, the parathyroid glands, the liver, the pancreas, the adrenal glands, the testes in males, ovaries in females, and the placenta in females when pregnant as well as the heart, the stomach, the intestines, the kidneys, and the skin.

The pancreas: one of the most important parts of the endocrine system, a gland organ in the digestive and endocrine systems.

Functions: the pancreas: two major functions: exocrine (producing pancreatic juice containing digestive enzymes) and endocrine (producing several important hormones    including insulin).

Location: in the abdomen; posterior to the stomach and in close association with the duodenum.

Structure of the pancreas: the head, the neck, the body, the tail.

Size: 15-25 cm. The actual size of the pancreas is similar to a banana which has been stepped on.

The most common diseases: pancreatitis, pancreatic cancer, type 1 diabetes (insulin dependent diabetes, childhood onset diabetes), type 2 diabetes ( non-insulin dependent diabetes, adult onset diabetes), cysts,  pancreatic insufficiency, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, etc.


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